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Everything posted by DingleBerries

  1. I was looking at where the lsa secrets are stored in the registry, and I know we can dump that.. Is it hard to decrypt the password? If not then why is nirsoft needed?
  2. The back door is open source. Its from white scorpion and will, hopefully, be custom once the final version of this is out.. I really just want something that quick and painless. All the vnc stuff is a waste of time and is easily detected by smart admins. Once the computer is owned with the back door then we can start doing other things, transferring logs, installing other backdoors, ect. So far these are the only programs that will be needed: White-Scorpions Tiny back door- that is unless I find a better one Custom keylogger - C++ runs low on memory, I would like to either hide it from process manager or masquerade it as "svchost" or the like. Wget - so that other files can be snatched from a host and executed, no need to revisit the computer. There are a few more things that I am looking at, I am coming close to the last weeks of class so studying and what not are my priorities atm. However these are things I am considering: creddump Root Kits hidden in the microprocessor? PWDumpX v1.4 Sysinternals Shit: Ctrl2Cap v2.0 - Interested in this for maybe a new keylogger PhysMem- Dumps Ram to hex RegHide - Maybe useful in haiding the new admin account Of course all of these can be hosted on some remote server, be sure that you do it anonymously as to not get caught, and just use wget. you would have to wait till late at night as to not set off the owner to any of your activities. P.S. sorry i dumped all this here, I am just making sure I do not lose or forget anything.
  3. Just use a live cd, end of story.. stop fucking up your parents shit
  4. Thats awesome, thank you very much. I am still reviewing what it is exactly that I want, i.e. to include the keylogger. There would not be a need for the logs to be sent off because you could transfer it via remote shell. Another thing i was considering is the "guest trick". Where when logged on via guest a batch script containing instruction to create an admin account is placed in the admins startup folder. If that is modified to allow RDP then we can install the shell via RDP when the owner is away from their desk.. Just throwing things out there :).
  5. I edited the first post, If am bat expert could go threw and point out anything they see that would be great.
  6. DingleBerries


    lol owned all that shit is fake, its meant to fuck with skiddies who post topics in the wrong section. roflcopter!!!1!
  7. Go to manufactures website, support, your software, FAQ insert serial, and then read from there.
  8. How did it get on there in the first place? Second here is a link, all the information I found gave step by step instructions for taking care of this problem. LINK
  9. "We have nothing to fear, but... Getting owned on the internets." -- Someone who had their bank account info Stolen "Better to have loved and lost... then to have your cookies jacked online." -- Someone who had thier Myspace hacked I just wanted to put those, but as for your paper. Here are a few Discussion items: Side Jacking Air Pwn Hardware buffer overflows, in the WOL protocol Jasager Poising Attacks, DHCP, ect. Browser Exploits, Nmap, general hacking on a network when one anonymous and doesn't really have to worry about being traced More info http://www.ethicalhacker.net/content/view/66/24/
  10. This will probably be an over thanks giving break kind of thing, finals are coming up and I would really like to keep my gpa in good standings. However I hope to have a release by black friday.
  11. I dont really see anything to wrong with windows. I occasionally find my self having to start up a vm to do some tasks. If you are smart and know how to take care of a machine/OS then windows will not crash. When you start installing "h4x0r t00lz" and being retarded, that is when the problem starts. Vista was not their best moment, but hopefully Win7(or 8?) will put them back on top, more than they already are.
  12. http://www.birkoph.com/Wolf_tshirt.htm Because you know you want it...(Retail Site,No Flash, read comments)
  13. Well played good sir, well played in deed...
  14. Turns out it was, I kept on with my shanagians and the person found out that i posted the email online. So its over, there name is Robert. Fun while it lasted.
  15. Im not all that interested in seeing an old women "churn her butter", however i am still trying to find out who it is. The IP address is from NewYork, but since it was redirected from CL, im not sure if that is their mail server.. Its not a big deal I just thought it was funny.
  16. A few days ago I posted an ad on CL. It was in the Strictly Platonic section and it was a call for help. Help, with a speech project of mine.. Here is on of the emails i received. I will post updates when they come. EDIT I had to remove her email because some body kept emailing her.. lol
  17. You forgot to finish you sentence.
  18. Hidden SSID's may have stomped you, but I was looking for more information for my own research in order to help you. With out that then I don't really know what to say.
  19. Due I smell a little poo on someones nose?
  20. If you can get close enough to it take apicture of the back of one, where the manufacture and make/model are located.. from there we/you can work on more specific exploits. Trying to encompass a mass amount of machines to attack with one exploit is almost impossible. When we narrow it down it becomes easier to look for certain things and exploit those individual weaknesses.
  21. I would if i could mate, but since then I have reformatted my drive. However, fill out this forum and clic sumbit to get the tool to uninstall. LINK An ISO can be made with the universial customizer, just place a TXT file in there and use that. Remember you will need Gparted
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