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Posts posted by sud0nick

  1. I've been meaning to organize my EDC bag. I like the idea of compartmentalizing everything but so far I just kinda toss stuff in to specific parts.

    Tactical EDC Bag:

    Top flap pouch:

    • Various WiFi antennas (1 supporting master mode, ~4 client mode)

    Front flap pouch:

    • Rubber Ducky

    • Micro USB OTG cable

    • Small accessories for my Mobius HD camera

    Front pouch on main bag:

    • Pineapple

    • Pineapple Juice 6800

    • Raspberry Pi

    Main Pouch:

    • I don't even know at the moment. I think I keep the little bit of Cat5 that came with the Pineapple in there.

  2. I thought you were just one of those guys that carries one around in case you come across a guitar. I used to be one of those guys when I was teenager. I always need something to replace the function of my fingernails because I bite them too much.

  3. Question 3: i understand that only Internet Explorer doesn't support HSTS, so will give this a shot.

    I don't know about that. I would research it first because I think all modern browsers support HSTS but I could be wrong.

    Question 5: Is there a short guide I can read to set this up? or a few simple pointers would be helpful

    Just go to the Network infusion. Click on the Client Mode tab and connect to an AP. It's just like setting up a computer on an AP.

  4. Question 1: is the above correct and if so, will the client devices not complain that the AP they are connecting to are unprotected instead of WPA2?

    Yes, use PineAP. Some devices will complain. When testing this on my home network my computers would come up with a message saying the last time it was connected to the AP it was secure and now it isn't. You may not find this in all devices so it's still worth a shot.

    Assuming they are now connected to my AP...

    Question 2: How can I understand who is connected? I see a client count in the web interface top right corner but don't see how I can find out anymore info?

    You can use the connected clients infusion. I've used it but it doesn't refresh well. A lot of times I'll have a client off the Pineapple for over an hour, I'll manually refresh the interface, and it still tells me the client is connected. It give you their IP, MAC address, and hostname though.

    Also, I have found that after installing and enabling SSLStrip, I am not getting any output at all. It seems to be started but not stripping anything

    Question 3: Why after turning on SSLStrip and visiting a https page on my laptop connected to the fake AP am I not being stripped and nothing is showing in the logs?

    HSTS is your enemy and the reason why you aren't able to successfully strip the SSL data. Almost all modern browsers support HSTS.

    I think I once read about an infusion that would actually show you a list of the access points and the clients connected to each of these access points. I can't seem to find this again, the closest I have found is Site Survey

    Question 4: How can I find a list of which clients are connected to which AP's

    You may be thinking of the built in scanner on the Pineapple. Go to the top left in the interface and click infusions. You should see Recon mode there. You can scan for both AP and clients.

    Finally, i notice that there is also a WLAN 1, which isn't started.

    Question 5: What is that typically used for? ICS without using the ethernet cable?

    Wlan1 is used to connect to another AP in client mode. This way you can provide internet access to all the users that connect to your Pineapple. You will be a man-in-the-middle without needing to share the internet connection from your Mac.

  5. OK so reading this thread... for the 100th time...


    I came across this bit of info I missed... from Darren himself.

    "The only configuration this issue impacts is where the Realtek (wlan1) is being used as a client to a nearby AP to provide the MK5's (wlan0) clients with Internet access - and only then the throughput is capped at 11 Mbps (which may be suitable depending on load / capacity)."

    When I'm looking to connect client mode, wlan1 is my only option for connect client mode too....(unless I have another NIC plugged into the external USB which I have wlan1 and wlan2 as options)
    But if I'm reading this post correctly, I should be using wlan0 as the client, but that option is not there.
    So every time I connect to client its wlan1....I had some luck connecting client to wlan2.
    Hope somebody can help a noob :unsure:
    I hope I don't sound too dum (misspelled) :lol:

    He said the MKV's clients not the client radio of the MKV. The clients connect to wlan0 which is your AP. The client radio can be anything from wlan1 and up that you have available on the MKV. Keep in mind that if you want to use the PineAP suite you should have your client connection set up on wlan2 because PineAP requires wlan1 for some of its stuff.

    In regard to your original question do you use MAC filtering on your home router? I had this problem when I forgot to add the MAC to the allow list. It always comes up as connected on the Pineapple but if you refresh the connection state it shows not connected.

  6. Well I guess it would be similar to other transmitting devices, right? It's the same reason that wireless routers transmit on different channels within the 2.4 GHz band; so they don't drown each other out. I don't know which channel aligns closest to what my DEVO 7 transmits at but if I get away from the city completely I should have less interference.

  7. I've had two Macbooks in my life. The first one I got when I ran my own music studio and it was great for running Pro Tools. I got my second one back in 2010 and I still use it to this day as my sole laptop. My desktop is Windows so I feel I'm balanced. I can say my Macbook has been running without a hitch for the last 5 years, I even had it with me for 9 months in Afghanistan. The only thing I've changed since I bought it is the hard drive. I swapped it for a solid state a little over a year ago. There is nothing in particular that I need a Mac for but as newbi3 stated the build quality is amazing. I bought my wife a new laptop with an i7 and twice as much RAM as my Macbook and while it runs well the casing feels like cheap plastic.

  8. I don't know how reliable 72 MHz would be and I would need a larger antenna.

    I mostly fly in my neighborhood which is highly saturated with 2.4 GHz bands from WiFi. How much of an impact do the wireless routers have on my quad? I assume I would be able to get a much greater range out in the middle of nowhere.

  9. BTW I realize that v2.2 hasn't been released yet on the Pineapple Bar which means you downloaded this from my site. I will be removing v2.2 from my site until it is released on the Pineapple Bar to respect Hak5's approving authority. After all it is their device and they have an approval process for a reason. I will still add test versions to my site as a disclaimer is already posted there about them.


    Until v2.2 is approved, if you download portalauth_latest.tar.gz from my site you will receive v2.1 instead.

  10. Do you have a copy of the source code to what you were trying to clone? If so, send it to me in a PM. It says the URL was invalid which I can tell it is by the error. Maybe the meta refresh goes to a relative URL? Let me know if you can get that info for me.

  11. Hey everyone! I want to upgrade my current quad as it is very stock right now but I need some advice.

    First here is a picture of my FlameWheel F450. It is the first quad I've ever built which is why it has a lot of stock parts. (I wanted to make sure I could get it flying before trying anything else)


    As you can see I have the standard DJI plastic props on it. I would like to move to carbon fiber but don't know exactly what to get. I see the name Graupner everywhere and have looked into their e-props. Does anyone have experience with them or prefer some other props over them?

    I also want to start using some 4S batteries. I currently use two 3S batteries, one at 4000mAh and another at 5000mAh. They give me great flight times but even in atti mode I don't get as much speed as I would like (this is with the pitch gain set to 400%). I have read that you can only use a 4S battery with 8" props on the F450 otherwise the motors will burn up. I've also read on some other forums that some people have had success with a 4S 10" prop setup. So, will moving down to 8" props with a 4S battery give me more power?

    One last question. I also want to upgrade from a 2.4 GHz setup to a 5.8 GHz setup. This should obviously give me a longer range with the quad (I've flown out of range with my 2.4 setup but luckily the NAZA-M V2 brought it back within range). Does anyone have any recommendations for a 5.8 GHz setup?


  12. Someone else asked Darren on twitter about it. I mentioned this thread to him and suggested they sell the bag by itself. Not sure if that caused it, or it was just a happy coincidence.

    I like to think I inspired change in the world somehow :grin:

  13. That's nice but it looks to be about the same size as the bag that comes with the tactical bundle which is what I already have. The first one you linked to might be more of what I'm looking for.

  14. v2.2 has been submitted to the Pineapple Bar. Some things have been added and a lot of issues have been fixed. I still don't expect it to be perfect because there is always going to be some weird portal out there that does things differently. One of the things I added in this version is error logs. If something goes wrong you can view the error in the Error Logs tab. Please copy and paste it here with a description of what you were doing so I can address the issue.

    Change Log v2.2

    [->] Fixed meta refresh bugs in cloning and authentication
    [->] Added Error Logs tab
    [->] Added client MAC collection
    [->] Updated the layout of the change log tab
    [->] Fixed layout issues on mobile devices
    [->] Made minor changes to the UI


    A couple more changes were made after posting this and the infusion was resubmitted. You now must configure the Test Website and Data Expected fields before you can use Portal Auth. You may choose to use my server if you want by clicking the checkbox for this option. This is so you know where your requests are going every time you check for a captive portal. If you have your own server I recommend you use it.

  15. As hairbag said. You need to store everything on your sd card as there isn't much internal space available.

    EDIT: I also recommend getting a larger sd card than the one that came with your Pineapple. It will make things a lot easier on you in the future.

  16. This isn't really a question for the Pineapple and should be listed in the Questions thread IMHO. Why not just use Evil Portal? Why would you go through the hassle of doing it manually when there is an infusion that will get you the same exact results?

    You may be able to try chillispot instead. There was a thread recently that mentioned you could download that through opkg. That's one that normally comes on DD-WRT images for setting up captive portals.

  17. Actually, what I and I think Sud0nick is also saying is start building applications for yourself and on other projects now. There's no need to wait for a cert, nobody on those projects cares if you have one or not. Talking to those people can make you understand the language much better - having a language construct explained to you from multiple viewpoints can help you get a much deeper understanding of what exactly that means and why it's useful.

    This is exactly what I was saying. The more experience you have the more valuable you will be to an employer. Although I did talk to a recruiter about a Python dev job a couple weeks ago (he knew nothing about IT or programming which didn't help) and he didn't like the fact that my Python experience was homegrown. So it may not help you all the time but you have to start somewhere and the best place to start is right at home.

    Regarding the first X days work for free - don't. It only shows you're desperate. They will hire you on the assumption that you'll make your money's worth.

    I agree completely. Do not work for free. Walk in to a job with confidence, do the best work you can, and get paid for it.

    If you feel you're not sufficiently experienced in something, admit to that in your letter. Don't see it as a knock against you. It might result in you getting hired at the entry level where they were really looking for a medior/senior employee, but your application letter and resume showed them that you have what it takes to grow.

    Make sure you do this in the right way. Don't directly say you are lacking in a specific area but instead list your skills in order from strongest to weakest. It's always a good idea to list everything you know but make sure the employer knows where you strive. Even your weak skills can come in handy somewhere. Once you get into a job you'll refine the skills that job requires anyway. If it happens to be one of your weaker skills you will just learn a lot more in a shorter period of time.

  18. My bad he was using telnet. Check your network settings. Those are most likely wrong if you can't even ping it. From what he said in the video it's just a BusyBox instance so if you still can't see the files then look on their website to get an idea.

  19. telnet


    The default telnet port is 23 which is most likely not open on the ARDrone. Use SSH and you might get in. That's what Darren did in the video. Have you set a static IP address within the network? That's important, too.

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