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  1. ... Oh wow. And I thought I had it bad :/
  2. ... o.O We are talking LANs, aren't we? Because LANs have fuck all to do with the ISP... You know what? If DHCP doesn't work, try setting your computers IPs manually. Just make sure they're different IP addresses and you should be fine.
  3. Edit my quote down to the bit you have a problem with please. It's rather long. And no. I, personally, have never seen a cable modem only lease 1 address out at a time (I'm GUESSING that's what you're talking about.), and even so that should be fixable in the modems settings. EDIT: I'm currently using a cheap ADSL modem, and it's doing what i described just fine...
  4. Um... do I have to state the obvious? -He's using wires, so wireless is very much out. -Assuming the cable modem and the PC are connected by a patch cable and not a crossover, the modem has a DHCP server. -Going by the language used, he's not that experienced but is looking for an easy guide. Nothing fancy or costly. So we don't need a router OR a wireless gateway. Geez, people... My recommendation is to buy a little box called a "switch". You can get an 8-port switch for $20-30, usually. You plug the cable modem into the switch, then get as many network cables as you need, and use them to plug your computers into the switch. Voila, shared internet to more than one person. Now, your other question. The reason you can't put in another network card and connect it to another computer using a regular cable is pretty simple when you think about it. The cable has different wires for different things, but you can just think of them as SEND and RECEIVE. When you connect two computers together with a REGULAR cable, the send and receive wires don't match up. However, there's another kind of cable called a CROSSOVER cable, which has the wires on one end switched around so that the send and receive wires DO match up. They're "crossed over", which is where the name came from. The crossover cable is useful for two people sharing the internet, as it's going to be far less costly than a switch, but once you get three or more people it's very inefficient and costly (two cards per PC as opposed to one, apart from the guy on the end of the chain) NOTE: when i say "plug in" i mean with a regular network cable. Not a crossover.
  5. My school admins password was 6uldv8 six-u-el dee-vee-eight. sexual deviant. That was a fun day.
  6. if(substr($_FILES['uploadedFile']['name'], 0, 5)=='index') { echo 'Error message'; //Or, alternatively, change the filename to something random }
  7. "good hacker like template" This'd be your first problem.
  8. Windows XP 320GB IDE Hard Drive P4 2.6Ghz Processor 512 MB DDR RAM Geforce 4 FX5200 GPU Onboard sound and 100Mbps LAN DVD-RW Burner + CD-RW Burner Honestly guys, you don't need that much...
  9. Watch the movie "Hackers" for some great hacking tips.
  10. I upgrade the parts whenever it strikes me to. I've only had one new computer before, and it's been with me for about 4-5 years. I have no plans to upgrade as of yet.
  11. It depends on your demographic. Case mods are popular with teenagers, professional looking cases are for the older people. You should probably offer both, but 75% of your systems should be normal looking cases. You could probably get away with upping the price of the modded cases too...
  12. So, on the first page, you argue that you can't generalise about "hackers". Then, you argue that generalisations DO exist in relation to "hackers". So which one is it? Are they men or are they supermen? Define hacker. The general public would define them as evil people who want to steal your megabytes. The Random House Unabridged Dictionary defines them as "a computer enthusiast". The hacker community has varying definitions of its own, including, but not limited to "someone who wants to know how something works". While you're at it, define script kiddie. Someone who uses someone elses programs? Someone who runs exploits and then owns a box? Someone who uses something without knowing how it works? I've heard all three a LOT, and I'm fairly sure that makes 99.9% of people with access to a computer script kiddies.
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