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Posts posted by sud0nick

  1. Watch the videos I posted in your other thread. I don't have a Parrot ARDrone so I can't test this but it looks like he is just connecting via SSH. I think he said it's running BusyBox and it broadcasts an SSID. You can connect to the AP, SSH into it, and view the files that way.

  2. I think I found the reason why Cheeto couldn't clone some portals recently. I looked into the Python scripts that do the cloning and authentication and found that I had left some test URLs in there that lead to a page that no longer exists. I have fixed this issue and uploaded a new build to my site. Please give it a shot and let me know if there are any issues.

  3. Sweet, thanks. I don't know why I didn't see that before.

    Edit: Although, they aren't selling the cool new bag on there yet... :sad:

  4. I know the HakShop doesn't sell the every day carry (EDC) bags apart from the Pineapple bundles but has there been any thought on doing so? I bought the tactical bundle a few months back but I really like the new EDC bag that Darren had on the last episode. I would buy a new bundle as I can justify having an additional Pineapple but with my luck you guys will release the MKVI right after I get the new bundle, lol.

  5. Not sure if its relevant here in means of a full blown keylogger, but xss logger could be one way

    I Googled this a little but I'm not exactly sure how one would implement it. Would you make your own vulnerable site as a captive portal? How would you get their keystrokes when they navigate to other sites?

  6. Thanx sud0nick and digip...

    But i wanted to run this program command directly as soon as the wifi pineapple boots up using dip switches. So what command should i put in the dip switch sequence to make it execute. Any help would be appreciated..

    I believe your question is answered in the first video. Darren shows you how to use ardronepwn. It's a command line infusion so you need to type

    pineapple infusion ardronepwn

    plus any parameters required in one of the DIP fields.

  7. I went through this same thought process a couple years back. I'm still working on my degree, and will finish it this summer, but I have a lot of certifications and experience that got me the current job I have. I've found a degree to be more of a check in the box rather than proof of knowledge. However, I see the importance of it and I plan on starting a Master's program at the end of this year or beginning of next year to further my education even more. Plus the pay raise that you can negotiate after you have a degree is quite nice.

  8. We'll have to continue this particular discussion in messages but I looked at the source you sent me and there was no reference to any JS files. If there is no reference in the HTML it won't be copied. It's strange that the HTML didn't copy so there is definitely a missing variable here. Maybe there was a type of redirect that has not been accounted for yet?

  9. Absolutly. I guess that's what happend to me. Portal auth did actually download 2 css files.

    Perhaps the css files adapt according to the device.

    Part of the source code:

    Android: function() {
    return navigator.userAgent.match(/Android/i);
    BlackBerry: function() {
    return navigator.userAgent.match(/BlackBerry/i);
    iOS: function() {
    return navigator.userAgent.match(/iPhone|iPad|iPod/i);
    Opera: function() {
    return navigator.userAgent.match(/Opera Mini/i);
    Windows: function() {
    return navigator.userAgent.match(/IEMobile/i);
    any: function() {
    return (isMobile.Android() || isMobile.BlackBerry() || isMobile.iOS() || isMobile.Opera() || isMobile.Windows());
    if( !isMobile.any() ) {
    document.getElementById('portrait').style.visibility = 'hidden';

    So i guess it's perhaps more univeral than i thought.

    Again, up to now, I've tested it on various smartphones and tablets, it's perfect.

    If Portal Auth is copying the files then why not just add this code to InjectJS? That's why a lot of the options are editable because not every situation is going to be the same. I put quite a bit of effort into the infusion so that you guys have the power to make it work for you not just in the way I designed it. Take control of it, play with the Inject/Strip options and modify those Inject files. Remember, if you screw them up you can just click the restore link to get the original back.

  10. Usually people only create two version of their website if they can't reasonably fit things into a mobile resolution. I think if you continue to use fixed width and height you are eventually going to run into problems. If the captive portal has a mobile version then it won't be cloned because the regular version will be displayed first. There might be a way to trick it into cloning the mobile version by manipulating some headers but I will have to do some research.

  11. Do i need to connect the wifi pineapple as client on the captive portal to use the PortalAuth?


    If i connect to a portal using a moble phone, will portal auth clone it with the mobile version only?

    And vece-versa, if i connect with a laptop, will portal auth clone both versions? (mobile/desktop version)

    No. Portal Auth copies the source code that is delivered when requesting a page. Typically for mobile devices, the CSS simply detects whether the resolution is at a certain width or height before enabling style classes for that resolution. Two separate files are not required and don't make a design appear fluid.

    For example, I have these two blocks that detect screen resolution and apply the changes when the window is resized.

    @media screen and (min-width: 610px) {
    		top: 50%;
    		left: 50%;
    		width: 600px;
    		height: auto;
    		max-height: 430px;
    		margin-top: -175px;
    		z-index: 10;
    		display: none;
    @media screen and (max-width: 609px) {
    		top: 50%;
    		left: 0px;
    		width: 100%;
    		height: auto;
    		max-height: 430px;
    		margin-left: 0px;
    		margin-top: -175px;
    		z-index: 10;
    		display: none;

    Landscape version

    width: 873px; height: 650px;
    Portrait version (mobile phones)
    Mobile phone version:
    width: 900px; height: 1172px;

    Keeping your width set to a fixed number of pixels is not a good idea when trying to make something look the same regardless of window size. It works perfectly on your devices but it most likely won't on other devices.

  12. Portal Auth will clone the site as it is. If that site supports mobile devices, great. If not, then it will not add additional CSS to account for different screen resolutions. That would require parsing the available CSS, duplicating the classes, and modifying them for different resolutions. Needless to say it would probably not work out very well. I also don't like the idea of making two copies of every portal cus that will cause problems in itself.

  13. Did you break the mount too? If not just get a new antenna. I'm not sure if the HakShop has them, since I can't get to their site from work, but you can find SMA antennas all over the internet.

    EDIT: Actually I can get there from work but it seems they don't have the Pineapple SMA antennas for sale.

  14. In the future please just post in the thread you find so others don't go off topic. Just like the best answer states in the thread you found it will not hurt your Pineapple at all. Most of the time I send a halt command before I unplug mine but that's because I'm overly cautious at times. I've pulled the plug many times and never had a problem.

  15. Final test version is up before I submit 2.2 to the Pineapple Bar. Cheeto brought an issue to my attention about the cloner window not looking right on mobile devices so I've fixed that. Along with it I have added the ability to pull all of the MAC addresses from other clients on the network so you can spoof them to gain access if a portal requires credentials. I tried making it automatically spoof each MAC but the problem is the interface must go down to change the MAC address and when it's brought back up it doesn't automatically associate with an AP again. So that may be included in a future release (but maybe not because it would also take FOREVER to spoof each one and check for a portal every time).

    Also, Seb requested that I add a confirmation before installing depends so that everyone knows they are coming from my server and not Hak5's so you'll see that. He also mentioned it would be a good idea to verify the checksum of each dependency so that has been included as well. You won't see any messages about the verification unless it fails at which point the process will stop and the file will automatically be deleted.

    I'm gonna wait a day or two before submitting v2.2 to the Pineapple Bar to see if there is anything else that needs to be changed.

    EDIT: One last thing, I recommend a clean install before you move to the next version. Open up the large tile and, under the Config tab, click Uninstall Dependencies. Then download the new version.

  16. My apologies. You asked if the MKV could function as a key logger so it sounded like you were looking for a solution to send the keystroke over the network as it was being typed without first setting anything up on the victim machine. Of course the Pineapple could log data but again the victim is going to have to install a keylogger first.

  17. I don't think you understand how a keylogger works. Since it captures keystrokes from the keyboard it's local to the machine. Every time you press a key on a web page the data isn't sent over the network. It's done locally and then the form is sent over the network. You won't be able to capture keystrokes from the Pineapple unless if you build something like this: http://www.networkworld.com/article/2868663/microsoft-subnet/hacker-builds-wireless-microsoft-keyboard-keylogger-disguised-as-usb-wall-charger.html.

  18. a little thing ... when I Cloning portal ....

    maybe a text informing me that the menu disappears or a popup that says it's ready ...

    so I do not think it stopped responding ...

    otherwise I like it very much

    When cloning do you not see the progress bar at the top of the clone window? If not, what browser are you using and what version is it?

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