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Posts posted by armadaender

  1. True hax0rs don't care too much about what they ware as long as they like it. That is why I have never spent more then £20 on a pair of shoes in the past couple of years :P

    Agreed. I tend to get all my shoes as hand-me-downs (because one usually can't find them in a store for cheap, like my italian leather stanfords) or I get them at discount online somewhere. Shoes are shoes and as long as they don't kill your feet, then everything is alright.

  2. Looks good.... *puke*.. But the best hangover cure I've ever had was using one of those "health drinks" as a mixer all night (with vodka). The next morning I felt like a champ. If memory serves me correctly, the drink was called Xango and it's packed with antioxidants. Supposidly you're only supposed to take a shot worth a day to 'be healthly', but I drank the whole 2 litre bottle.

    Oh, you can also just keep drinking the second you wake up. Take a shot of <whatever> with a few asprin and you should be set.

  3. Well, if I could already use my current router with it, then it would be feasible. How do you tell the distance a device is from the router? What did you mean by a honeypot?

    Ok, I'll say this before everyone one else goes nuts. When asking "what is <insert someting here>" or "How do I <insert something here>", google it or check on wikipedia. There is a wealth of information at your finger tips and simply taking a moment to search for it yourself will provide much faster results than waiting for one of us to respond to your posts.

    Honeypot definition, straight from Wikipedia

    And in terms of determining how far a device is away from a central spot, gps would have to be used. Well, I can think of another way but that's way too much math. I'm sure someone else has an idea or two as well.

  4. I am also a fellow Michigander, well thats 3 out of 2537.

    Three people from michigan... Hmmm, we may be the most represented state here. All we need are a few more and we could take over the British as well!

    Victory shall be ours!

    PS - To get this somewhat back on track: Where abouts are you guys in MI? I'm from the West-Mich portion (Grand Rapids area).

  5. The statewide hype for Tigers probably caused you to miss it

    Actually I havn't really been paying much attention to the Tigers. I really hate baseball (it's so damn boring) but because hockey is up and running, I don't mind packing into my neighbors living room with 20 other people to watch the wings play on their big-screen tv. Hockey is far more entertaining than Baseball will ever be.

  6. "Well, we don't have enough time to fix all of the holes in the door... So, we'll just fix as many as we can. That way there's just a slight problem and we can somewhat control how many things come in at once."

  7. Well first thing noted is the fact that they don't declare a doctype in the source. (ex: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd">)

    Additionally, is appears that there sense of html is crap because of the messed up attribute values and even attributes that don't exist or are misworded.

    Who knows why it's this way. Could be a mistake. They may have just wrote the page one day, saw that it worked and said, "screw it, it works, don't mess with it". Or there could be a legit reason for why it's this way.

    And no, there's not something wrong with you. I've done the same on other sites. Especially when I'm working the graveyard shift and bored.

  8. Mine's no better. Just blabbing about how I got smashed in Canada.

    Enjoying Canada and their wonderful 19 year old drinking age. My friends and I went to Canada for spring break this year because we were far too cheap to fly somewhere warm. Spending a week hitting up Windsor's night life was a great alternative.


    Pre-drinking in the hotel: A must if you're on a budget, bars overcharge for watered down drinks.

  9. Didn't anyone watch Happy Days? Or does that not apply anymore. :)

    Sadly, I did watch Happy days when I was quite young (8 or so). My mom would let me stay up late (late back then was past 9pm) every once in a while and I remember that Happy Days was the first show to come on once nickelodeon went off the air.

  10. necessity? nah. what is this thing you call "Computer"? some kind of new fangled thingamabob? sheesh next time you'll tell me that n00bs are little odd looking characters that get pwned a lot.


    Grandpa? Is that you?

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