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Virgin Mobile Tracing


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When using a pineapple and 3G what are the odds of someone noticing that they are getting pineappled, recording the external IP then filing a complaint with the cellular provider? Then you get a knock on your door. The 3G seems great for remote administration but is it safe to use to provide internet access to the masses?

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When using a pineapple and 3G what are the odds of someone noticing that they are getting pineappled, recording the external IP then filing a complaint with the cellular provider? Then you get a knock on your door. The 3G seems great for remote administration but is it safe to use to provide internet access to the masses?

My understanding of using the pineapple is for educational purposes only and to advance yourself in penetration testing, remember the one bad apple ruins the whole crop, so use the knowledge wisely.

The gift of knowledge can be used in good and bad, its your call and always know if you have knowledge someone else knows alot more than you, and if a man built it, A man can hack it, and then there is A man who can track it ;) ALWAYS !

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Correct. I'm aware of the disclaimers, etc. I have gotten nothing but education use out of the pineapple so far. My knowledge of everything 802 has increased greatly. I was just curious if mobile devices are as trackable as regualr internet connections. It is my understanding that cellular mobile data connections are sent through some type of proxy/NAT server before going out to the internet with a bunch of people sharing the same IP.

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