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Posts posted by Rainman_34

  1. Essentially WPS attacks are becoming less and less possible as newer routers tend to lock WPS after 3 failed attempts and will only unblock WPS if the router is restarted.  There are ways to force some routers to restart but doing that after every three pin attempts is rather time consuming.  What kind of output are you getting on you reaver? Does it keep trying the same pin over and over or say it is locked waiting 60 seconds or something like that?

  2. you can't force them to join if they are only looking for an encrypted network.  When the device and router talk the device says where is XXX.  The router says I am XXX and then the device says it wants to join XXX.  If it is an encrypted network the router will then ask for the password.  If the device is expected to be asked for a password and it is not asked for a password then it will tell the router it found the wrong XXX and not connect.  However if the device is looking for an open network then the connection will happen. 

    P.S. - in this case XXX is the network SSID.

  3. I do not need to know I was testing various tools prior and found that one not working right. I am definitely on the right channel. I dis not rin wireshark as my daughter was watching netflix so there would be a lot of traffic. I will set up a seperate router with only two computers and run witeshark to see what I get

  4. So I was messing with Kali and reviewing everything again making sure it all works before my upcoming business trip and airodump is having issues. I start with ifconfig to bring down the wireless card change the mac then use iwconfig to put it in monitor mode and ifconfig to bring it back up. I then ran airodump against my router and aireplay to de-auth another computer. No matter how many deauth attempts I send though I dont get a handshake but I watch the other computer lose connection and then connect back but no handshake. I know this works on my router as I have done it before. Any help would be greatly appreciated. 

  5. 7 minutes ago, M@$T said:

    or you can use the lan turtle if you have physical access to the PC and get a remote shell =)

    Also a great option but normally when someone is doing an external test they don't have physical access though yes some times they do.  I think using the lan turtle though kills the learning process and essentially just gives him access back into the network and then it is the same as just doing an internal exploit.

  6. 6 hours ago, M@$T said:

    On the same lines.. If you managed to get a local meterpreter shell within your local Lan.. Its totally different getting a remote shell when you are outside your lan. 

    M@$T is correct.  Even if you have the port open if you are trying to get IN then the router needs to be forwarding all incoming traffic from a port to that computer and it's open port.  This will require getting into the router from inside the network.  Then you can also setup a DNS host on the router with something like duckdns which will let you connect even if the IP changes (which most of the time it will when they reset the router).  The best thing is to send a shell OUT to a VPS and then connect to the VPS and open the shell.

  7. It sounds like maybe wlan1 is off so you can't connect wirelessly and need to connect by ethernet. If you are still trying to connect by ethernet and still have the issue I would then put dip switch 2 and 3 in the down position and power it on.  Let it run for about 5 minutes until all of the lights are flashing in a pattern.  Then power it off put the switches back up so all of them are in the up position and power it on again.

  8. A great free source for learning stuff is securitytube and cybrary.it  Cybrary actually offers some certificates (not that they are accepted anywhere though) for each of their classes you do.  I would recommend since you most likely already have everything you need I would start with learning how wifi works, how the security works and how to crack it.  Most likely your router has WEP, WPA and WPS so you can practice all three methods.  That is one of the easiest and what I consider starting points for understanding concepts.  Once you have that down move into computer systems with different types of OS, and softwares.

  9. I'm curious as to why it is so important for the frenemies to see her using the computer and on her part of the computer and not just hey you can use my guest account but my account is my account period.  User agreements and work policies.

  10. 14 hours ago, Sebkinne said:

    Did you set any filters? 

    No I have no filters set. The only thing I have done is allow associations and log probes nd associations. If I ise the usb y cable and navigate to networking then change the password it will let me connect but as soon as it powers off and I turn it back on it will not let me connect to either wireless interface. 

  11. I have updated to the newest firmware 1.1.2 and it appears that every time the pineapple is turned off and then turned back on the only way to connect is through ethernet or the USB Y cable.  Once you are connected and you go to the networking tab and change the logon management password for the management wifi said then and only then can you logon wirelessly or even connect to the open channel.  But as soon as you turn off the pineapple the process must be done again as soon as it is turned on.  This is not any fun when you are attempting to use the battery pack for deployment and you essentially can't change anything or even get any of the information since you can't connect to the pineapple.  Is anyone else having this issue?

  12. I know this is kind of deprecated but I recently got a MK5 from my work and I have been trying to setup my evil portal on it.  I am having an issue with the background image though.  I have it in the css as background: url('$imagesdir/background.jpg') no-repeat center center fixed;  I have also tried putting it into the html of the site with <body background="$imagesdir/background.jpg">.  It is not showing the background image with either of those.  I have verified that everything is correct and present and it even works that way on my MK4.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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