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Posts posted by Shaun

  1. Any monitor (computer screen monitor I mean) on the market today lacks the resolution to even display 1080i. The biggest I've found so far was an Iiyama 21" CRT that could do 1880 by something. 1400 or thereabouts. 1080 means 1920x1080 resolution.

    What? There are plenty of monitors that can display 2048x1536.

  2. So you are saying you dislike creative language in creative writing then?

    Most of the words he introduced to the language were adapted from other languages (such as latin) or from already exisitng words, so they have some etymology, he didn't just make them up without regard to the rest of the language.

    Edit: Also differing spellings of his name may be due to the nature of spelling back then, that is basically things were just spelled however you liked as long as is was spelled right phonetically.

  3. A noob in what way? What do you mean by boob - a fool or a breast? If the former then do you have any evidence to suggest such? If the latter, that's just silly.

    You hate Shakespeare? Or you hate his writings? Is that because you find them hard to read?

    He just added '"thou"s "thy"s "o"s and "art"s' to what though? The rest of his highly original and complex writing? Not to mention the fact he contributed thousands of new words and countless phrases to the English language.

    Don't know about not being able to spell his own name, where did you hear that? It seems unlikely considering his mastery of the language in his writing.

  4. This isn't really poetry, but it's pretty good. Sorry to go off topic, but bla.


    Future calligrapher? Better spelling than Sparda's? Doctrine to challenge Scientology's? You decide...

  5. No idea what this is supposed to be.. I think it's a poem. Anyway, I wrote this when I was 9 years old and I think I was just trying to sound dramatic because it doesn't really reflect my life as a 9 year old at all. Also I have no idea what I was counting... whatever it was there were 49 of them.


  6. lol get it up?

    That's what she said! Woooo!

    Ahem. Anyway..

    What is the site supposed to be for? The stuff on there doesn't really seem to be related in any way and there isn't much content to start with. Is it just supposed to be a personal site? Also some of those things that appear under newflash are kind of annoying because they are trying to be witty but don't really make any sense. Sour cream obviously has an expiration date because it will become overly contaminated with microorganisms. Also I assume they use sterile needles in executions because it means there is less chance of the person inserting the needle giving themselves an infection if they accidentally stab themselves, and also it's possible the executionee would be granted clemency or something, so I guess you wouldn't want to then accidentally kill them by giving them HIV or whatever the last person executed had. Also they probably just use a new needle each time rather than sterilising and reusing the same one... Oops, went into pedentic mode there.

  7. What is you're after? A name? Of whom? You're not going to be able get the name of the person using the IP unless they actually own the IP, which they probably won't. If you mean the host name you can use the gethostbyaddr function of PHP. If you mean the IP owner information you'll need to connect to the whois server of whoever administers that IP block on port 43 and send the IP followed by a newline then read whatever it sends back. I think you may just be able to use whois.arin.net for any IP and if it's not an IP in ARIN's jurisdiction it'll tell you what server to connect to instead. It just requires a bit of parsing the plain text to get the information into a useable form.

  8. I can't see demarchy or meritocracy working. Demarchy seems to rely on the fact the regular people from the population will have the country's best interests at heart. I don't think that is the case. What will happen is people will make laws that represent their own interests. Another problem is that most people are stupid, or rather they aren't stupid but they are uninformed/misinformed and don't really have a desire to inform themselves. A scarily large portion or the population gets their opinions from whatever shitrag tabloid newspaper they read. I reckon you'd get a lot of laws discriminating against groups that are used as scapegoats for the problems in our society (muslims, asylum seekers and other immigrants, etc).

    I think someone pointed out the problem with meritocracy. Who decides who has the best ability to rule? Who decides the criteria that people are judged under? The people chosen through the demarchy part of the government? Well then you'll just get people chosen who have the same views as the group that is randomly chosen. In fact what you'll have done is reinvent democracy, but with only a randomly chosen group voting. The examples of meritocracy in that article seem to be based upon a despotic leader assigning people based on merit, it which case you basically have a totalitarian (possibly oligarchic) government since those people will be chosen because they have the same beliefs as the leader.

    W4RP3D: That may be the case, but isn't peak oil either here or rapidly approaching? In my opinion we aren't going to have viable alternatives for all the things oil is used for before the econimy is seriously hit by oil prices constantly rising much faster than we've seen before. That could easily cause a revolution.

  9. Well a DPDT relay would work well, if you have the NO circuit as the battery power and the NC circuit as the power brick and the coil connected to the power brick as well (in parallel with the NC pins) it would work (hopefully).

    It would be more complicated with transistors I think as you would need multiple transistors to have the same effect at a DPDT relay.

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