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Posts posted by armadaender

  1. Why do you want to inactivate the antivirus?

    Simply put: Just kill it under the task manager.

    I.E.: Hit ctrl-alt-del, select the tab "Processes", find the process that's symantic, right click and select "end process".

  2. Rush and Savage are the most fanatical, inane and imprudent individuals who should not have their own shows for the sake of the US, nay the world. Both have their heads jammed so far up their asses that neither of them could tell you what's really going on anywhere in the world because the Bush administration hasn't told them yet. All they do is play stupid when questioned by democrates and throw holy water at them yelling "blasphemy!, repent!", thank the lord for quote: "Level-headed republicans", and kiss Bush's ass.

    My father sometimes listens to Savage on the radio at work, and it makes me want to hit him.

  3. And this is probbably what everyone wants to happen to him but im sure that nothing will happen to him just like in many other cases of political figures doing illegal and nothing happens to them personnaly i hope the bastard burns in hell... may i recall i believe a political figure dont know the name of him but i belive he went to malysia and abused raped sold kids into prostitution and he comes back and the courts didnt do crap to him.

    American jurisdiction at it's finest. They'll spend hundreds of court hours to lock-up a person charged with pot possession and intent to sell when he only have a few ounces on him but they'll do nothing when young kids are being sexually abused by ceos and senators.

    Better yet, they''ll do nothing when a ceo, representative or senator does anything illegal.

    I'm still suprised the Enron execs got time in prison.

  4. Appearantly the man was sexually abused as a child but that does not give him the right to speak to a young, male page in such a way (or anyone aside from his wife for that matter).

    The man shouldn't been able to resign but instead fired, and then sent to trial for sexual misconduct and harrasment. Found quilty and sent to prision for a year where his new "friends" will make a toy out of his ass (child sexoffenders are at the bottom of prison food-chains). Then forced to spend the next five years in rehab, all the while doing community service. Lastly, add his name to the nation sex offender registry.

    And that's all before the kids family decideds to sue him in civil court for a few cold million.

  5. Now I havn't watched the ep yet (will do once home from work) but can the target files to be copied and sent back be changed?

    I.E. targeting only files in "My Documents" or specifically certain log files for programs?

  6. They all were simply awesome. The vast majority of my childhood was spent fighting my sister over who got to play next. Ended up having to get another nes because our parents were so sick of us fighting all the time.

    I'll have to go with #3 though because that's the one I still vividly remember the most for some strange reason or another.

    Edit: Just realized that I voted for #2 by accident.... My bad

  7. The moment before I passed out last night I had the idea of the rainbow tables (I knew I should have gotten up and posted about it before others). If you could generate all primes up the the digit length of the given semiprime, one could brute-force every possible combination between the two data sets and discard ones that have been tried. Yes, it would take a while to generate all of the prime numbers from 1 digit to 212 digits (or whatever number one goes after) but once completed, it shouldn't take that much longer to figure out which two prime numbers are factors of the semiprime.

    Next question would be, how many prime numbers are there in 1 to 212 digit-length numbers and how much storage space would this take up.

  8. Could someone not make a folding@home style client for it? Or is the math all wrong for that to work?

    That's what I was thinking but the logic behind it wouldn't work.

    Say you wanted to factor a basic function say, f(x)=x^3 - 3x^2 + 2x. This is obviously x = 0,2, and 1.

    But let's say you wanted to distribute the load between two computers. You would split the problem in two: 'x^3 - 3x^2' and '2x'. * The same way folding@home works, splitting up the work *

    Then the first computer would factor x^3 - 3x^2 = 0, which would then be x = 0, 3. And the other computer would have '2x = 0' which is zero.

    The point of this rambling being, I don't see how it would be possible to 'cut-up' the work of one particular problem because the anwsers in the end would not be correct. But I could be wrong, there may be some formula out there that would make it possible, especially for semiprime numbers.

  9. Haha, easy guys. I kinda like this idea. It's rather rediculous for the vast majority of us (no wait, all of us) as we've got no where near the necessary equipment to factor the number but it's still interesting to read about something like this and learn more about it.

    Just too I just can't just enter it into my ti-84 plus and have it spit out the answer.

  10. What he's saying is that he wants help factoring a very large, semiprime number using the GNFS algorithm: c09a5f0e7b5a01c84b3410bafd08316f.png into the two prime numbers that when multiplied, equal the origional. And by doing so, make lots of money.

    The problem with this however, is that it takes a HUGE amount of processoring power to factor the number (200+ digits) and therefore he's looking for help from coders to possible create a program that would be run by us to help factor the number. I don't see how we could, as a group, help factor the number as it would have to be some sort of international cluster but hey, if someone's got an idea, let's hear it.

  11. If you're thinking of factoring a 212+ digit number with the machines we have available to us, there's no way in hell we could beat MIT, Stanford, U of M and every other top college who's certainly pitting their best against the numbers.

    It would take machinery that surpasses even that of metatron's to efficiently factor the number and whos to say it would be done before someone else.

    If we were to somehow find a way to distribute the cpu load (much like folding@home), then we could stand a chance but we might as well aim for a higher number because the majority of people will be working on the next to be factored. I like the idea and more than willing to donate time into this but I'm no coder but I am rather good at math so that's where I could help.

    PS, someone get metatron on this, he's got the serious hardware and a fricken phd in advanced mathmatics.

    Raise your hand if you a) tried to read that and b) managed to read and fully understand it...

    <Raises Hand>

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