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Posts posted by Rainman_34

  1. Having a "Restore Default" button next to the "Save CSS" button would encourage people to experiment with the CSS more. Well, me anyway.

    A quick solution until a more extensive "theme" style add-on is added.

    I completely agree with you on the restore default button. However I know it's not as "sexy" as a button but you can always ssh into the pineapple move to the directory where the style.css file is and then cp style.css style2.css and anytime you want to restore the default css files do the same except reverse cp style2.css style.css

  2. rubberducky0548,

    I want to say there is an option to choose the language choice in which you can put UK. Unfortunately I can't remember what it is but if you go to youtube and search for the hak5 video which talks about using the rubber ducky when it first came out and how to use the duck encoder they discuss it in that.

  3. Theres something in the works that will allow you to select CSS templates based on common pages and router pages. ;)

    Awesome. I just watched the video posted by sebkinne on creating modules for the nano. As someone who does web development it has convinced me a good bit to order one. They release the ability to choose custom CSS files that will lead to others, (including myself), writing custom CSS files as well only making the customization options endless. At this rate if that comes out I will probably volunteer to write CSS for anyone that needs help with it and wants a custom one.

  4. First off I want to say GREAT! I wish my high school had something like this but then again we didn't have a lot of computers nor were things as cheap as the rasberry pi. I understand you probably have to have things like the A+ and that to get the board to approve it. I would say though instead of the cisco cyber security certification what about Security+?? Sounds like you have a great plan though. I would also look into things like the De-ice ISOs, metasploitable, DAMN Vulnerable web app. Things like that for some of your learning ISOs. Also if you want to get into buffer over flows ability server is an easy one to write one for and it's a free software.

  5. This gave me a great idea. Since the nano takes micro SD cards and you can get rather large micro SD cards now I don't see why this couldn't be possible. Make the wifi pineapple pages wordpress. (They are already in bootstrap and changing them to wordpress wouldn't be hard). Then users can create templates that change simple things such as colors, link colors, buttons, images, background images and such. Then the user runs wordpress from the SD card with a sym link to the files for the pineapple site. The user then chooses a template from an approved list from hak5 downloads it to their sd card. Logs into the wordpress part of the site chooses it as their new template and there you go. Customizable pineapple pages. I know I made that sound a lot more complicated than needed but what does everyone else think?

  6. Zarabyte,

    I am not attempting to dual boot the AP but instead be able to flash it with either firmware for the reaver when I want reaver pro or flash it with pineapple firmware when I want a second pineapple. PM Sent.


    Thanks for response. I will look into whether they used the 64 or 32 MB. However it does sound a bit more than I was wanting to do. I was hoping it would be something as simple as it is for updating the firmware on the mark IV.

  7. Also this site will let you write the code then create a .txt and a .bin file for you to download as well as generate scripts for you based on options you choose. The generated scripts may need tweaking though. http://ducktoolkit-411.rhcloud.com/Home.jsp The normal site is www.ducktoolkit.com however that one is undergoing some changes so the link provided is to the older version until they complete the new version.

  8. So I have a reaver pro which is built on the same router as the wifi pineapple mark IV. Shame on me I know I shouldn't of wasted my money especially since reaver systems has pretty much decided to not add newer features into. The only thing it does do is provide an easy to use gui when I want to show some clients their wifi is unsecure. My question is I want to use this as a second wifi pineapple, (I already have one), when I travel but also be able to revert it back to a reaver pro when I need to give that easy to understand, red means bad, visual to a client that their wifi is not secure instead of them seeing a view of wash and being like so what. Is it possible to just ssh into this router and flash it with the pineapple firmware when I want it to be a mark IV pineapple and then ssh into it and flash it with the reaver firmware when I want it to be a reaver pro? Or would I need something else for flashing it? Thanks for any help.

  9. sud0nick,

    Thanks for the reply. I was trying to save the space on my pineapple because of the images and the bootstrap. I will try it tonight after work and make sure it works. So everything should be in the image file and then ust use $imagesdir/filename for anything I need to link to. Thanks again.

  10. I thought I posted this last night but was super tired so I could be wrong. If one of the admins took it down please let me know so I don't post this again. I created my splash page for the evil portal to include my css file. I am a huge fan of bootstrap for writing the code since it does simply and lessen my work load. Also because of picture sizes I didn't want to put the pictures on the pineapple itself but instead I wanted to put everything on my usb. I then went in and edited the conu.php and the preview.php files to reflect the location of my new splash.html file on the USB. The infusion page shows my code and everything for the new site. However when I start nodogsplash the redirect page is still the splash.html page that came with the infusion. At first I tried finding out what file was pulling that so I could change it. However when I couldn't do that I tried moving my splash page to replace the standard splash page. This then of course displays my code but without any of my CSS or Bootstrap. The next step I did was change the source location links in the HTML and CSS itself the the following two options.



    However all I am getting still is just the wording from my HTML no supporting code ie. my images (which I don't want on the pineapple), the css, or the bootstrap. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.

  11. newbi3,

    I want to thank you for your response and as I mentioned I realize no one on here can provide legal advice but I do think my post may have been taken in the wrong manner and as you are the developer of the infusion I would not want you to think your creation was being used improperly.

    First karma on the pineapple will be off and I would not in any way be attempting to trick or entice someone to join the network. The only thing "enticing" would be that it is an open network which is still illegal which leads us to the second statement.

    Second I am not wanting to spy on my neighbors or anyone of that manner but more check and see just how ethical they are and are they attempting to use free wifi since it is there which would lead to the third part.

    Third, and yes this could be misconstrued as spying but the people in my neighborhood all pay for internet as is apparent by the number of access points. So if they are paying for wifi why would they connect to an open network? Is it in order to conduct a malicious activity or visit nefarious sites? So the site visits, urlsnarf, are the only things I would really be paying attention to.

    I hope this clears things up and makes my intentions a little clearer.

    Thanks again for a great infusion.

  12. So I would like to get everyones opinion on this and I know no one is a lawyer but as far as I can tell what I am about to talk about is legal to do but please let me know if I am incorrect.

    So I am interested in knowing what kind of neighbors I have so I am looking at connecting my wifi pineapple to my home network and using evil portal. On the landing page for the evil portal would be a wifi pineapple image and some words along the lines of "This network is not for public use however if you do decide to use this network you are doing so by agreeing to the terms of use below. Then there would be a link to a terms of use modal window which would discuss that using this network you consent to having ALL of your network traffic monitored and so forth listing some of the possible monitoring. That could take place. Then of course below would be a button that says continue and words below it again stating by clicking continue you agree to the terms of use.

    Opinions? Legal since they are jumping on MY network?

  13. I stopped doing testing on my stuff and for my friends about a year and a half ago and as I am back to trying to get my Information Systems Security degree I am back on learning how all of this works again. My oh my how things have changed in what for most things is a short time but for this stuff is a long time.

  14. Thanks for the reply. I know how to download the infusions to the pineapple. Would I just copy one of those to a USB and then open it on my linux machine? I have already setup the USB though as I have already pretty much maxed out the storage. Thanks agin for the help.

  15. I realize that the mark IV is out of date now and pretty much all concentration is going into new versions of the pineapple. I however have the mark IV and can't afford to buy the mark V at the moment. I am willing to do the work for it but I would like to know how to create infusions for the mark IV so I can do some that I would like to have. Thanks for any help provided.

  16. I just got my USB Rubber ducky and have started learning the coding and making exploits. Of course I have to be different and own a MAC as I hate Windows. So just to see how things work and start with the VERY basics I made the following script. I know the delays are long but I just want to see each step run.

    REM This is a hello world script to test functionality on a MAC

    DELAY 4000


    DELAY 2000

    STRING Terminal


    DELAY 2000

    STRING say Hello World


    I then save the file as hello.txt and run my duck encoder with the following command.

    java -jar duckencode.jar -i hello.txt -o inject.bin

    The encoder then runs and prints out ERROR: Line 3

    I have tried to copy the inject.bin file to my micro SD card and run it on the RB however the COMMAND SPACE line does not run but the rest of the commands do.

    I have also tried the following structures as well. With the following options I do not get the error when running the duckencoder however the terminal still does not open.

    REM This is a hello world script to test functionality on a MAC

    DELAY 4000


    DELAY 2000

    STRING Terminal


    DELAY 2000

    STRING say Hello World


    REM This is a hello world script to test functionality on a MAC

    DELAY 4000


    DELAY 2000

    STRING Terminal


    DELAY 2000

    STRING say Hello World


    Any suggestions to help getting this working on a MAC would be greatly appreciated.

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