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Posts posted by Rainman_34

  1. So I know I have said before that once I was completed with the book I would write a review.  I have completed the book and I am considering writing a review but I may not.  See I completely respect the work that hak5 has done and I completely support them and I don't want to take away from anything they have done.  I however don't feel the book was of much help to me though there were some good points in the book.  I think if I write a review it will have to be a chapter by chapter review.

  2. The problem with this is your teacher is technically having you commit crimes.  Interfering with anyones internet traffic that you do not have permission to do so with is illegal and if you are running Karma they may not know they are on your network instead of theirs.  I would leave Karma off and maybe test this on your own devices.

  3. Thanks for the great link computa.  I agree though everything should really be done on a separate computer.  The nano should really only be used for getting the clients on your network and then the separate computer should do all the hard work.  The nano is great for minor things like evil portal or things like that.

  4. IF what you are doing is legal and you have the permission to you can DoS the router that you want the clients from.  That will drop all the clients connected to it and then those clients should automatically connect to you.  However if the router they are on is a secured router (ie WPA) and clients do not have any open networks saved in their preferred network list they will not connect to your pineapple regardless unless the user manually connects to it thinking it is the one they are supposed to connect to.

  5. Thanks digip.  I figured there would be no issues since it's not running anything other than the server but I wanted to make sure.  The reason I am not putting the vpn server on the vm computer is I only want to run one or two machines to attack at a time and the vpn server will also host a web server which will allow me to start ssh, ftp and vnc if needed.  Thanks for the help though now I just need to purchase the micro hdmi and usb splitter so I can get my beagle bone working.

  6. 2 hours ago, pentestgeek said:

    Let me see if I understand your question.  You want to do pentesting by carrying a small device with you when you travel such as a Beagleborne while you travel.  You show up at your client site remote into your home network from the device and then leverage tools on your home server to conduct your assessment.  Is that correct?



    No I want the beaglebone black to serve as the VPN server and web/ssh server at my home so I can VPN back into my network and attack VMs on one of my home computers with another computer I travel with.

  7. Yes the dip switches all go up unless you program them to do anything else specifically like toggle wlan1. 

    As far as the micro sd card goes you may have to format it for it to recognize it as swap memory.  Otherwise it will not see the micro sd card and wont use it for available storage.

  8. 14 minutes ago, Foxtrot said:

    I think it's pretty insulting when people have an issue and ask for help, but include these little negative comments such as "Did I just buy a $100 box" or "did I just get took for $100?". Please have some respect for the team when they put countless hours into bringing you a product.

    You included next to no information on your issue other than what OS you are using, not any other valuable information such as the configuration of the target access point.

    I couldn't of said it better foxtrot

    • Upvote 1
  9. Like digininja stated there is nothing wrong with having your lab on the network.  I will say though that I have a second router connected to my main router that uses a hidden SSID.  This router then is the network which contains my lab network so they are on a separate subnet than my home subnet. I can then VPN into my server on my lab network and the only computers on that network are the lab computers.  This way should someone get into my VPN by some freak incident they are only exposed to my lab network and not my home network.  Then to top things off the only port open on my external router is my VPN port which is changed to an obscure port number to prevent anyone scanning the router from knowing what is on it.  Then my VPN server also hosts a web server which is not exposed to the outside network.  This web server contains various steps that one must take to then startup an SSH server or VNC or FTP server for my server computer when I am away.  If someone is able to figure out all of these steps and get into my lab network and then get figure out the steps to start my other servers on it I'm screwed anyway.

  10. So my travel computer just died which only leaves me with my home server computer to travel with as I don't have the money to be able to purchase a powerful enough computer for doing my security audits when traveling.  However I want to be able to VPN back into my home network and run snort so that I can get e-mail attempts if anyone attempts anything nefarious on my network.  Can I use a beaglebone black running Kali Linux to serve as my VPN server and run snort to monitor that network while I travel with my other computer?

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