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Posts posted by anyedie

  1. mml, im a python noob also. But I have found a lot of good tuts on the net and am starting to get it pretty well, i can write a good bit. I cannot remember this series I found that helped me the most, but it was like 15 video tuts by the same guy. The official site has a LOT of info on it, besides that just google for python video tutorial and things like that.

  2. So, I waited in a line with few friends for about 10 hrs for a Wii strickly to eBay. I just took it out and played it for a while (only wii sports) and loved it. has this happend to anyone else?

    Does anyone who has played more than Wii sports think its worth keeping?

    I cannot decide! :cry:

  3. well, maybe you've spent to much time in your area... i get like that about most of my interst every once in a while. With technology there is soo much stuff out there that there is to know that no one can know it all. Maybe you should learn something new, most tech people have one thing in common, they like to learn. So Darren- you may be ubr pro a alot but a total nub at just as much, maybe all you need to do is find something new to learn and get into.

  4. his ip,, originates in tokyo with the isp PRIMUS TELECOMMUNICATIONS K.K. A social engineering rount would be best to find his house and just "physically own the ps3," if you catch my drift

    mml, you just made me lol in in class.

    edit: wow, this is a neat challange, anyone have any ideas on how to go about it?

  5. that pretty much sucks... but if your paranoid like I am then you probably assume that everyone in the room is sniffing your packets anyway. my menthods:

    1. confuse the sniffers and make your self smile by typing messages to them in unsafe logins, ex:

    username: HeyDouchbag

    Password: tryagain! or You have just recieved a virus.

    2. use safe protocols, programs, and websites

    3. dont do anything incriminating while there

    4. sniff them... or worse.. do what is necessary, become a super skiddie and try your luck with metasploit against them

    5. be creative and have fun!

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