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If you’re lazy don’t bother, but if you want one anyway go with sendmail.

:shock: You do realise he said "very easy way to send and recieve email". Sendmail is a lot of things except easy.

The easiest is probably Exim. After that I'd have to say Postfix followed closely by QMail. I personally prefer Postfix.

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If you’re lazy don’t bother, but if you want one anyway go with sendmail.

:shock: You do realise he said "very easy way to send and recieve email". Sendmail is a lot of things except easy.

The easiest is probably Exim. After that I'd have to say Postfix followed closely by QMail. I personally prefer Postfix.

It’s not easy that’s why I said don’t bother, but in my opinion if your going to run your own email server then sendmail is the best.

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Setting up an email server is NOT that hard, you just edit a few files with a text editor. Here is a good guide: http://shilo.is-a-geek.com/sendmail18.html

As far as an easy way to use the server after it is running, a previous poster suggested squirrelmail which is really good, i use it too. the only thing is that you have to have a webserver running also since squirrelmail is just a web based front end to the email daemon.

Otherwise you could just use Thunderbird to connect the pop3 port on the server...all of this is fairly simple to do, unless you are lazy and do not like *reading* and *learning*, and if that is the case, what are you doing here in the first place?

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