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Posts posted by sud0nick

  1. A keylogger needs to be connected directly to the computer, or installed on the computer, to capture keystrokes from the keyboard. You could use JavaScript in a captive portal to log keys but there is really no point if you are already using a captive portal.

  2. I fallowed the phishing tutorial and fallowed every step, but for some reason I keep getting the 404E.

    I'm thinking that PHP isn't installed correctly but I'm kind of new to this and have no Idea what I'm doing wrong.

    That tutorial is from 2011. Much has changed since then. PHP is installed on your Pineapple MKV by default so I don't know why you would think it didn't install properly. As z3roc00l said, use Evil Portal II instead, it will make your life a lot easier. Also, maybe brush up on some PHP or at least learn the basics. You can start with a Google search.

  3. Please note that it's a short string, put through a conversion, then another conversion, then a reversible keyless encryption, then a cipher. Should make things a little easier.

    Lol, that information is kind of important.

  4. Actually, I forgot to mention you can do this on Windows using MiniTool Partition Wizard. It's a fantastic tool that's really easy to use. You can download a free version on their website. This guide should help you.


    Edit: To answer your second question there is something you have to modify on the Pineapple within the Resources infusion. It's how the sd card is mounted but I don't have access to my Pineapple right now so I can't post the configuration. You should be able to find it on the forums if you search. I think that's how I initially found it.

  5. when i formatted in win in fat coudnt read


    Windows can't read ext4 that's why I said do it in Linux or on the Pineapple. This sd card isn't for your Windows machine anyway so it shouldn't even be touching it.

    But could it be possible that there is a limit on the mkV (techncal specifications limit) on how many infusions he can hold?

    Yeah, the limit is the size of your sd card. If you are using the 2GB card that came with it you should be fine installing all infusions up until you start storing multiple captive portals, large logs, and a bunch of other stuff. Personally, I use a 16GB card with 2GB of it dedicated to swap.

  6. Please look at my post #68 (page 4 of this thread)

    I'm experimenting with the same thing. There is a script available for Linux and for Android.

    What it does is connects to the captive portals and scans all the clients. Clones their mac and dumps it onto your phone.

    The phone then disconnects and re-connects to the captive portal using the same mac address.

    I think it also captures the clients cookies. Therefore no password id needed to access the portal.

    Of course, if the cookie expires, then so does your access.

    I've tried this a few times but havent had luck on my S4. I hope others will try it out. Acording to what I read, it really works.

    I understand the concept and I've seen your post. What I need to know is if it is still a viable attack on today's networks. People can post POCs all they want but that doesn't mean it will work in the real world.

  7. I'm trying to implement an additional option for Auto Authentication that steals the MAC address of another client connected to the portal's AP. This will be useful for portal's that require login credentials. I have a shell script that relies on nmap's ping sweep to get the MAC addresses of all of the clients on the network. It works flawlessly and even grabs the IP and netmask of the client radio automatically and converts the mask to CIDR notation for use with nmap, that way the IP and bits don't have to be entered manually. Then Portal Auth will iterate over the array of MAC addresses, assign one to the client radio, and test for a captive portal. It will repeat this process until either no portal is detected or it runs out of addresses. What I want to know from the community is if this is normally a successful operation nowadays. It seems too trivial to work everywhere but I'm sure it will work somewhere.

    Here is the script, let me know what you think.

    mask2cidr() {
        for dec in $1 ; do
            case $dec in
                255) let nbits+=8;;
                254) let nbits+=7;;
                252) let nbits+=6;;
                248) let nbits+=5;;
                240) let nbits+=4;;
                224) let nbits+=3;;
                192) let nbits+=2;;
                128) let nbits+=1;;
                *) echo "Error: $dec is not recognised"; exit 1
        echo "$nbits"
    # Get the IP address of the client radio
    ip=$(ifconfig $1 | grep 'inet\ addr' | cut -d: -f2 | cut -d" " -f1)
    # Get the netmask of the client network
    netmask=$(ifconfig $1 | grep 'inet\ addr' | cut -d: -f4)
    bits=$(mask2cidr $netmask)
    # Use nmap to ping sweep the target network
    scan=$(nmap -sn $ip/$bits)
    # Echo only the MAC addresses of the result
    echo $scan | grep -o -E '([[:xdigit:]]{1,2}:){5}([[:xdigit:]]{1,2})'
  8. I've made some changes to the infusion and added the build to my website. These are minor changes but include the ability to move dependencies to the sd card (from the config tab) and a more mobile friendly interface (minus the injects tab). If anyone wants to test it just grab the script at the bottom of the Portal Auth page to download and install it. This is currently labeled as 2.1.1 so if you want to revert you must uninstall it and reinstall from the Pineapple Bar. When I release the next version on the Bar it will be labeled 2.2 so you will be able to update instead.

  9. I think you and I are referring to two different things in case of SQLi though. "mysqli" statements in server side script queries, vs SQLi (Sequel injection). But yeah, was just stating you could get results from a DB without sequel injection attack since you allow HTML GET requests for URL manipulation to dump all the records.

    Now we're on the same page. I've never heard SQL injection referred to as SQLi so I immediately thought of the PHP interface mysqli.

  10. @DataHead

    Here is a quick script I wrote up to move the dependencies for python to the sd card. It will put them in /sd/depends/ and create symlinks.

    if ! [ -d "/sd/depends/" ]
            mkdir /sd/depends/;
    mv /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/bs4/ /sd/depends/;
    mv /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/requests/ /sd/depends/;
    mv /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/beautifulsoup4-4.3.2-py2.7.egg-info /sd/depends/;
    mv /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/requests-2.5.1-py2.7.egg-info /sd/depends/;
    ln -s /sd/depends/bs4 /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/bs4;
    ln -s /sd/depends/requests /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/requests;
    ln -s /sd/depends/beautifulsoup4-4.3.2-py2.7.egg-info /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/beautifulsoup4-4.3.2-py2.7.egg-info;
    ln -s /sd/depends/requests-2.5.1-py2.7.egg-info /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/requests-2.5.1-py2.7.egg-info;
    echo "Complete";

    I'll probably include this in the next release.

  11. You know how it is that criminals succeed? They have no rules. None. They have no feeling or concern whatsoever for the what they do. There's no angst, no inhibition, no anxiety, no remorse, they just do . . . . things. They'll break every rule in the book and feel no concern whatsoever for the harm they are doing.

    I tell ya this, if I had to hack a criminal to bring his criminal rampage to an end and to stop him destroying more lives, let's just say that sometimes structures become shackles, letting the bad guy get ahead.

    No one here is disagreeing with you on the fact that criminals should be punished for their crimes. I'm also certain that everyone here would break the law to protect their family and their own lives. However, we were discussing the Pineapple's place in all of this which is nonexistent. The Pineapple is not made for the purpose you seek. If you want it to be that way then go ahead and change the interface. No one is stopping you.

  12. And after you've washed your mouth out, you need to meet some victims of crime.

    I've seen victims of crime. This is why I pack heat like the oven door. You're going about this the wrong way. The Pineapple would not be useful in the situations you've mentioned. Now, please, take my advice and change the user interface yourself, as clearly none of us are going to, or just drop it.

    Edit: removed info that was irrelevant to current conversation.

  13. I assume this is because of internal space issues? Otherwise, why would you need to do this? The dependencies that get installed are python libraries, Beautiful Soup and Requests, which go into /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ with other user installed libraries. The other two files that are downloaded are jquery.min.js and auth.php which go into /www/nodogsplash/.

  14. lol ok. I replied to TGYK and stated I'm not using SQLi since it's outdated and vulnerable. I'm actually using PDO with prepared statements as it is much more secure. Since you were poking around it got me to double check my code and I found some places where I was still using SQLi but it's updated now. I was all paranoid, :grin:

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