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  1. Meta


    Because Open Source is better. Cleaner and more reliable code.
  2. First of all, I would like to say that the cast list is awesome. Steve Wozniak, Kevin Rose, Leo Laporte. Secondly, I would like to inform Metatron that Leo is the one of reasons that Hak.5 is here today.
  3. Here is another great band for hacking music. Machinae Supremacy offers most of their music for free on their site. Check it out. www.machinaesupremacy.com
  4. I forgot something... If you can't get access to the C: drive, put in a floppy disk or something similar that you can write to. Then create a shortcut that points to the C: drive. I can't tell you oftent this has worked for me. It will work most of the time. Once you have access to that, you could also bring in LanDiscovery on a floppy and mess around from there. Have fun, but don't do anything stupid!
  5. A compact Flash Drive is not fast enough to support the memory access times that is required in most Swap Drives. Use an old USB HardDrive at least.
  6. A peice of freeware called LanDiscovery will automatically detect all connected LAN devices and allow open access to the schools network. READ, WRITE, you name it, you got it. I am still waiting for my school to patch this error, after I told them that it was a vulnerability. I guess the admin is really lazy, or just stupid.
  7. I have admin rights at my school as well. We've had lots of fun changing the homepage for the school to our favourite sites. ie. redcardgroup.com, hak5.org and of course twit.tv. But, I agree with ethical motions and Darren, I suggest you tell them how you did it. But make sure you don't tell the admin, tell the principal, that way the admin doesn't hunt you down for breaking his network.
  8. You could always grab the flash file from your cache and then convert the .swf with Flash MX or some other 3rd party tools.
  9. I agree that IE sucks, but the truth is, the majority of the internet is still run by IE users as it is readily available. Many users of the internets are not adept enough to even know what Firefox is, let alone install and run it. Unless, your website is only meant for a group of adept computer users, I would say to allow IE users.
  10. You went about this all wrong. Linux has a built in bootloader. Why didn't you just use that? You could have installed them in any order you wanted. You could have installed Linux first and then resized your hdd with the install wizard. Then you could proceed to install Windows and add that to the MBR.
  11. I used to be very careful with my portable gems, however, I would have to agree with mubix here. If it is just a wireless card, it won't be hurting anything if you simply unplug it. There is no information that is going to get lost with the removal of a PCMCIA Card.
  12. I love the wallpaper Darren. Can I ask why you haven't used this artstyle in the show? I especially love the nod towards the old movie Hackers. http://static.flickr.com/25/59600878_29171e3bfd.jpg?v=0
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