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Posts posted by stingwray

  1. Linux doesn't take any more effotr than windows to use. Your just to lazy to learn how to use linux effectively and make the switch because you have been brought up only knowing windows.

  2. Yeah, SolidWorks is the number one mainstream 3D design software in the world anyway that’s what it says when you use SolidWorks 2006.

    Wow, I thought AutoCAD was industry standard nowadays. I use Rhino3D for all my CAD work. (and its is pretty horrible to use, although i can get it to work.)

  3. Well it depends what you are transfering between the interfaces:

    Internet <---> Firewall <---> Lan (Setup 1)

    Then you are only going to have possible a max throughput of 8Mbps (it will be your internet connection). However if like me you have something like this:

    Lan 1 <---> Firewall <---> Internet (Setip 2)

    Lan 2 <--->

    Then you may have traffic going between Lan 1 and Lan 2 which then your max throughput would be of the hardware you are using, so in most peoples cases 10/100 and a 200MHz - 500Mhz PC would be able. But if you have gigabit then you might need nearing 1GHz.

  4. I work at a machinist, part of my job is to program the CNC equipment. This was done on waterjet machine, 50,000lbs of pressure in a 0.015" stream. Cuts through sheet metal like butter.

    Nice! I have access to a CNC miller (but unfortunaly it won't even take Aluminium) and a Laser Cutter (which is brillant, for plastics.)

    Have you seen http://forums.bit-tech.net/showthread.php?t=76374? That is one awesome project. I recommend anyone to spend about an hour (it will take you that long to go through the post) if you want to pick your Jaw up off the floor.

  5. http://www.nvidia.com/page/turbocache.html

    Key features of the TurboCache architecture:

    * Patented hardware and software technologies that render directly to system memory

    * A TurboCache Manager (TCM), which dynamically allocates memory for maximum system performance

    * Intelligent software algorithms that maximize application performance

    * Bidirectional PCI Express® bandwidth, in conjunction with TurboCache architecture, which improves graphics price/performance

    nVidia won't admit that it saves money and reduces performance but there is their page about it.

    You just have to remember if it was so great then all the GFX cards would support it, it don't see any 7900GTX with only 64MB of onboard RAM and 512MB of TurboCache.

  6. Vako, that kind of spec is for if you have Gigabit running through the firewall, which in most cases people don't have more than 2Mb on their internet connection. Celerons make good firewalls, they run cooler as well than the pentium brothers.

    http://www.m0n0.ch/wall/ for those of you are interested in Monowall theres the link. What I love about it is that I can run it off an old 8MB compact flash card on a cf to ide adaptor. Its on freebsd as well and most of the coding for the OS is in PHP which saves space and means its easy to tweak. It is lacky wireless support at the moment but this should be fixed in v1.3 which will use the freebsd v6.x OS.

    If anyone has any questions then I would be happy to answer them about Mono.

  7. I would like to see more Linux in the episodes, but can understand why most segments make use of Windows, because it can reach more people. They do often mention linux alternatives or whether it would run on linux so its not like they are ignoring Linux.

    The place were I would like to see Linux used more is in the segments were a trial of Windows Server 2003 has been used. While yes the trial is free for 180 days, obviously you have a problem after the trial is up.

    As for less script kiddie stuff, the tools that are on Whoppix and other security distros are often as much "script kiddie" so moving to windows won't help your there. Also, whats wrong with script kiddie? If the tool gets the job done then its good. I'm not going to want to do things the long ways always, and the difference with a script kiddie is they don't know what they are doing.

  8. I'm happy with Windows, Linux and BSD.

    All operating systems run fast when you install them and will continue to run fast if you look after them and get rid of the crap that builds up over time.

  9. I prefer Monowall over Smoothwall, its lighter and quicker to use in my opinion.

    700MHz is a tad overkill unless you don't have any other computers to run it on that have less of a spec. 700MHz would make a nice server.

  10. The sizes is the amount of Graphics Memory that they have onboard. Graphics Memory is used to hold all the information that the GPU is going to need very quickly so it doesn't have to request it from the system memory, which is slower. So obviously the more the better. Many people feel that 512MB of Memory on a GFX card is overkill at the moment, but the way I see it is if you get a good price on a 512MB card then go for it because you will be future-proofing yourself for when more games come out requiring it.

    Be warned some low end GFX cards used "TurboCache" in nVidias and "HyperMemory" in ATi chips, this means the card comes with a very small amount of memory on the GFX card (typically 64MB) and then uses a protion of your system memory. This really hurts performance because your reducing the amount of memory your CPU can use and as I said earlier it is slower to use that memory.

    Hope this helps.

  11. i've used I2P which is very similar, the problem with all of these anonymous P2P systems is there isn't enough people using it at the moment.

  12. A lot of blacklists are provided by companies which charge you for access to them so they usually have people that spend all day looking at websites and catagorising them into different lists so people have the option of implementing them.

    There are some non-commercial ones out there but they are generally not a lot of good. It might be fine for small user group environments but with large numbers of users then too many people will be access websites they should be.

  13. A lot of them are banned at my school, which is why setting you own up is a good idea and limiting its use, that way it is unlikely to get banned so will always be there.

  14. @manuel_l and barrytone: what collaboration is there between school and other network admins in creating a list of blocked sites? For instance, if an admin comes across a new site which has dubious content and it's not trapped by the current blocking mechanisms, does (s)he communicate it to fellow admins (in other organisations) in some way or are all admins expected to monitor network traffic and sites that students are accessing? If it's the latter, it strikes me that the blocking is not proactive but it's reactive.

    It may be that there is an informal communication of such information between admins but I'm intrigued to know if there's a "formal" mechanism of such communication.

    I know from my school that we receive black lists which have different catagories which we can implement. For example it would work somewhat like this, we implement the porn black list and then we hope that all the porn sites in the world are blocked (not likely to happen), our list is then updated from time to time by the supplier as more are found. However if we find that someone has accessed a porn website at school (either by browsing the logs or being informed by someone) then we will add it to the block lists. As well as getting the black list from the company they take a list of the websites that we have blocked so that they can then look at them and add them to their lists etc. if they feel that need to.

    I would not have thought that Admins would communicate amoungst themselves as not all admins would need this information, some would already have it, or have heard it previously. The system were the black list provide takes the list of what we have blocked and looks at it I think is a much better idea as they can reach for more people more effectively than admins telling themselves.

    The blocking has to be preactive and reactive because the internet is changing so much every day.

  15. Actually we block port 80 as well, except for our content filter server, which effectively forces anyone and everyone to use the filter. Even if they bring in a flash drive with firefox on it or boot into a livecd (if they happen to find a computer that will allow it) or maybe even their own laptop/ or other device, they don't just magically have free internet access because all ports are blocked for all IPs except for our content filter and servers. VLANs, subnets and PTP VPN allow this setup.

    We have a Proxy on the school network which all machines are default to go through, and if someone somehow manages to tell it to use a direct connection instead then when it leaves the network it is filtered by the counties proxy which is even more restrictive because it is for use by Playgroups and Primary Schools. You have to go through one of them in the end.

  16. I have to say if something is blocked and it is something that should not be, simply ask your teacher, your principal or the tech people why exactly is www.xyz.com blocked and explain exactly why you think it is legitimate. Chances are if it is truely a legit site, the filter is just playing it safe. However if you want access to sites such as myspace just because of (... fill in the blank) then that is not good enough.

    Yes that is the correct way of going about this but unfortunatly we don't live in a fair world. My schools previous IT head was an absolutely horrible and wouldn't do anything and you were likely to get detention for asking, (also back in those days we only have 30MB storage in our user accounts).

    Our new IT head is brillant and will do most things (in fact we have a quota of times to go on certain websites if you want to), and because he is great I'm also an admin at the school so I can sort things out as well.

    I did mention in my first post the ethics of bypassing the filter and hopefully he will take that on board if and when he does want to bypass it and I would hope it is not for MySpace.

    How to get round the filters really depends on the setup. Which you havn't really provided much information about.

    Yes it will depending on the set up but PHProxy will be a solution for most restrictions, as long as the site that is hosting the PHProxy is not blocked in the first place.

  17. You best option is probably to have a poke around in "Folder Option" (Control Panel -> Folder Options - if you didn't know).

    I had a look in there but couldn't find anything in there that looked related to what you have said. However there is a reset to defaults button for all the folder options so I would have thought that will solve the problem (because it will make them like you have just re-installed).

    That is unless it is a third-party app that has cause this problem.

  18. The easy answer is to use a proxy, although finding one which isn't blocked in the first place is hard. You can use some very well known websites as proxies because of some of the features that they have but it is fairly hit'n'miss.

    I would recommend setting your own proxy up at home. All you have to have is a webserver and php installed and you can run PHProxy which is great. As long as your school doesn't scan every page for black listed words you should be fine.

    As for the ethics for bypassing a school filter, i think it is acceptable to do so, as long as you cause no damage to school computers or systems and are responsible with you use of it. (i.e. if you school is stopping you from playing games on the net by blocking them and you want to do that, then wait to get home. However if the block is blocking legitamate sites that you need access to then it is fine). Also you should bypass the filter if you have signed anything that basically says you won't do anything, some schools have "policies" which you have to sign before you get access to the internet which may contain restrictive clauses, its always worth checking them out.

  19. What really annoys me about this is that when they went in and took all the servers at the hosting company for TPB, they also took everybody elses servers that the hosting company hosted. Which means that a load of other people were also affected unnecessarily. They should be getting a lot of compensation from the Government.

  20. Well I wouldn't recommend you to try hacking into an e-commerce website, and generally hacking into any website is stupid, unless it is your website which you are testing.

    Hacks for websites though is a different thing completely. Hacks are a term for getting a website to do something which is cool by using features already in it. Like there are tons for the Google search engine for getting it to look in different places etc.

  21. I own a Toshiba 3110CT which is brillant. It has a 300MHz Pentium II (with MMX) and 128MB of PC100 SDRAM, followed by a 6.4GB 2.5" IDE HDD and 2.5MB of Graphics Memory. Plus it only has a 12" screen which means its tiny.

    Bad points about it are that its not very powerful, which means anything I run on it has to be light and I have to code my stuff to be light.

    Good points, its fits into a A4 folder and it makes the perfect Wardriving machine/text editor.

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