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Everything posted by DingleBerries

  1. BartPE can be used for this, other than that here are a few articles Scanning windows with a live linux CD Same as above Hirens Boot CD
  2. FALSE http://www.macosxhints.com/article.php?sto...080119114003330 http://www.macgasm.net/2008/01/29/spoof-yo...ddress-in-os-x/ http://osxdaily.com/2008/01/17/how-to-spoo...ss-in-mac-os-x/
  3. The best ms paint drawing EVER! As for constructive criticism: I cant give you any because you took the shit down.
  4. I wouldnt even put that there, theres this thing called Photoshoop and you can remove the colours so that you do not have a grey background from one image clash from the white of another. Utter fail. MS Paint != Art
  5. New paper article from Hawaii stated the birth of Obama http://wikileaks.org/wiki/Obama_1961_birth...lulu_Advertiser
  6. Are you using a different shell? Id try Backtrack and select all the different settings, graphic, and see if any of them work, if they do its not your card... if they dont then oh well.
  7. Build one your self . Plus there is pretty good documentation there so read and see what you can do. Find out what card you have Does it support encryption? Before or after the fact? Can you read the contents? Do you understand the contents? Do you really want to still from the person providing you a place yo live with possible reprocustions?
  8. From the post i got that you are using ACER drivers, have you tried downloaded the drivers from Nvida? Maybe trying to roll back the drivers to an older version that worked. If you are using xp can you plug in your external monitor and take a ScreenShot of your device manager, with the graphics sub open, and your display properties. Also try a linux live cd and see what happens. If all is phail take the screen off and use it as a headless server or just suck it up and use the external monitor, now you will have a SUPER slim line pc.
  9. What information are you given? IRP URB IO_STACK_LOCATION URB USB IOCTL USB IOCTL PnP Power IRP Just google those and read a bit about what each of those protocols are for. Here are some links to further info. The top two relate to USBTrace itself and the bottom 2 are just for further learning, more valuable IMO. LINKS USB Enumeration Explained USBTrace Interactive Demo Sourceforge "So you want to reverse engineer a USB device" How to write a linux USB driver
  10. Documentation! Documentation! Documentation! Documentation!
  11. I didnt want to start a new thread for this, but Get Smart was an awesome movie. That one part with the truck and his but was really heart touching. Now you Know!
  12. QFE, also do the BOOT.ini thing, if not for added security do it for the geek inside of you.
  13. Some times I dream that I am a janitor at MIT. I live alone in an impoverished South Boston neighborhood. I am unable to maintain either a steady job or a steady romantic relationship because I subconsciously blames myself for my unhappy upbringing. The first week school starts I fucking bust in with my mop and solevants kicksing the shit out of some grim. The I walk past this dirty ass chalkboard and Im all like "Thats an easy ass question", and I solve it right in front of this pretensious Professor Lambeau. Then this prick puts up another question and I solve it, but this time he is all like "Stop fucking with my shit, this is science!" and he runs me off, but not before I solve it. Then he is all trying to track me down while im out busting my balls to make a living. I find this kid and beat him up because Im bad ass and then i kncok this 5oh out. Im about to go to jail and get some street creed when Prof. Ass Sword shows up and tells them im this genius and that i can cure cancer. This was all a trap to make me see some shirnk, I dont need a shrink, Im Matt Daemon for christ sakes!!! Nevertheless i think this guy has some pretty good loot so i go with him with the intention of raiding his loot and taking his daughter off the skank island. After like 9000 of these shirnks come and talk to me i finally decide to put up with this one, Sean Maguire. I tell him i was beat as a child and that I have "self-loathing" issues, its all bullshit i just want some sweet hoochie-choochie. He tells me about his bar whore wife, he gave up a fucking red-sox ticket to meet her, what a dumb ass. So I had been on a kinda dry spell for a while and wanted to get back in the game. I wanted to get close to this guy, that way later i could raid his loot too and have double loot. I remembered this drunk bitch from one of the bars i go to, i think her name is Skylar. Skylar was crazy, like you know Girls gone wild? Well if you took all those girls and they all did it and had babies and those babies did it then you would have this chick. She could do things with her tounge that would put that guy from KISS to shame. BTW seans wife is teh deads, I asked him how long until she respwns and he bawled. Its all kind of a blur after that, me and Skylar went to this crazy kegger and got tottally tanked. Im pretty sure i knocked her up, but being the genius i am i improvised an auto-abortionator and now im safe. The last thing i remember is driving to Bel-air. I pulled up to this house around 7-8 and i yelled at Skylar "YO HOE SEE YOU LATER".
  14. Here is one that just hides your mouse from you. I a small AutoIT script would work best for this.
  15. Havent tried these but look legit DisableInput.bat(HAS DEPENDENCIES) Bear, ROAR, with me now im not sure if this will work but you can try: RUNDLL32.EXE <dllname>,<entrypoint> <optional arguments> @echo off rundll32 keyboard disable rundll32 mouse disable ::If all is good go to done and renable with ::I dont know if this works, search your hhd for where rundll is and cd there ::you need to reload it %windir%\rundll32 keyboard reload ::then start it back up %windir%\rundll32 keyboard add Here is a forum post, but they are using a third party tool :/
  16. Found this, and i like it so far. How to lock your computer using USB stick NOTE: I would also burn these files to a cd for safe keeping.
  17. Pretty good, easy to read and well commented. I do not have a windows box to try it out on, so my only concerns are: Repeatedly Pressing Alt+f4 OR CTRL+C to stop the command from running. Maybe adding a regedit to autostart this: Disabling Ctrl, ALT, Del, F4, Tab
  18. Technically your post is fail... link BRRRRRRRROOOOOOOKKKKKKEEEEEEENNNNNNN
  19. Also try hitting alt+f4 as fast as you can or CTRL+C to end the batch script. ill pm you with my email, id like to take a look at the .bat if you dont mind
  20. What if the computer is booted in safe mode? Does the script still run? My university has something like this implemented but it runs when the user logs in and puts up an overlay with a password and user box. All you have to do to bypass it is CTRL+ALT+DEL and end the loginscreen.exe then you get full admin rights. Your script sounds pretty affective however if someone really wanted to grab the data a live cd would be all they need. I would also encrypt my drive with truecrypt.
  21. I had a R51 then i gave it to my brother, in all honesty i never had one problem with it and I enjoy the thumb mouse in the middle over a track pad any day.
  22. I didnt know that about python, Ive seen sooo many tools that can steal creds and what not. Hmm, if that is true i may be switching to that. Thank you
  23. yeah but its not u3 ready, if you add it to the iso all it will do is open firewall ports and turn on tell net. There is some heavy coding steal needed. After this semester i should have a break to work on it. Also ubuntu is starting to support autorun.inf so if the ufs partition starts getting recognized that may be good news.
  24. No offense, your arms are pretty meaty but your legs look almost feminine. Maybe a little bit of running and squats will do you some good?
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