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Posts posted by Shaun

  1. If you actually read that article the main part of it isn't really about Anonymous with a capital A (which isn't just 4chan by the way as people seem to be implying), but a group called g00ns (not to be confused with Something Awful goons).

    Anyway, as far as I can tell from the partyvan IRC the DDoSing has stopped now (perhaps partially due to the influence of

    ) and focussing on legal actions such as picketing. I may actually go the the Manchester one in Deangate since it's like 10 minutes away.
  2. You do actually have a right to silence in the UK, but that's only in relation to giving evidence to something you've been charged with, i.e. you don't have to provide testimony during criminal proceedings (although since 1994 the jury can draw inferences from your silence, in England and Wales at least, not sure about Scotland and NI). Being forced to hand over encryption keys doesn't come under the same protection and you don't even have to be charged with a crime before being ordered to surrender your keys.

  3. Mmm, why me? That sounds like something someone who wasn't incredibly lazy would do.

    I do agree with SomeoneE1se though, something doesn't really need the execute bit set unless it's actually an executable or a directory. In case of web servers it would mostly be directories and stuff in cgi-bin which would need it. Stuff like .php files don't need it since they are parsed by the webserver, not executed like CGI script/programs.

  4. I would say by it you learn so much out that movie the graphics of hacking at it's best  :shock:. Plus it showed that a 28.8kps is the best connection speed all time around better than broadband by far  8-). There is another 2 movies after that but the second one is banned in england (not sure why but i have a copy NOT DOWNLOADED I pay for my stuff  :-) honest.) Its a shame that hacking couldnt be that easy for education use  :lol:.

    Takedown wasn't "banned in england", it just wasn't released in the UK or most other countries. In fact it wasn't released anywhere at all for several years, possibly due to heavy campaigning against it since it was pretty slanderous (there's a documentary called Freedom Downtime about that, which you can legally download for free from bittorrent if you want since 2600 Enterprises allows people to redistribute it). It was eventually released in France and I think Hungary and then a version of it with some stuff cut out was released in the US. It's a pretty crappy film anyway.

  5. I have two pretty crappy 1280x1024 LCD monitors that I've had for years. I was going to buy a shiny new 24" 1920x1200 LCD but then it turned out that spending the money on prostitutes and drugs was more fun.

    On another note it's almost exactly 4 months since I disappeared just before hilariously saying I was definitely going to the meetup in London, paying the deposit, buying a train ticket then completely forgetting about it since I hadn't been on the Hak5 IRC or forums for a while. Did I cost someone some money doing that? I'll paypal them the money if I did. How'd it go anyway?

    Good to be back anyway (actually I'm kind of indifferent about it but I'm bored as hell, so meh), refreshed from my break from Hak5 and hopefully less of a fucking cunt, what the hell was wrong with me before? Reading some of my old posts it seems I was a complete dick. I think all the idiotic posts got to me.

    I realise this post is almost completely off-topic but I wanted to write it somewhere and making a topic for this would be a bit narcissistic I think. Oh, and is IRC down or have I just forgotten the secret handshake?


    Heh, looking at the stats it appears I still have the 4th highest total time online after all these months. And these forums had only been up a few months too.

  6. Of course we've heard of Romania, at least in the EU it joining this year was pretty big news. Plus I think there was some news last year about some orphanages there still being in terrible condition.

  7. Just seemed like someone was selling something since it was his first post and it was about a link to a product. I have seen them before and just watched an ep of DL.TV the other day where they had a few on the show. I didn't report it cause I wasn't sure if it was spam or not. Thats why I posted that it "smells like spam". @Unzip - Sorry for my hostile reply :) Welcome to the forums.

    A spam bot would never say "First of all, I'm new here and a really like watching Hak5".

  8. You *cannot* normally burn a CD image to a DVD, it doesn't work.

    I do it on a regular basis with Nero.

    Nero must convert it then, DVDs and CDs use different file systems.

  9. Dad: Why Won't Vista Make the computer run faster

    Me: Cuz it a piece of crap

    Dad: But shouldn't it run faster

    Me: You could put a corvette body on a honda, but in the end its still a stupid jap car that will only get you up to 60mph

    Me: Carbody=OS Engine=CPU


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