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add linux to windows boot loader


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Well, as that link you posted so eloquently explains:

Copy the PC-BSD boot sector to the Windows partition (eg. as file pcbsd.pbr):

(description will follow)

I particularly like the 'will follow' part, combined with the 'Page last modified on November 25, 2005, at 01:42 PM' near the bottom. :roll:

Look here.

Step 4 of the description there apparently extracts the boot sector, only they named it bootsect.lnx instead of pcbsd.pbr

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# Copy the PC-BSD boot sector to the Windows partition (eg. as file pcbsd.pbr):

(description will follow)


This has to be the one statement that truely sums up the problems with OSS imo lol


Not to sure if this will help, but this describes how i dual booted using the windows boot loader. You want to read up on step 4. Basically you copy the PCBSD boot sector onto a file, and point windows at it. It works, but i'd recommend grub or something similar.

BTW, how are you finding PC BSD compared to freeBSD?

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i find pc-bsd a hell of alot beter than freebsd vako.

it has a nice kde 3.5 desktop enviroment and i made the taskbar look like a mac its sweet u should try it.

oh btw it is based on freebsd but the diffrence is it is nearly all gui witch is a good thing and still really fast to install

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