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Everything posted by digininja

  1. ok, the require problems is because the ruby xml package was missing, did you install it? The bind: Address already in use is because the web server was already running when it tried to restart, I should use restart rather than start or check if it is already running first. The ln is again because the symlink already exists. Rather than that being one of the files installed by the package the symlink is created by the post install script, again, I need to check if it exists before creating it. I'll probably just delete it if it does and create it from scratch, just in case. The last detect is odd because it is comparing a version value from /karma/.version with the version the post install script thinks it is. Even though my package build directory has version 2 in it the package got built with 2_rc1. I've fixed that and put the package back up. So, all solvable problems. I'll have a look at sorting them out tomorrow. Thanks
  2. What was the problem/symptoms? Now that I've got it done and out the door I'm going to re-flash one of my Fons and do an install from scratch. If you can point me at what I'm looking for I could try an install then upgrade.
  3. I've just released Jasager version 2. Please read the Installation Notes. Version 2 has more dependencies than version 1 so extra packages will needs installing, also, anyone upgrading from v2_rc1 needs an extra flag when calling ipkg. For new installations, my install notes start around step 17 of Darrens but you will need to remember to copy across the extra packages.
  4. Well, thats your problem then. Seeing as you haven't installed the karma'ed madwifi drivers you don't have karma. Remove the installed madwifi package then try installing my version again. You will need a reboot after the install. Check the install worked by the dmesg command above.
  5. Try with the redboot script, it is a perl script so you can probably get it running on the mac, then just follow the instructions on the openwrt wiki.
  6. My betting is you didn't install the madwifi drivers. What happens if you ssh to the fon and do an iwconfig? do you see ath0? if you do, do a dmesg|grep -i karma and see if you get anything back. If you don't see ath0 then you've no madwifi drivers installed, if you don't see karma returned then you haven't patched the drivers, or you haven't rebooted since doing it.
  7. The eee stuff is just the madwifi patches, not the full karma framework. If you do decide you want it just mail me.
  8. reflashing will work, the password you use for ssh is stored in /etc/password, as soon as you re-flash the file will be recreated from the image.
  9. Don't use Jasager for this, just setup a normal AP. If you don't know how to use wifi on your DS then best ask in a DS forum.
  10. karma was the original of all this. It is basically a patch for the madwifi drivers to let them respond to any ssids and a ruby framework that incorporates a number of servers/services to provide different things as mentioned above. Dino Dai Zovi wrote the original karma and patched madwifi, I then took over and patched madwifi-ng, added some extra functionality and fixed some bugs. I haven't released a full version of it for a while, just the odd patch here and there, if you are interested I can probably put together a tarball of a working version. HDM took quite a bit of karma into Metasploit and created Karmatasploit from it, I keep saying I'll give it a proper look over and have a play with it but haven't had time. Something to watch out for, karma is included on BT3 but doesn't work, I've created a working version for BT but it is probably easier if you want to get it working to just install it on your working linux setup.
  11. I've emailed the fsf to see what they say. I can include all the extra stuff if I have to but would rather not as I'd prefer to keep this as compact as possible.
  12. Sounds like you want the original karma which provides a set of fake services including dhcp, dns, web and imap. Jasager is currently designed to be a mitm rather than standalone.
  13. What are you trying to achieve? If all you want to do is to have your DS connect to an AP then just set up an ordinary AP, if you want to get someone elses DS to connect to Jasager then they would need to have set it up to auto-connect to an AP so that it sends out probes.
  14. Hopefully I'll get all your questions answered here... Most people are setting up internet connection sharing so they bridge their laptop wired and wireless so that the fon can share it. Not sure why you think that is majorly unsecure, the network stack on the laptop is just forwarding packets and as long as your machine is locked down then nothing should be able to get up to it. If you want to use the wireless card to do both AP mode and to be a client to another wireless AP then it is possible but you reduce the efficiency of the card as it can only either listen or transmit at one time. Reading the section "Single Wireless Device AP Repeater" which is what we would have, you basically bring up two vaps and then bridge them. My idea to solve this is to put two fons back to back and have one as the client, one as the AP and join them with the wired network. I haven't tried it but it is an idea. You should be able to use ntp to set the time on the fon if it has a connection. I run my own ntp server so it doesn't need an internet connection, just a connection back to my laptop/server.
  15. I like the idea of creating a feedback loop, the more people who can help others the easier my job is and the better support everyone gets.
  16. How many devices do you have on What happens if you hit it with a web browser? From memory you shouldn't get port 80 open by default on an openwrt install because you haven't got any web stuff on it, that is why you install webif, to install the web browser and an easy way to configure it, before you install Jasager. What do you get if you ssh or telnet or dig an address from it? As all the ports are open (I assume that is what you meant when you posted them) you should get some replies.
  17. questions, questions, always questions :-) Sounds ok so far If you want to stop your devices connecting to Jasager instead of the real AP you need to blacklist the SSIDs from your APs, however many you have http://www.digininja.org/jasager/docs_black_white.php It is setup with no SSIDs by default. It was originally an accident but then I decided that I liked it. I basically forgot to set an SSID in iwconfig when I setup ath0. As Jasager automatically responds to any SSID I figured why bother actually setting one, makes it slightly more stealthy that way.
  18. That seems to match with what I've heard, you can install openwrt but unless you've got a jtag connection then you can't access the device because the ethernet ports are bust.
  19. From everything I've read and tried the standard openwrt doesn't work on the Fon+ because of an issue with it getting confused with the network cards and so not starting the network up correctly. I haven't got a usb cable yet so I can't confirm that I see the same as you but I tried every method I could find to flash with kamikaze and they all ended up with an unresponsive brick.
  20. Are you trying the correct ip address after the flash ( . Is your NIC on the right subnet? You'd naturally be on the subnet from previous steps, make sure you change. And finally, are you sure you are waiting for the flash to finish. I'm asking this because I flashed mine a few times and assumed I'd either bricked it or got it wrong because I hadn't left it long enough. I now start it and then ignore it for an hour, gives plenty of time for everything to finish.
  21. I'm about to release version 2 of Jasager. Assuming you installed version 1 from the package (not tarball) then all you need to do is copy the package to the device and do ipkg install <package>. The package manager will take care of the rest. It is the same for other openwrt packages. To upgrade openwrt itself you'd need to re-flash it. If you followed Darrens instructions then you'll have renamed index.html to webif.html. Just hit that in a browser and it will give you the webif interface where you can change the ip. I have mine plugged directly into my switch and have my gateway know about traffic from the wireless network so it can route all incoming traffic for that subnet through the fon. Most other people have setup internet connection sharing. Take your pick. Good, have a play, come up with ideas and build things. The new module system allows you to easily add new features and I'm always interested in ideas.
  22. I've only had one bug report and that was that I'd forgotten to increase the version number so unless I hear anything else I'll release this as a full v.2.0 next week, as soon as I get chance to update the install instructions on my site and write the spec for adding your own modules.
  23. Don't know about that particular phone but I'll just point out that you don't have to have madwifi to do a deauth attack, most, if not all, chipsets can do it, you just need the software.
  24. What a lot of licences! I knew about the basic GPL 2 and 3 and the few different versions of creative commons but the size of the list on the fsf site is huge. I'll have a read through them and try to chose a good one, whatever happens though the code is free and will remain free.
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