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Posts posted by anyedie

  1. lol, so theres this grandmother (not mine) at my church, she is in her mid 60's and a few days ago one of her daughters friends called her and said that they saw her on VH1, for a viral video going across the net, and it was posted on YouTube. This video was taken like 25 years ago, and now this lady is randomly on YouTube singing a song. Thought some might get a laugh from it like I did, after all its nuts.

  2. understandable concern...

    especially since I'm new to the community here.

    But I stand by my work. The QRLoader source code is provided and anyone who can understand VBScript can verify the payload script.

    Other than that, I guess there's nothing more I can say.

    Hopefully a developer will check the script for you all.


    The Tools.zip contains the most recent NirSoft apps too.

    Yea, I just get weary about being 1st to download, but very nice work twsSentinel, I like it.

  3. I've been meaning to post this for a few months now, but just havent. Not too long after watching Wees's keyboard mod in whichever ep. that was it kind of got me thinking about what else I could do with that kind of mod. I thought that was neat, but I have herd of a lot of kids doing that, and I wanted more. So insted of just painting they keys, I put pictures on them all representing the letter or number I wanted. For example, my G is a grape, N is a nail, A is an alien, H is Hak5. If this attracts enough intrest I'll add it to the wiki, tell me what yall think.




    I've had it on my laptop for almost 9 months now and love it it awesome to watch people try to use my keyboard. And its held up amazingly well, but from my orginal mod, I can see a few good improvements.

    edit: added links to crappy pictures.

    edit again: borked link = i suck at this.

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