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Backtrack 4 Not Updgrading


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Hi. I installed BT4 last year, when BT4 final was just released. I used if for a couple months. At that tine apt-get update/upgrade/dist-upgrade worked well.

Then when BT4 R2 was released I upgraded it again after a long break.

Now when I start BT4 it says welcome to bt4 R2...

However it uses a old kernel.

uname -a
Linux bt #1 SMP Tue Dec 1 21:51:08 EST 2009 i686 GNU/Linux 

and when Im trying to update it

 apt-get update

download those package lists

 apt-get upgrade

just says that 0 to be upgraded.

 apt-get dist-upgrade

also says that 0 to be upgraded.

Im sure, that there should be some updates available.

apt-get ain't completely broken, cause I can install other programs.

So whats wrong with it. How should I troubleshoot it?

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Backtrack is made to not update to most current kernel and program updates on purpose. This is to ensure that all programs work and to give a distro where they do all work. Upgrading the kernel or even some applications may cause issues where they will not work so they are forced to stay at the version they are.

Yet again... BackTrack is not ment to be installed as an everyday OS. It's ment for a live CD.

BackTrack 5 will be released soon enough.

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Well usually there are some updates.

That software sources app vas not working and at start menu was no entry for synaptics so there was somerhing wrong.

I foud out that there was a newer kernel installed but it werent in grub. Update-grub didind detected it but it didnt show up at boot menu.

Then i decided to install grub2 and now grub doesnt work at all. It gives a lot of errors. It says that theres a error on row 1. It gives errors for each line. And puts me to command line. So i have to find out how to manually get bt4 started from grub2.

I have bt4 installed on external hdd so i can edit files easily. And recover all important files before installing bt5 when its released.

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As I said, it's ment to be a live distro. You should save critical files to the external instead of having a full blown install on a drive. It is not ment to be up-to-date with the newest kerenl because of compatibility.

Copy your ~/ to another drive and just re-install.

Ideally all you would need to update is svn update in metasploit folder for pen-testing.

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Try downloading BT4R2 (the latest version). Their roadmap mentions kernel lockdown for certain versions when they do new revisions. I think they might have a fork on the repositories for updates as well SVN, for different versions, since they have different kernels and different software installed on both(ie:armitage now part of the repository and included in latest backtrack SVN updates for Metasploit).

September 2010

Bug fixes and security fix imports

Package and repository updates

Freeze kernel and desktop environment

Open the BackTrack Bug Tracker to the community

QA, testing cycle

Update general tools

- http://www.backtrack-linux.org/bt/roadmap/

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Yea its a live disto but it helps to learn if you install it and use it for daily use too. Not forever but untill you got better understanding how to use it.

At bt4 forums was told that you can upgrade atleast to R1 jut by apt-get dist-upgrade. So who wouldnt it work with R2.

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I beg to differ. Every app I use (most but not all of them) work just fine with a dist-upgrade and kernel image update. A solid understanding of the underlying OS and how to upgrade it goes a long way as there is nothing truly magical about BT|4, but it may be quicker to just reinstall. Each to their own.

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They have had issues before with some of the larger more complex frameworks with backtrack.

Not sure which ones but I used to watch their forums a lot and there were issues with kernel updating. The big issue was updating from BT4 to R1 new kernel. apt-get did not update it correctly and there was some other process to get the kernel to update.

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