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Corn Syrup computer????


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My friend was telling me in school about a guy who was looking for an alternative to cooling his computer. According to my friend he sealed up the case and removed the fans and completely covered the insde of his case with corn syrup, apparently he says it kept the computer cool and didnt conduct electricity, this kid is pretty wel known for telling bull stories and i wanted to know if it was true or even possible.

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It seems unlikely it would conduct no electricity whatsoever. Also where does the heat go? Unless there is circulation and something like a radiator that sounds like very ineffective cooling.

Edit: It also sounds difficult to competely seal a case (not to mention the fact that hard drives have small filtered holes in them to keep it's pressure balanced with the outside, that would probably mean the hard drive would get syrup in it, but maybe surface tension would stop such a viscous liquid getting in).

Edit 2: Also I can't figure out what your sig is supposed to mean.

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I don't know about corn syrup and sealing the case up, sounds like too much hassle and the syrup part makes me think that it wouldn't be able to remove the heat fast enough.

However people have done it with oil and submerging there components in a old fish tank etc.

You theoretically should be able to do it with pure water, but I could see the water eroding the components and become inpure.

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YA thats why i was unsure, also that would mean he would have to remove fans from everything! and that would be a total pain with the video card, plus the cd drive would literally get all gunked up

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or you can just buy a freezer and put your pc in it Smile

Wouldn't work, domestic freezes and fridges are designed to cool the objects and then prevent them from getting warm again, not continually remove heat that is being produced. You would find that you freezer would die pretty rapidly.

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Ya so i guess thats it, actually that looks pretty sweet, i might even try that if it really works

You should read the article entitled "Readers' Responses to Strip Out The Fans, Add 8 Gallons of Cooking Oil" which has a number of reaons this is a Bad Idea (also remember you have to drain the case every time you want to add/remove/replace a component).

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The NSA servers are submerged in a non conductive chemical, and continually circulated and cooled but that is the only commercial use I have heard of, other then that you can buy non conductive fluids, can’t remember what it’s called but it has a freezing point of -50 and a boiling high boiling point you would have to seal the harddrive’s thought.

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