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Top 10 Most Famous Hackers Of All Time


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I bet some of you didn't know, but its a worth a shot of knowing them.

Black Hat Crackers

The Internet abounds with hackers, known as crackers or "black hats," who work to exploit computer systems. They are the ones you've seen on the news being hauled away for cybercrimes. Some of them do it for fun and curiosity, while others are looking for personal gain. In this section we profile five of the most famous and interesting "black hat" hackers.

Jonathan James

Adrian Lamo

Kevin Mitnick (My favorite hacker)

Kevin Poulsen

Robert Tappan Morris

White Hat Hackers

Hackers that use their skills for good are classified as "white hat." These white hats often work as certified "Ethical Hackers," hired by companies to test the integrity of their systems. Others, operate without company permission by bending but not breaking laws and in the process have created some really cool stuff. In this section we profile five white hat hackers and the technologies they have developed.

Stephen Wozniak

Tim Berners-Lee

Linus Torvalds

Richard Stallman

Tsutomu Shimomura

If you want to know more about them, just visit the link below.


Edited by Infiltrator
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I would suggest that you have kevin and Tsutomu Shimomura on the wrong sides.


I know what you mean, but I didn't publish the article. And yes, I don't see Kevin as a black hat either. Tough back in the old days, but nowadays hes changed.

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mafia Boy is not up there ???

Maybe he wasn't a very notorious hacker for what he did. Taking down websites everyone can do nowadays.

But what made Kavin truly known to the public, was the way how he manipulated people into disclosing confidential information.

Kevin was a truly master of Social Engineering.

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Maybe he wasn't a very notorious hacker for what he did. Taking down websites everyone can do nowadays.

But what made Kavin truly known to the public, was the way how he manipulated people into disclosing confidential information.

Kevin was a truly master of Social Engineering.

I consider Kevin more of a SE then Black Hat, also for what mafia boy did back in the days was notorious, he cause so much damage and kinda started that era of Dos,DDos.

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  • 2 weeks later...

That's quite the list. ;)

Hey didn't see you here until now! Welcome! What about a thread for the lamerz who come around asking us to hack for them! Remember that crazy Detroit woman? Followed my friend into some forums and then tried to get me and several other people to hack that password so crazy woman could wipe out all the evidence saved in some other forum. Did you hear about that? It seems the psycho keeps posting about this forum after she was caught posing as herself (chuckles) and it makes for some really warped reading. http://catkick.livejournal.com/ ...

Yeah catkick, kathryn, whatever she calls herself. She should really see a shrink!

Oh man, dude, dead people tell her things! Dead famous dudes! But really when using the lame excuse that someone MUST HAVE posed as her, and that doesn't seem to change reality, then go for the "a dead rock star told me so!" and see if that line works! Btw, who is Dirk? Is he a hacker? If he read those posts on crazy woman's livejournal, he must be laughing his lungs out!

As of posting this, the crazy woman has had her posts removed or she removed them so anyone stumbling onto this won't know what I'm referencing here. But it was there at one time.

Sorry didn't catch it sooner.

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