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Hardware Firewall?

Ice blue dragon

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Yes, you can build your own firewall hardware with one of the these Linux Firewall distros.

1) Smoothwall

2) PSfense

3) Untangle.

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There is also ClearOS. That is a great one. If you can get a hold of an old Watchguard Core you can mod it for mono wall. I am sure Ebay has some for sale.


Hi my interest in information security is pretty new so I am a big neophyte.So tolerate please lack of knowledge.

So i was thinking if it is possible to make a home made hardware firewall?

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Hi my interest in information security is pretty new so I am a big neophyte.So tolerate please lack of knowledge.

So i was thinking if it is possible to make a home made hardware firewall?

This was one of the first things I did with FOSS. You will learn more if you build it yourself; e.g. don't bother with niche distros. Just grab a Debian or OpenBSD ISO and google for building a firewall. I hardly do any network stuff now but to this day my ebtables, iptables, and pf knowledge still serve me well.

One other note, Linux and BSD can perform firewall and router functionality for a residential connection just fine on super old hardware. No need to go out and buy new equipment in this case; either re-purpose one of your old boxes or grab one from a friend/craigslist. In school, our house had five CS majors and our firewall/router was a 90MHz Pentium box with OpenBSD.

So grab an ISO and start googling :]

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