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Everything posted by badbass

  1. I was wondering if I could send a fax with out a phone line. I have a cable modem and only a cell phone. Has anyone else dealt with this. Mike
  2. I was wondering about this too. As employees use our computers for Facebook. Where is the information saved if the person saves his or her login and password. Cookie temp file. Someone showed me some freeware to do this if they logged in on that computer. Tested it on a dummy account. This leads me to believe it is stored as a generic cookie or temp Internet file. What needs to be tried, have it remember a login and password. Delete temporary Internet files and cookies and see if it still remembers the login.
  3. forgot if you connect via wifi it needs to be adjusted. Linux in general with a wired nic will connect before processing the local.rc or fstab file. This is why it does not mount right at boot with WIFI
  4. I agree with all of you again I am in a migration process. I would still like to learn the options for fuse and what they mear
  5. I managed to figure out how to map an Ftp site as a local drive. Here is the short version of what I did. Curlftpfs is what you need. I know it is available for Debian based and most other distributions. It is also available for mac but this is beyond the scope of this post. edit fstab add curlftpfs#ftpUsername:ftpPassword@ftp://ftpUrl /localDirectory fuse rw,uid=1000,umask=0777,user,suid,allow_other,exec,auto,utf8 0 1 This is the login pass where the ftp site located local directory where you want to mount the ftp site on your computer read write userid. I am not sure what the rest means. mount -a mounts all file systems. Edit rc.local So it will start on reboot. sudo curlftpfs -o umask=0777,uid=1000,gid=1000,allow_other ftp://username:password@your.ftpserver.here /localdirectory save mount -a I think I could set something up with except to do it better. Any ideas let me know. Thanks MD
  6. A conference in south Florida toward the keys or kidnap all the computer people take them 50 miles or so east of Florida to the Bahamas.
  7. Forgot cscash241 hit a nail on the head. Isp routers suck they do stupid things phone numbers is the key. Gives Isp's too much control. Use commands I cannot remember to check routing table on the pc and clear it if need be. Could even be a bad nic. Try another computer.
  8. When I had problems with cc at the wine bar. I would do a trace rt to see where it drops. If it is in your isp's network then you will have to wait it out. Isp routers suck I walked off a pc tech job for one them. They use what they can get cheap and dispose of. What ever they can get a deal for. If you have bus class static things seem to be better. Possibly unplugging both cable modem and router will help. The traffic thing is an issue with cable it seems. This is why they do not want people to run servers and stuff like that on the residential network. Things will get better when wide band is available. The last thing I do is check cables Ethernet cables. When I was a tech people had High speed Internet on boats in marinas. When there was a problem I swapped an Ethernet cable and fixed it. MD
  9. Forgot to say thank you. Should of looked into Linux mint but I have it working.
  10. I cant always be at the desk doing computer stuff and helping the automated wine bar. I have to do some stuff to avoid from going MAD not the magazine. I drink wine and an occasional beer. I play music and fish. I do have a nice custom made setup with what ever I could find on ebay music sites so I can use my box for music midi what have you. 4 channel board. Electric guitar and keyboard. I fish obviously. Kayak fish wish I had time to go to the gym. I would like to write about what I have been through in the last four years. I mean things you would not expect to have on a computer at a bar or restaurant. Brain surgery how I hate Hospitals. I would like set an event up in South Florida or the Bahamas. MD
  11. What I ended up up doing was install an older version of ubuntu with lts. This one has gnome. We will get back to the unity kde gnome and other window managers. I have a bar to go to, have to setup for tonight have guiness and 20 other beers to promote.
  12. I should of specified in this country or Caribbean. It would be cool to set something up in south Florida to the beach or the keys. I hear San Diego is nice as is Washington and Oregon. towards the summer. I want a big social event with people like us. I find musicians are like us alot, I am a musician stuck in a computer persons body. I have a friend that works for the evil phone company this is because they never ever let the guy sleep. You can not fix a fiber optic cable to a cell tower or upgrade a phone system to a hospital in day light. He loves to fish build fishing rods play with electronics and computers. Just because a person does not work with computers all the time does not mean he is not one of us. A cabinet maker is an e commerce genius.
  13. Best place for networking/Security vacation any ideas
  14. I have a fujitsu life book. I want opinions about a lean distro for it. It has a hard drive is why I think it is not a netbook. I like gnome not unity. If I have to I will boot from a flash drive and use the hard drive as extra storage space. I am flexible. Thanks I will have another glass of campus oaks red zin from lodi.
  15. I have a dell latitide d620. To my bad luck I spilled soda on it. Got the laptop running but the fan does not. Bought a new fan same thing. I tested an old fan works when power is applied. What is the best course of action. I have a dual boot ubuntu and xp pro. Need want to make sure I can access the hd first. From another pc. It does not bothwr me if the fam runs all the time. If I can suck power off a usb port till I mobe forward. Thanks for any help I can get. Great wine gets better with age so do great people.
  16. Ics works for windows linux you could use 3g as outside interface bridge or route packets between them. Alfa makes a 3g to wifi router. it also works as a wifi repeater with the external wifi adapter.
  17. My mom asked me what cloud computing is? I know of it. Who provides this how much does it cost. Last question is mine on a web hosting site what is vps. On a good note last year I migrated 3 people to ubuntu. P.S I need to get off the android tab and on my linux box. My mom has ubuntu on her netbook. Mike time for a glass of 3rd wife cab.
  18. badbass


    This is a topic that has come up before. People asked me why cant I log into my Point of Sale system from via the net. There are issues with the merchant accounts is why I don't want to do this. They dial in usually. I think you could use rdp over ssh. BB
  19. I want to learn anything I can about computers networking linux routers other os's Smart cards rfid electronics hell even parking meters(siemens). Most importantly how people think. When I was 16 I looked over 25 had some grey hair and a beard. I would go to the store grab a six pack and go to the counter and check out UN-questioned. This could be called hacking.
  20. Figured it out there is a package called EasyTag. The string is '/home/converted/%b/%n - %a - %t'. Here is the link http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1489763 I wish I had this when I found jpeg Recover. This thread is done. My nick name is dork.
  21. Oh forgot wicd select your ssid is what I do.
  22. It does work with ubuntu and back track. I use it every day. lsusb should show a realtek adapter. Put the ubuntu Live cd on it to see if it works and lsusb. There might be an issue with the card.
  23. Last year I took an erased 3 erased hard drives and made my music reaper. Can I get the I id3 tags to rename the mp3 files. I will have to look at my notes to remember exactly what I did. The other thing hard drives break flash drives disappear. People forget things. What is the best answer? Techno geek guy like me will build/find a pc with multiple drives. Some of my family members are very computer geeky almost like me. They would go the route of external hard drive. My friends that do graphics photos and all sorts of other things might do other things. i.e cloud thingy. Okay can I get the id 3 tags to rename my mp3s and which solution is better. Thanks I am going to have a glass of third wife Cab.
  24. Android apps on linux can be done. An idea for a different time. Thank you all I think we can end this topic.
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