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Everything posted by buffy

  1. Before you settle in with smoothwall, you should check out ClearOS 5.2 there is a live demo on there website and I now have a mITX D510 (dual core + 2 hyer threads) running very nicely in a passive cooled box. board £48 Case £25 SSD £45 Ram £20
  2. buffy

    Sam Cracking

    The cheapest way to crack passwords is currently cloud space... http://www.theregister.co.uk/2011/01/11/amazon_cloud_wifi_cracking/
  3. Captions would be a cracking idea would help you reach a much wider audience, not everyone can lip read when a curtain some has a glass of wine in front of there face... :P
  4. <html> <head> <title>HTA Test</title> <HTA:APPLICATION ID="objTest" APPLICATIONNAME="HTA Test" SCROLL="no" SINGLEINSTANCE="yes" > </head> <script LANGUAGE="VBScript"> sub OsCheck Dim WshShell : Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") Dim strVer : set strVer = WshShell.exec("%comspec% /c ver") Document.Write(strVer) if strVer = "Windows XP" then CreateObject("WScript.Shell").Run "net use * http://yourserver.com/work/" & UserArea.Value & " /user:domain\" & UserArea.Value & " " & PasswordArea.Value & ">c:\map.txt" ,0, True CreateObject("WScript.Shell").Run "cmd /c net use | find " & chr(34) & UserArea.Value & chr(34) & " >c:\map.txt" ,0, True CreateObject("WScript.Shell").Run "cmd /c FOR /F " & chr(34) & "usebackq delims=: tokens=1" & chr(34) & " %i IN (c:\map.txt) DO start %i:" ,1,True else CreateObject("WScript.Shell").Run "net use * http://yourserver.com/work@SSL/" & UserArea.Value & " /user:domain\" & UserArea.Value & " " & PasswordArea.Value ,0, True CreateObject("WScript.Shell").Run "cmd /c net use | find " & chr(34) & UserArea.Value & chr(34) & " >c:\map.txt" ,0, True CreateObject("WScript.Shell").Run "cmd /c FOR /F " & chr(34) & "usebackq delims=: tokens=1" & chr(34) & " %i IN (c:\map.txt) DO start %i:" ,1,True end if end sub </SCRIPT> <body> Welcome to the AMG remote connection application.<P> Please enter your username here:<P> <input type="text" name="UserArea" size="50"><P> <P> Please enter your password here:<P> <input type="password" name="PasswordArea" size="30"><P> <input id=runbutton class="button" type="button" value="Connect" name="run_button" onClick="OsCheck"> </body> The real problem is I dont know carp about VBS so me+google+monster+wine has left the above mess. The idea is to check OS ver, if XP not to use SSL as it cant support it out of the box. any help would be welcomed. Thanks Buffy.
  5. Well I just broke my internet passing cables though the walls and my crimpers are at the office, so thanks to WEP I am online again :D I am planning on doing a photo how to guide, if people want it. Also Darren, dude untangle..... really.... ClearOS 5.2 for the win! I have just been asked by my boss to start building some load balancing boxes for some customers, the control that ClearOS gives you is fricking fantastic. I plan on really contributing to the Hak5 community as I am total enamoured with the show and the hacking community. I have a guide on how to fit a TFT into a server case as well, that we did on our BosTaurus server for hosting CSS games. I also made a dual PSU system with one PSU just for a GFX card to save money.
  6. http://iseries.multiplay.co.uk/ UK's Biggest and best LAN party. Just a heads up that its selling out fast and to get your bookings in. If your coming over from abroad and need a place to stay for a day or 2 I offer a fold out bed. This is a really friendly event where beer is high on the list of priority, legal age in the UK is 18. If you fancy popping over for a very cheap weekend of gaming and beer and need any help with navigating the UK hit me up.
  7. The SSD in your net book should just be SATA if you pop the side of your case open you should be able use a normal SATA cable. If you built your own system check your mobo box as they normaly come with 2.
  8. Cant edit my profile to update any information. [color=#281B1B][size=4][#1026] You are not permitted to modify all or some of your profile information.[/size][/color] [color=#281B1B][size=4] [/size][/color]
  9. Just started a new project to integrate a wireless AP, ADSL router and miniITX board into one box.
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