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Posts posted by tabath

  1. Bloke was going to ask his girlfriend to marry him on Xmas day and buys a 2K on a ring. He then finds out she gave her boss some "special oral loving" and then dumps her live on radio

    Posted for the beautifully pure vindictiveness of the radio presenter.

    Loved it - she was absolutely speechless!!!!!!

  2. Nicely put Darren and why I will continue to watch this season and give the show a chance. As I've said before, yes I will miss Wess because I feel you and Wess had a great screen chemistry which is just not present with the new presenters but thats not to say they won't do a good job on their segments.I'd just like the tech related skits and sketches brought back, evil server , haxor flakes type stuff etc, that really separated this show from the other tech mag type shows.

  3. I agree that the chemistry onscreen between Wess and Darren was a major factor in alot of peoples enjoyment of the show- the other guys that have come have done ok but they could have been any other half dozen iptv hosts and it wouldn't have mattered - W&D had screen presence together and although I may continue watching ,the show is losing more of its refreshing rough edge that started to be smoothed with the first departure. Also will miss Alii - her appearances although short were stonking!

  4. Rab> thanks for your reply. I have followed your links and am checking out using sessions.

    Steve> Sorry for not explaining more clearly . Have looked at your code and it has enlightened things for me a bit.

    The web pages are not a test, its a sort of design code for an engineering process. A written document that takes a user through to an answer in a flowchart sort of way. eg: if conditions 1 and 2 are met go to page 10 section 2, if condtions 3 and 4 are met go page 10 section 3 and so on until the process is complete

    So I really need to record the links that a user clicks rather than just the pages visited.

    The results for one user need to be written to a text file. When another user uses it a different text file etc.

  5. Nix on using either the history or location file objects I think.

    Looks like the way to go is to include an event handler - in the case onClick , in every link ,that passes on a string(the link text) to a function in the Head of the HTML


    <a href"link1" onClick="myfunction("link1")"> link1 text </a>

    although I'm thinking maybe I shouldn't use double quotes around the string link1 as this could close the myfunction call?

    Next thing is to find how to write a function I can use in the HEAD to write this string out to a text file? Can it even be done?

    Any help any1?

  6. Ok after a bit of reading it looks like the quickest language to learn that might enable me to accomplish the task is probably javascript .

    After a quick perusal of some online tutorials it seems that if I use the onClick command to write the link that has been clicked to a text file that might do it. I just need to find how I can read the link and write it to a file using the onclick command. <_<

    Maybe by using the history or location file object? thing is finding out how to start a new one and end it every time a user uses the web document and outputting it in a nice form

  7. got a bit of a project to do. Involves turning a document into a set of html pages. The document is basically a code/guide which a user uses to accomplish a task of one type or another.

    There are instructions in the document along the lines of :

    if the project meets criteria a and b goto to page 10 table 2

    Obviously these instructions will be the hyperlinks.

    What I need is to record the links that a user follows when working through the code/guide and output the steps as a text file.

    Any advice on which would be the best language to do this in in terms of ease of use, how easy and quick to learn etc.

    I am very comfortable coding xhtml and css but would need to learn something new(which is good) if something like php is suggested. Alternatively is there a short piece of code for doing something like this that I could jig around?

    Thanks in advance for any help guys.

  8. I worked with a stepper motor 2 weeks ago. We used a basic stamp and added a function to rotate pin outputs like a shift register. Each step or half step is controlled by moving around some binary values, where each step cooresponds to moving over one place in the shift register. This is the way most stepper motors work.

    To know the rotation of the motor to begin with it's useful to have a small IR LED and phototransistor assembly where the motor's shaft is connected to a small arm which can pass between the LED and phototransistor. This way, you can sense the 'zero' position of the motor and know its rotation simply by watching the phototransistor's signal.

    For the driving pins off the PIC, it's useful to use a chip containing darlington pairs, or just a bunch of transistors so they can do the switching for the higher powered motor inputs. Hook up a bunch of them with pull-up resistors and then trigger the switches using the PIC pins.

    Here's the free software for the basic stamp we used:


    Thanks for the reply,I was considering programming the PIC with either C or assembler, wasn't aware of ones with the BASIC interpreter- learning curve would obviously be less - will look at the pricing considerations. Thanks for the heads up.

    Also these parllax chips support iinterface with 1-wire microlans and since I was looking to find some way o fgetting temp input for this project this is brilliant. Just have to find out if they ship to the UK>

  9. I'm looking at putting together a hack that basically just depesses a pin which in turn closes a valve - the pin and valve bit is done.

    I'm thinking about using a PIC microcontroller and a stepper motor so I have control over how much the pin is depressed and so how far closed the valve is.

    I have never done any PIC programming before but have found a kit and course that seems reasonable, I have seen pics controlling stepper motors as well but before I go ahead and shell out for the PIC kit I want to make sure this is the best and most cost efficient way to go. Still have to work out how to rig up the stepper motor to the pin to get stepped contol of the pin - any engineers on here done anything similar or could point me in the right direction for this?


  10. After looking at the latest phrack this question occured from a few things contained therein:



    and this extract from "Hackers Myth"

    The security industry uses information as its sole commodity, information

    about insecurity. Who has the information, and who doesn't is what

    makes this economy work. Whats more, the economy has been founded on

    the continued output of a finite group of hackers. For the most part,

    founded on those hackers that came out of the underground scene at their

    technical prime.

    But these hackers are not going to continue their production

    indefinitely. They will lose their technical edge, move on to other

    industries, perhaps climb the ladder up to management, and then

    retire. The question is, then what? Then it will be up to the new wave

    of young security professionals, whose motivation is as much financial

    as it is passion for the technology and the thrill of the hacking game.

    To imagine that these new wave office workers, university trained and

    disinterested, can match the creative output of a genuine hacker is

    laughable. The industry will stagnate under these conditions. The rapid

    technical advancement we have seen will end, no more breakthroughs:

    no more new security products or services. Just the same old techniques

    being rehashed again and again until the rock has been bled dry.

    I am trying to show you the symbiotic nature of the security industry

    and the hacking scene. Industry needs insecurity to survive, there is

    no doubt about this. A secure and stable Internet is not profitable for

    long. Hackers provided instability, change, chaos. So the industry became

    a parasite on the hacking scene, devouring the talent pool without giving

    anything back, not thinking of what will happen when there are no more

    hackers to consume.

    For this reason, the security industry, much like the hacker underground,

    is doomed, perhaps even destined for failure. But for now, all that

    matters is that we have a thriving industry and...

    A hacker underground proclaimed to be dead.

    Whats your view, can the uni's produce innovative hackers from degree courses or is this another case of educationalists trying to sell their wares to people who will never make the grade?


  11. Just bit torrent the shows instead. The only online media thing thats any good on the move is the BBC iPlayer on a Touch/iPhone.

    I 'm thinkinf your right, not a patch on iplayer. The things is heavily tied into Windows media player as well. :-x

  12. For those in the UK - anyone used the channel 4  4od service. I just downloaded it and went to download a show I wanted to try( not that it matters but is was Reaper) and had  a pop notifying that the Drm needed updating(which I find really lazy  - I mean for gods sake I just downloaded the service files and its needing an update already when). The thing uses activeX heavily which means IE (yes I know there are plugins for Firefox).

    Anyway the thing is an absolute pain - from I can see no way of downloading on a portable media player due to the crappy drm system , not even mac compatable. Gonna be doing some looking around and poking things on this and wondered if any others had looked at it?

  13. Darren I agree with you that the show had a completely difference feel in S1 most of it because of the skits ,plotting and little links and these things made it different than most of the other" heres a segment, heres another segment etc etc now its the end of the show" tech IPTV shows. Bring back the skits - maybe try different targets -Apple seems fair game to me now after some of their recent activities such as the "let us update that copy of Safari on your computer that isn't there while you update itunes "saga. Oh and whatever Evil Server is demanding in fees to come back to the show- pay it! Maybe a guest spot every few eps as well - even just getting Harrison back on with a bottle in his hand :-P

    With regard to the segment length I don't think that should be a major issue- if a it needs to be longer do it - however I feel the show length should be kept with a certain time frame, working within set limits like this often encourages innovation .

  14. Welcome to the forums - I'd advise hacking your posts with a spell checker first though - hackers need to be aware of details and if you can't get them correct in a post you are going to struggle spotting errors  in any programming you do.

  15. I'm really not seeing a problem with the usb hacks section if you dont like the skiddieness dont go in there simple.

    That is the problem, us regulars don't want a "skiddy" area on the forums, it attracts the wrong crowds.

    I'm not around here a lot but I drop by semi regular and lurk and occasionally post so it doesn't really bother me alot as I can ignore the odd morons who get attracted cos of the USB hacks, BUT "regulars" shouldn't really expect a moron free life on here as it is a public board - if you want a skiddie free existence you are in the wrong place and anyway as Darren has already said some  of these types will go on to make good contributions once they have "matured"

  16. I'm getting real pissed. I want to move to Linux but it is hard as hell, I can't even get it to recognize my wireless card. I'm not a windows expert or anything but I know my way around pretty good, trying to navigate around in Linux is hard as hell, I'm reading books and forums but it's still hella hard. I think I would learn better just by using it as my primary OS cause that's how I learned windows. I read a few books and picked up a few tips here and there but for the most part i learned by just using it. And with Linux I can't even load up all my devices to use it as my OS. I feel like a freakin retard

    I had problems like this with my dell inspiron 1300. I had to use ndiswrapper (google it)to overcome it and does get kinda indepth working through this, however with Linux 2.6.17 kernel the driver for broadcom 43... cards are there and you shouldn't have any problems so check which kernel you are running.

    Also if you are just starting with linux I would highly recommen going to linuxreality.com and lietenning to the podcasts -they are great and the forum there is helpful - also have and irc channel as well.

    Linuxbasics.org run a good free course as well and again have forums and irc.

  17. You didn't create a extended partition did you?

    I tried both a primary DOS partition and an extended partition. I also tried making a primary DOS partition of 500Mb in case a large partition was making something mess up. For both of the primary DOSs, I got the same "invalid partition table" error.

    I recall reading somewhere that for a FAT16 to be bootable, the first however many bits on the drive needed to be zeros (or something like that). Could this be the problem, and how would I fix it?

    Hak5Chris: I've never used Win95 on any network other than a direct cable link. It's always a great masochistic experience to delete the contents of win.ini, but that's not really exploiting anything...


    Fdisk /MBR then carry on as usual

  18. I'll miss Stage6 for their innovative take on streaming media. Hell, I'll be sad when they go under and Hak5 episode 1-6 are no longer available for direct download (thx for the bandwidth;). I'll miss their open communication with content creators, yes that's you Ben Cote. They were always so cool to us, especially in the early development of the site. They even had us playing at their booth at CES one year. You don't get that with youtube.


    Not possibe to upload episode 1-6 to veoh?

  19. My kid just got a DS lite, never been into the handheld gaming thing myself so looking for some advice. Obviously will want to back up games etc so need some extra gear. From what I have read round here Metatron mentions a "supercard" , I've also seen stuff about an R4 card? Are these the same thing( I take it they fit in slot 2)? Being in the UK any advice on the best place to source them and also what other bits of kit would I need? What can I expect it to cost?

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