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Everything posted by PoyBoy

  1. I spent about $180 on my A8N-SLi Deluxe about six months ago.
  2. Exactly how secure is this?
  3. nah, just that it probably wouldnt kill me, like it would a baby, seeing as its slightly easier for me to escape.
  4. PoyBoy

    PC Building

    correction: nothing worse than being out 300 pounds cause of static electricity
  5. PoyBoy

    PC Building

    thats a pretty darn good guide. Make sure not to zap anything with static electricity!!
  6. pah. Someone need to up his post count. Whats wrong with that?? better start bumping if you wwanna make the post farther apart!!!! Sorry. Just had to do that. Take no offense. anyone.
  7. elaboration please? Ya i know im a noob
  8. Ya. Its also a shame that people do this especially since babies are fragile to begin with. I would think it would be completely opposite. Treat babies fragile, and throw us around.
  9. Not if you have SuSE 10.1!!!! Easy to configure with YaST as long as you dont try to do it command line unless you know how to fix YaST when it borks
  10. I asume you mean the top one, which is from the dogmax windowblinds theme. The bottom one had never left my network until yesterday, or something
  11. Its okay i guess. Ive gotta get back to schoolwork though. Have fun!!
  12. well, level one took all of 15 seconds to find the super secret password in the javascript. On to level 2...
  13. You are prolly right. If they release games as twisted as the halflife series, that will most likely happen. Maybe ill put a script on my desktop to kill steam,
  14. Ya, its great cause it does a good job of organizing my music for me and is a clean and usually bug free interface.
  15. PoyBoy


    AMD's new processor architecture, that will hopefully be able to smite Conroe in the long run </rant>
  16. I assume steam uses something a bit like a sophisticated boot loader to launch its games. If you add a file somewhere pr edit a config file, you *might* be able to get your other games to show up. Heres a better solution. Make a flash app that looks like the steam launcher, and launch everything from there. I could probably make one for you if you wanted
  17. Piss off!!!! lolz I actually really like iTunes, even though I dont have an iPod. I wish iTunes worked in Linux
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