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Everything posted by kYd

  1. Well about the only thing my laptop can run is soldier of fortune, so im not getting my hopes up. If it doesn't then I'll give you a game of SOF if you can get hold of it :D
  2. Yeah I'm downloading it too. Hopefully it plays on my laptop :D
  3. link to original please :P shes hawt!
  4. ^ wow. just.....wow So I'm guessing you got your 1GB card then?
  5. LMAO the 'myspaz' isn't for me, theres alot of emoish kids who go on it at college. Although I do like looking at some of the girls profiles when I have nothing else to do
  6. Yeah phpproxy. I've also put a CGI one on there becuase sometimes we can't log into myspace or e-mail using the PHP one. Cheers sentinel, I Just need to find somemore games and content to put on it :P
  7. I just set up this site. It fronts as an educational site but if you click the members button and log in it takes you get the another page where you can play games, go to the chat room or use my proxy. I've put boss buttons and blank screens on it, and it doesnt mention the word proxy or games anywere :D www.alevelwork.com (A-Level work :P ) click the members button user: random password: random1 lmao hopefully the admins at my college don't notice too soon.
  8. Yeah college doesn't get many people like that, I've got like one or two in my class but other than thats it's pretty cool. Secondary school was full of them - so immature. Don't know how I coped. :P
  9. It's still standard..believe me! I guess it's because you won't find any chavs on a site like this, their the ones to blame for it :evil:
  10. Overall I'd say Alli :D ...But if I had to choose one of the guys I'd say Harrison probley
  11. Originally it was 1.5 but I upgraded it when I first got it cos I didn't know much about homebrew then..DOH! :shock: ATM i've got 2.5, only have just been able to use hombrew.
  12. Nice! The only thing I can really "cook" is speghetti on toast. and even then it's crap
  13. I got one, only been using it for hombrew and GTA:SA really. I havn't tried the Win 9x yet, becuase I only have a 32MB memcard :oops: TBH I havn't played with my PSP in about 2 months :?
  14. Whoa! that's awsome. Didn't expect it that quick. Not sure if my laptop can play CS:S but i'll buy it and give it a shot :D
  15. kYd

    IE lockout ...

    With bittorrent it's christmas everyday *hint* lol :roll:
  16. can you like mix band names with song names or just song - song :P Idle wild - Scottish fiction
  17. lol what a great one to start with Pulp - Bar Italia
  18. kYd

    IE lockout ...

    No offence but I really don't like it when people do this. You shouldn't be dictating what browser somebody uses, if they feel more comfortable using IE then let it be. I tried getting my dad to use FF but he didn't like and says IE is much better for him, just let people use what they want
  19. We are a good team haha that dog must have a blast living with you I wonder if my kitten likes alcohol /me off to find kitty
  20. If any you are interseted I got some people to have a go at it and they came thru...it's freaking awsome. :D Two versions One with no background theme music (but still has the voices) http://s9.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=22P48K49WZAC10I9YP0XC3BL4I Another with the 24 theme music playing all the time in background http://s6.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=2NOS4244Y9UF906RR20WJK7Q8X LOL yer I know random exe's, but "we're all running AV. Riiiiiiight" lmao there clean :)
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