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[Q] How to make Pwdump bootable?


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Any live linux disc can mount the drives and allow you to copy files/hashes, you just need a place to copy them to, like a website, or thumbdrive. Then crack them later at your convenience. If you want something even easier, just burn an ophcrack disc and once it boots, it will automatically begin cracking hashes.


If its not able to break the hash, you can then copy them to a thumbdrive and do whatever you want with them later.

Depending on what you want to do these days, cracking hashes is not even needed with things like Konboot, you could just boot into the system as administrator and do whatever you want on the machine at that point. Physical access is pretty much the end game.

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Unless you are a sysadmin legitimately trying to recover a password :).

If you are the sysadmin, you can lock out and reset any users on the domain, so that kind of defeats the need to "recover" a password as the admin. Now, if its the admin account you forgot, as in yoru own, then there are ways to just overwrite the password, changing it to whatever you want. Again, physical access to any machine(and time) pretty much gives you th ability to do anything you want to the system.

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Thanks for fast answers, but I'm looking for a distro you can put on a USB, when it boots it copys over the hashes and save them (to the USB). And this i want to happen in very a discrete process (almost unnoticeable), then i can crack them later.

Sorry for bad english I hope you understand it ;)


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Then add a small linux distro, like DSL to your flash drive, create a custom bash script that does the copying of all the files you want and set it up so that it runs on boot, copies the files, then reboots or shutsdown the machine once the copying is done, remove drive and walk away.

Almost anything is possible, if you can think it, someone can probably code it.

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Just boot any live disc and copy the sam/system files.

The point of using PWDump is to defeat the kernel protection for the SAM file and get to the hashes. If you've boot'd into your own OS they're no need for this, just copy the SAM file there's no kernel protecting it.

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I've tryed to copy the SAM and SECURITY file, or the whole config file for that matter, but when I got home and started Ophcrack. It loaded the hashes from sdb1(my USB), but it couldn't manage to crack them. When I booted up ophcrack at the machine I was trying to crack, I got the password almost instantly.

Where can i request someone to code it for me, digip?

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