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z2 zipit or droid?


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hello everyone , im having a debate on whether to get the zipit or the droid ......basically im no were near as tech smart as you guys , i admire you all immensely and hope to be as good as you soon enough, now my isuuse here is that i want to be able mainly to txt/surf the web anywere...i know with the zipit id only be able to do so in my household or in a wifi hot spot...but i want to be able to do so anywere, is that possible with the motorola droid, because its a cell phone???? if soo i will buy myself a droid , the only thing is that idk how to hack the droid if it is the one im looking for , any responses will be greatly appreciated , thank you all ^^

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Well wih any web enabled cell phone you can access the internet anywhere. You don't necessarily have to go with a phone as beefy as the droid(even though it is great). I don't see why you really would want to hack the droid for your needs though unless you wanted tethering or something. You are correct about the zipit only allowing accesss in wifi hotspots but I'm not positive but i think the z2 may have adobe flash in the browser which to the extent of my knowledge the droid does not but should get it sometime next year. My advice is get some web phone not necessarily the droid but a web enabled phone.

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  • 2 weeks later...
...but I'm not positive but i think the z2 may have adobe flash in the browser which to the extent of my knowledge the droid does not but should get it sometime next year.

Huh? Are you saying the stock Zipit Z2 comes with a web browser? Or once you flash it and install debian it does? I think you are getting your wireless devices confused. There is no way that the Z2 can support flash. There is not enough RAM to run a full fledged web browser (swap is used heavily).

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i would go with the droid i actually want to buy one very soon.... u can also go with iphone or something or any web enabled cell phone and u also have to check your network and the data plan and stuff like that.. but for ur question i would really go with a droid. and i dont know what do u mean by hacking it??? what do u want to do it ????

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