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Posts posted by psydT0ne

  1. If you have your house wired nicely and tidy...wired ether is teh sex.

    If you have cable running everywhere like a mad woman's shit...wireless might be the option.

    In my network at home, my main pc is wired and so is my storage server.

    The wifes' laptop, my laptop, ipod touch, media server are all wireless.

    I'm running an old linksys wrt54g with ddwrt firmware with a lovely dose of QOS goodness.

    I gotta say everyones happy.

  2. Hey, would you mind telling me of your opinion of my website regrading tech?



    Hey, i had a look at you site.

    I gather it's a tech blog?...ok

    My immediate impressions:

    1)Your formatting needs work as things are a little hard to read ie, fonts, layout things like that. Your alignment to "center" just looks a little....bleh.

    2)Also you posts need a little more information about the things you're discussing...ie more flesh to your posts dude.

    No one is going to visit your site for a few links or a couple of lines of chit chat.

    3)Maybe a designated links page to a few core key sites of real interest that suit the demographic you're shooting for, ie hackers or phreakers or technophiles shit like that :)

    If its a blog you're looking to do, I really suggest something simple, free and with some ready made templates that can get things looking good.


    PPL might be thinking they're shit, but I reckon they're not bad and you can setup your domain to redirect to your wordpress page seamlessly too.

    If you after a fully fledged site, (if you've got hosting that suppost, sql,php etc), look into E107.

    Opensource and free, supports forums, downloads, rss, chatbox you name it.

    I hope this helps, have a look at wordpress.com at some of the blogs there for some ideas.

    Good Luck dude.

  3. i chose an alfa simply because i couldn't find an expresscard 54 slot type wireless card for my new laptop...because some dick in their infinite wisdom suddenly thought that pcmcia formats were obsolete and a bad idea.

    the alfa is small, usb, has a detechable antenna with a standard smc connector and features a linux friendly realtek chipset.

    so yeah ...

  4. hey i found a damaged lcd in a bin and it has a badly damaged screen as in scratched/gouged.

    my question...is it possible to replace the first layer of diffusing plastic on the lcd with something else when i pull this thing apart??

  5. It was category 3 when it cross at Proserpine about an hour north of here...200km/hr winds at the centre...we got about 140km/hr winds here...

    I went out in it to lash my fence down as it was threatening to take flight...house ok, family ok...we were very lucky...

  6. Hey there,

    I remember posting last year some time about a cyclone (hurricane) heading towards where i live in Mackay, Queensland Australia...luckily the cyclone went back out to sea and strengthened before heading south...phew..

    Ok...this year,so new cyclone season and this time we probably won't be as lucky...


    We expect it to cross the coast Sunday morning and we may not be in the direct path...it's a category 2 so i guess not super bad but still winds of around 160km/hr


    Well i reckon we should be fine...we're in a new house so it's pretty solid...and i've stocked the pantry with cheap cleanskin red wine at $3.99 a bottle...so lol it'll be interesting.

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