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Posts posted by cabster21

  1. Yeah annoyed me too, fucking knob heads run this place. Look below the post and you shouls see a list option.

    Okay you probbly didn't mean what I did, but you shoud know by now. Hak5 changes, for no reason. Or rather it changes to make things worse.

    But anyway, it's an option the user can change, that annoyred me about a Defcon post. I'm not the only useless poster around here, don't force me to look at the shit before I get to the pin.

  2. Foster's is good for a cheap fix.

    Anyway, next you'll be telling me you don't have BBQ's on a daily basis. :rolleyes: Do you know what it was like when you had a crush on a teacher when you were 10? And those dreams come to an end... This is how I now feel towards Australia.

    I was meant to be going for a wedding this December, I think I will pass now. Yes I was just going for the beer and BBQ's.

  3. Well yeah... If you change your desktop environment you will lose things that are not standard. That doesn't mean you cannot add the shortcuts or 'launchers' yourself.

    If you're using BT as your main OS then just do it when you need something, if not... Who cares what it looks like. It's functional.

  4. If offers are allowed, it should be a rule that the seller say if they have it advertised elsewhere.

    If it's the type of item/product that would sell here, maybe try here before the local paper for example. If I advertise here and someone likes it, and I post saying "Oh I sold it to my neighbour yesterday". If they give a great offer fair enough. But I mean more like other auction sites.

    If it's a respected member of the forums, trust that the item exists and works. If they don't, link to ebay or something with or best offer.

    Just an idea.

  5. You woudln't take your clothes out before painting? Or at least have them in the washing machine of tumble dryer?

    I don't care if the paint is water based, are you fucking backwards?

    I don't do my laundry in a recently painted room on camera...

    Would I test drive my car (that I probably like enough to put on camera) while the car is covered in horse shit and no fuel? Oh this looks like crap, and it doesn't start. Ah well, end of segment.

  6. I didn't have any idea who they guy was. Just what he said didn't make much sense.

    There are many strange things with the Aussies, I have family out there now. I thought you all drank Foster's and were similar to us, I heard you don't drink Foster's and now this guy...

  7. @cabster21 - "I hate people who claim not using Ubuntu hurts GNU/Linux"

    Who-TF are those people? I mean.. Ubuntu is the most commercialized *home use* centered linux there is.. I would think the opposite :?

    Just saw this.

    Maybe I didn't put it across well. I mean the people who claim, if you are going to use Linux you should support Ubuntu.

    If that's what you thought I meant, I thought I would give a video... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HnqwJRgCsmo Just a quick search in youtube. Idiots use computers, look I use this forum... Fan boys who are public are usually a little dumb.

  8. I would say you've done far more than what a scrpit kiddie could do, or be bothered to continue. Unless what you have is worth something you should be fine, unless someone is trying to hack you for making a point.

  9. Ah, so your wireless won't connect.

    I've never had this problem, usually you would select the WAP and then eneter the passcode. If no one answers soon I would check your chipset, and see if anyone is having problems with them. Obviosuly I don't know what you're using...

  10. ASBOS are no longer? To be fair did they really work? I saw many news reports years ago that they made no difference. Chavs are like slinkies, useless but fun to watch fall down stairs. An old boss told me that... I wish I was still at Uni!

  11. You mean you just want to scan for them? Plenty of choice, kismet, airodump... Sorry for the crappy answer, but is that what you mean? If you're running BT4. You can do airodump --help, you can scan all or specific channel et cerera

  12. Zombie hookers?

    It would have been good ... I say would have been I assume it's yet to come. But if some past members were to come and show face. I understand it's the West coast now but still. Failing that, just get gished.

  13. Depends what kind of interaction you want between the systems.

    I assume you want more than just connecting them into a switch, router = web et cetera.

    You didn't mention anything about what you actually want out of it, or what you will be using. By PC do you mean Windows? Is there going to be a server? Will that be Microsoft Server?

    I don't know much about Mac, but it has Windows sharing, Linux will have Samba.

    I mean, you have lots of options. But it's not easy without having some kind of idea of what the company already has, what their budget is, what the future goals are... What licenses do they have, what is worth using and what's not.

  14. Ubuntu or some spin of Ubuntu is a good place to start IF you were looking to replace your Windows machine. You're not though. The guide you get with Gentoo is pretty well written, you will get introduced to the file system and the components that make up the OS. That doesn't mean you couldn't get this from another distro, but what's the point in using a distro where "everything just works" when you're not using as your main system and you want to learn? You'll turn it on and say "Oh, it looks kind of like Mac. Nice? What now?"

    Like I say, most distros have a goal. See which one suits you but it really isn't going to matter, you can jump everyday if you really felt like it.

  15. Depends what you want out of it. You say you have plenty of time and it's not your main OS. If you really want to find out more about linux and have the time, well have fun with Gentoo - some call it fun.

    Other than that it usually comes down to packages and management. If all you're going to do is browse the web, many will suit. However you tend to find programmers of certain languages like certain ones et cetera. If you want to try FreeBSD but not so sure what you're doing, look at PCBSD.

    If you like new features Fedora is popular for this, you can make use of the rawhide repository, this is a daily/nightly build of the latest packages. So it's not very noob friendly in the sense if something goes wrong you're probably not going to know how to fix it.

    Basically check out http://www.distrowatch.com , read what some of the top distros are about and see what takes your fancy. You can always ditch it.

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