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Right, since you've used decent english, and not breeched the 2006 Mass-Emoticon Treaty by to much i'll bite.


I trust you've read this by now, it explains how to get started. If you could follow this, and then tell us exactly where it is that you loose track that would be a start. If it all seems like gibberish, put down the metaspolit disc, and get ready for lots and lots of basic training. You ain't ready for that yet.

In basic terms, you load the program, and then use either a CLI (command line interface... the bit where you type shit, not click) or a webbrowser pointing to This connects to a webserver running on your computer ( is your loopback address), with access to the program via a friendly interface.

But to behonest, metaspolit is only useful against specific things, and I've never found a machine thats vulnerable personally. You can do more with a portscanner, arp posioner and traffic sniffer.

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I've done a bunch of research, and can't find a way to easily select exploits for a selected machine. Is there a way? Maybe using cain and abel to see what processes are running?


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I've done a bunch of research, and can't find a way to easily select exploits for a selected machine. Is there a way? Maybe using cain and abel to see what processes are running?


Actually there is this cool tool called AutoScan for Linux which will automagically scan your network, then scan each box with nessus, and if there, show you which pluging to use in Metasploit.

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