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The mod scene isn't the same as it once was. I was waiting for halflife 2's mods to pick up stream but all people wanted to do was the same old counterstrike rehashes. My ideas for a FPS mod set in space, where you were a boarding marine fighting on the hulls of ships were crap apparently.

A good example of a mod that went up its own ass was the Point Defence Mod for Homeworld 2: http://www.pds.hwaccess.net/news.php

It used to be really good, with regular updates and good game play. Then they started to take things to far, and spend hours working on the history of the ships captins, rather than good game play. Eventually the modding forums gave way to roleplaying forums, and the mod gave way to endless alpha incriments with ever expanding to-do lists. A real shame as the game kinda died and i went elsewhere.

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I say the biggest problem facing the homebrew game scene is the borking of hardware by the companies so they can't run homebrew code (PSP anyone). What would be ideal is if a small hardware company made a handheld machine running linux with the abilty to write flash and normal games that was cheap, easy to use, and then built a myspace/source forge like comunity around the device for geeks and hackers to gather and make cool shit. This device would be awesome for use in schools to teach programing and computers.

If they were able to get the system somewhere between Gameboy SP and Nintendo DS power you could with the right groups working make some awesome 2D and Faux 3D games that would rival what Nintedo is putting out now.

The hardware group could even go as far as selling bulk cards that would hold a finished game to the developers to sell box copies of there games or even easyer have the games install to the device via a PC solution like installing roms in an emulator and sell the roms like shareware. The selling would be for the guys who make the next mario or tetris so they could put it tword there next release.

Just another of my hairbrained ideas i guess lol.

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Every once in a while something innovative will come out... take Katamari Damacy for example. For me, having good gameplay and storyline far outweigh flashy graphics. The impact of graphics only last the first couple of hours (although I am still occasionally impressed w/ the visuals in Oblivion). Also, I hate to sound like an old fogey, but I was gaming back in the CGA days where all we really had was gameplay and storyline (4 colors, bitches!). There are some areas where indie programmers can develop; strategy games do not really require stunning graphics (I still play Master of Orion 2 and Alpha Centuari). Actually, outside of action/sports games how ofteen do you see those stunning graphics and physics engines? And do not know modding, was not CounterStrike originally just a mod for HL? There is still room out there for indies, they may not get game of the year awards, but if they make something decent I think ppl would play.

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I'd love to build a online game thats like Second Life meets The Matrix. You join it, and can live your online life (onlife?) anyway you want, but so can everyone else. If you make the map area the size of a small country you should get enough social dynmaic to police it. ie. you login and just start shooting people, eventually the police will shoot you. And you have to start again (make it the policy of the virtual state to give every 18yr old an apartment and some cash, and let them fend for themselves, when you get to old age you have to spend more time and money on rejuvination treatments or you will die).

One thing though, anyone who posts a pre-rendered picture of an AK47 will be hunted down, and made to eat there computer.

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I'd love to build a online game thats like Second Life meets The Matrix. You join it, and can live your online life (onlife?) anyway you want, but so can everyone else. If you make the map area the size of a small country you should get enough social dynmaic to police it. ie. you login and just start shooting people, eventually the police will shoot you. And you have to start again (make it the policy of the virtual state to give every 18yr old an apartment and some cash, and let them fend for themselves, when you get to old age you have to spend more time and money on rejuvination treatments or you will die).

One thing though, anyone who posts a pre-rendered picture of an AK47 will be hunted down, and made to eat there computer.

Sounds like an MMORPG that could be called "Life". I actually like the idea.

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The twist: The land is randomly divided up into areas, access to another area has to be threw a gate. No controls on it, but you have to travel to the gate to get to another area. But these walls randomly move and switch location, so area's that were once remote, are now next door & vice-versa This can also mean walls threw the middle of citys that used to be one.

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The twist: The land is randomly divided up into areas, access to another area has to be threw a gate. No controls on it, but you have to travel to the gate to get to another area. But these walls randomly move and switch location, so area's that were once remote, are now next door & vice-versa This can also mean walls threw the middle of citys that used to be one.

Now it's sounding like the Cube movies. :P

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I'm just interested in the way people for comunitys, like the way people populate forums, and the roles they take on within them. I'd love to see how, in an enviroment with no rules, people create a social order, because they do.

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