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Can't Access Ui


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I found the driver for the UART, I have all my settings and connections as the instructions say but, when I open puTTY the screen comes up, I plug in the pineapple and instead of U Boot I get nothing, nothing happens? I have the ports and pins correctly set, computer IP is is there a specific IP the pineapple shouls be set to, does that matter at this point?

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Alright, let me give this a shot.

First of all, when you plug in your pineapple, what exactly happens? I mean in regards to what lights turn on.

Does just the power light come on or does the LAN light come on for just a few seconds? (To test, hook up ethernet to computer and pineapple of course).

Now for the clean flashing part.

Are you sure that your serial board works / is the correct one?

Are you sure that you have wired it correctly to your pineapple?

You say you get nothing over serial, when you are connected over serial do any of the lights blink once you power on the pineapple?

If you don't, it is possible that the wiring is wrong.

Sorry if some of these things sound a bit silly but I just want to get a background on your issue.

Best Regards,


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ok, when i pwr on the pineapple the pwr light comes on and stays on, the WPS light blinks for 10-15 seconds then the lan light comes on and stays on. As for the serial board I'm using "CP2102 USB 2.0 to UART TTL 6PIN Module" was reccommended here..I followed the instructions as far as connecting the serial on the wiki page. crossed the two pins RX - TX ect..Nothing happens when i have serial connected and pwr on pineapple, the light do not blink they just do there normal start up cycle. It is possible this is were things get wonky for me but, idk anymore. I get puTTY to make the connection but, nothing happens. do no it it matters but the Pineapple IP is set to and does ping..I can not SSH into it, times out

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I found the driver for the UART, I have all my settings and connections as the instructions say but, when I open puTTY the screen comes up, I plug in the pineapple and instead of U Boot I get nothing, nothing happens? I have the ports and pins correctly set, computer IP is is there a specific IP the pineapple shouls be set to, does that matter at this point?

Did the pineapple ever work?

What OS are you running?

How many wired interfaces?

Static or Dynamic IPS?

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ok, when i pwr on the pineapple the pwr light comes on and stays on, the WPS light blinks for 10-15 seconds then the lan light comes on and stays on. As for the serial board I'm using "CP2102 USB 2.0 to UART TTL 6PIN Module" was reccommended here..I followed the instructions as far as connecting the serial on the wiki page. crossed the two pins RX - TX ect..Nothing happens when i have serial connected and pwr on pineapple, the light do not blink they just do there normal start up cycle. It is possible this is were things get wonky for me but, idk anymore. I get puTTY to make the connection but, nothing happens. do no it it matters but the Pineapple IP is set to and does ping..I can not SSH into it, times out

Forget about ip addresses for now. When you plug your serial adapter into your computer what port does it get? If you're running linux it's probably /dev/ttyUSB0, so you'd open up putty and change it's settings to use /dev/ttyUSB0, 115200 baud, 8n1 no flow control. When you power up the pineapple with the putty screen opened with these settings you should see the boot progress.

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