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Stemcell Computing


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With the tagline of ‘Stemcell Computing,’ Creative says that it’s ‘created a stem cell-like silicon that is able to grow and multiply into different solutions and ecosystems,’ implying that the Zii could well offer much more than Creative’s usual sound chips. The company also says that it’s put some serious money and man power behind the project, claiming that it’s taken ten years of investment, a cost of over a billion US dollars and over 10,000 man years to develop.


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With the tagline of ‘Stemcell Computing,’ Creative says that it’s ‘created a stem cell-like silicon that is able to grow and multiply into different solutions and ecosystems,’ implying that the Zii could well offer much more than Creative’s usual sound chips. The company also says that it’s put some serious money and man power behind the project, claiming that it’s taken ten years of investment, a cost of over a billion US dollars and over 10,000 man years to develop.


It's a gimmick. Whatever it is, it probably won't be as huge as tech blogs are making it out to be.

Why, of all places, would this come from Creative and not Intel, AMD or the government..., that's why I'm puzzled.

<sarcasm> Stemcell is a bad name too, tech illiterate people are going to think it's made from aborted fetuses. </sarcasm>

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"technological 1upmenship"???? hahaha, this is good.

Sounds to me to be a 1 chip integrated to do all, kinda like what intel and amd are doing to integrate video cards into processors, but im sure they are also trying to get the sound chip in there too.

I say big Floppin' whoo. it's 'green' so that means it will be slow, it's an all integrated package which means it will be smaller, and since it can reallocate what it can do at one time, that probably means some weird drivers or programming packages to make it work, so.... what will this really achieve? a eeepc as your watch?

this sounds silly to me. the real drawback now on computing is really they keyboard. now if you can find a solution to that, then the sky is the limit,

OR.. will I finally get my integrated audio/visual/database embedded into my skull?(with hud , thought input and xray vision) now THAT is what would rock! cause with this you could be the worlds smartest person! (or at least be able to act like you are)

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