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Capturing Packets From Pineapple


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My configuration is following:

Fon+ -> ubuntu laptop -> wlan -> intenet

I use ubuntus inbuilt ICS.

When I use wireshark or ettercap to capture packets from pineapple (eth0) it stops working, victims cant browse web etc.

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So the connection drops as soon as you start up Wireshark, is that right?

Try tcpdump and tshark, see if they have the same affect. I can't think why this would happen but at least this will show if it is just Wireshark that is killing things.

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Yes Wireshark kills that connection. also it happends with ettercap. Do i have to "echo "1" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward" for this?

Tcpdump works well, it dont kill connection.

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No idea then, I've never seen Wireshark kill a connection like that. As tcpdump doesn't kill it then it isn't anything to do with the card going into promiscuous mode. Sorry can't think of anything else to suggest.

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No idea then, I've never seen Wireshark kill a connection like that. As tcpdump doesn't kill it then it isn't anything to do with the card going into promiscuous mode. Sorry can't think of anything else to suggest.

actually, when I today tried this it doesnt kill connection. so it works now.

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  • 2 years later...

I am seeing the same thing happen. I want to use ettercap on the packets from the pineapple but ettercap is setting the forwarding bit to 0.

Similar set up as above:

WiFi Pineapple Mark IV

Firmware version: 1.1.1 -> [bT5 Eth0 <-> BT5 Wlan0] -> Internet

I also tried it with ettercap bridging: (I did not set up a bridge, hoping ettercap does that for me?)

ettercap -T -q -i eth0 -B wlan0

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