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Everything posted by VisiV

  1. I don't know if it was the other one or one of your previous (no chat or header, just the cams, works fine) i never mess with the chats anyway. ++
  2. screw the silver one, if i got this case, which I might for my next case, been running one of those generic Aspire/Chieftec Server cases. plus, black = $199.99. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx...N82E16811119187
  3. The game play is similar to that of any of the Source family, atleast it was back in the very first release of this. I'm sure if you can run the updated Source games, you can run this, unless they updated it a little bit more.
  4. alienware is definitely one of the longest running gaming rig manufacturers around. i've only ever personally bought a pre built laptop (not from Alienware) so... personally I feel if you don't build it yourself you're not very passionate about gaming, but that's just my opinion and nothing more. also i wouldn't buy second hand, unless you're not concerned about warranty, etc... Came across this thing here for Aussies heh. Don't know a damn thing about it... http://www.priceusa.com.au/
  5. yeah too bad i read most of those already in those 5 hours, still confused, could be because i'm still awake. i think i'm a little less confused. and will probably get within 5 minutes tomorrow. i god rid of some frustration owning up some noobs in cod4.
  6. Okay so here's a big question about linux route table In order to get from LAN A on eth1 to LAN B on eth2, but also allow them both acces to internet on eth0, do i need route tables for each interface? I've been trying to locate the answer to my question via the interwebs for 5 hours. So i come to you in my hour of desperation.
  7. you are mistaken .. for thinking of being mistaken.. Anyway, where the hell is everyone? No interest at all in this game ? I left a couple hours ago to go do some stuff come back and no one is playing.
  8. Did you do anything special for the Logitech QuickCam I see you used? I"m having difficulty getting it going. DSVL_config.xml <camera input_device="WDM_CAP" frame_width="320" frame_height="240" frame_rate="30.0" show_format_dialog="true" friendly_name="Logitech QuickCam Express"> nvm, upon reviewing the xml file i'm guessing i had something in the wrong place... ran fine now.
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