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Everything posted by digininja

  1. Try manually running the echo command from the dropdown once a client has associated. That should output the echo stuff to the log. Tail it and see what you get. If you are a coder you can also get the portscan to dump out parameter 3, the IP address to see what it is getting when it thinks it isn't getting an IP address.
  2. I'm guessing that the symlinks were because of iwconfig and the like, if so, don't symlink, edit the module.xml file in the AccessPoint directory. That file contains the full path of all the commands it needs to run. Forgot to add that bit.
  3. The second bit is right, for the first bit, if you can't find the IP address and have to reflash then just set a static IP so you can be sure what IP the Fon is on. You didn't say what DHCP server you were using.
  4. Grab the tarball from the link above and untar it into a directory, grab the eee madwifi karma tarball from my site (somewhere on the root) and untar that on the eee, build it then install it. Reboot and check dmesg for my name/karma being mentioned. To start the framework go to the karma directory and run ./bin/karma ./etc/karma.xml You need a dhcp server installed on your machine. Any problems, shout, got to run now.
  5. I don't think you are right on the IP address stuff but I don't have a device to hand to check. I don't think you can't set an IP and dhcp, you have to chose one or the other. Why are you trying to set dhcp and a static ip? Why not just go for the static one. Where is your dhcp server running? Look at its logs and see what ip address it issues, or you can run a packet sniffer and watch the traffic for the dhcp request/answer, the answer will contain the ip address issued. Usually if an interface can't get an IP address it will default to one in the subnet. It may take a while but you could try ping sweeping that range to see if you can find it there.
  6. If dhcp results are showing in the karma logs then you have an ok version. The problem was that whatever version some people were using dumped its log files out in a different format, all the karma script does is run a regexp against the logs, as it couldn't find what it wanted it never reported that anyone had been given an IP address. Actually assigning addresses was fine. Actually, thinking about it, I may have added an extra regexp in to cater for that server. All this was going off very early morning at this years Shmoocon while I tried to get it working for someone.
  7. A fried asked me about integrating mdk into Jasager but I hadn't had chance to look at it yet. Looks like you've saved me a job. How about I add a deauth button to the interface?
  8. When I get it working again I'll let you know. The old Fon that didn't accept packages would give out dhcp addresses. I've since flashed that and not tried to set it up on either of two current ones. I'll get it up and running and let you know.
  9. I'd have to see this bit of the spec to believe it # Outdoor Range over 15km
  10. The client table gets the IP from the an arp lookup, I suppose if the IP address is being given out by a device on the wired side of the Fon and the client doesn't know the fon exists then the Fon never has to talk to the client and vise versa so the arp table may never get populated. We need a way for the fon to get access to the ip address of the clients. One way that comes to mind is to packet sniff all the traffic and use that to tie MAC to IP. That would work but would use processor power. I'll have a see what code I get with the side jacking stuff I'm working on, see if some of that can be re-purposed to sniff the IP address. If anyone else has any ideas for this let me know.
  11. They look great! I've always liked the look of these as well http://gumstix.com/ but I know I'd buy it, play with it for a few days then just leave it sat on the shelf.
  12. See the other thread in this forum about running karma on a laptop
  13. First off, if anyone wants to donate me a G1 I'll happily play with it and give full support to that person. For the upgrade, you will be able to just untar the 2.1 tarball in the root then reboot, should work fine. Something I have just thought of though, the post install script in the package creates the symlink which is needed to autostart Jasager, the tarball doesn't. If you are using the tarball to upgrade then the link is in place and you'll be ok, if you are going for a new install you'll need to put the link in yourself, just run: ln -s /etc/init.d/jasager /etc/rc.d/S91jasager I'll add this to my install notes on the site
  14. I'll see how it goes, he reckons it can be done by the end of the week, I asked if he wanted anything and haven't heard back so maybe not.
  15. I use a normal cable and arch linux. My card stays up, no problems.
  16. I'm talking to a mutual friend about integrating session hijacking into Jasager.
  17. what do you mean get in? redboot is enabled by default so just use the windows app or redboot.pl to connect to within the first few seconds of powering it on.
  18. why? The fon+ has redboot enabled by default so you can install any firmware on it you want.
  19. I've never had it take so long to build the files, all it should be doing is looking at each of the files in the scripts directory, pulling out the xml and then parsing it. The script it runs is the same as when the fon boots so if it takes ages doing it on install it should also take ages on boot. So, there must be something wrong somewhere in the install. I'll try to flash a fon or clear one down in some way so I can do a fresh install and see what happens.
  20. not that I can think of. You can do the build on an other pc and just copy the binaries across. Just drop the eee kernel sources on and reference them rather than your pc sources.
  21. It is all about signal strength, most clients will connect to the strongest signal so if you've got a fon and an ap next to each other it may switch between the two, if the fon is closest then it will win. The idea of Jasager is to get clients when they are away from home so their own AP won't be there to compete.
  22. I'm cool with it. Its the thing of right tool for the job, if I had have physical access with my laptop I'd use karma, if I had to leave something and walk away it would be Jasager. If I ever get 5 mins I'll play with airbase and from what I've read may look at integrating that with Jasager. I've also had a few other requests of tools to integrate so I've got a lot to work on.
  23. The beter your antenna the wider the range you'll have so the more clients you can offer up your service to.
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