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Posts posted by stingwray

  1. I don't know about everybody else, but I'm not really up for cyber terrorism at the moment.

    the attack will probably happen around august/september,

    the problem is first we have to learn how to deface a website (we want to put our own message there so we can be heard).

    Firstly you better get learning, and secondly, as soon as if you manage to alter the websites, and someone finds out they will all be taken down.

    I would suggest like everybody else, if you have a problem and need to view websites that have been blocked then find a method of getting round it, there are plenty of methods out there and I am sure one will work. And start talking to your government, do the right thing and don't cause problems for other people.

    On another note, I seriously hope that you used some sort of Proxy to post this Hak5 might be getting e-mails from the Thai government soon asking for some IPs.

  2. Well I clicked the link because I wanted a laugh.

    As I wasted 5s of my life looking at this website I thought I better right a review of it.

    Its Black with Bright Green writing and images in the background that are tiled which are the same green. Which bascially means that you can't read the page. The layout if terrible,

    Theres nothing much on the website of interest, i couldn't find the Proxy, just lists of proxies which most of which i have seen in block lists etc. Plus this site is actually already in a block list for the proxy at my school.

    Forums are empty, Now just found black text on black background.

    I have to think this has got to be in the top 10 of worst websites ever.

    Next time you want to shamelessly plug your website on a forum, I would suggest making it a decent website!

  3. most decent torrent clients have encyption available and it is cross client compatible usually. so enable that (you might see you speed up because you packets don't get traffic shapped then by your ISP) and also you could get something like PeerGuardian going as well, which blocks connections to black-listed IPs.

  4. Widescreen is nice because it gives you more of a cinematic feel, plus it means that you use more of the screen when you are watching vidoes/films in widescreen which is always good.

    Your also supposed to get more room than a normal 4:3 ration equivalent monitor.

    I suppose it help multitaking as well as you can have Firefox etc. open in 2/3rds of the screen and the in the bit left down the side you can have irc/im open or winamp etc.

  5. Creative did a PCMCIA version of their Audigy 2ZS so that would have some pretty good sound quality.

    I would agree on that while a tablet pc in that sort of area would be fairly nice there are better things that you could do with it. Like using it as the terminal for a media center setup. So connect wirelessly and then you can control all your media from the tablet and have it output on your TV or your speaker system.

    I have always toyed with the idea of either modding an old hi-fi system or scratch building a system to look like a hi-fi which would be my meda server. Never have got round to it, but still like the idea.

  6. Have you thought about using Linux? You can get older distros around so you can test things of different ages if you want. I personally don't think it would be worth looking at anything past 2000 anyway.

    2000 can be got easily if you look at the online retailers but it still comes at a price because a large number of compaines never upgraded to XP so Microsoft never lowered the price because of less of a demand.

  7. Sounds like you need some sort of sound firewall, that only allows allowed programs to contact the sound drivers.

    Haven't got much of an idea how you would do it, my guess would be to start looking around in the drivers for you sound, but I think your not going to have much luck unless you are using Open-source drivers.

  8. I guess I'm just not an AMD nut. I love AMD processors, but I'm not one of these people who will only buy AMD.

    I'm not an AMD nut, but won't buy something that costs more and offers less performace. AMD has had the lead against Intel in all the CPUs so far as well as price so that is why i have bought AMD. I also like supporting the underdog and i like the fact that AMD is based in Germany. I am worried about Intel's Conroe as that does look like bit of a beast (except in encryption oddly).

    But as I said before: for computers in a business or school environment, I just can't find a better supplier.

    For mass buying Dell does seem to have it wrapped up in a bag, they have offered my school numerous deals on hardware with stupid price tags (like £50 for a blade cabinet filled with specced up blades). In fact we have been playing Dell of against RM recently which has proved very enjoyable. However I would like to give some other companies business, like I said, I like supporting the underdogs.

  9. Perhaps for buying large amounts of systems then I would probably never use Dell, and even then I would try and go else where. Their servers are quiet good but they still don't offer AMD Opterons in them which are king of the Server CPUs at the moment (they are saying they will at some point though).

    I dislike their Desktops because if you upgrade with them and they come and fit some new stuff, take the old stuff away, then that old stuff will end up in someone elses "new" computer. Now i don't have a problem with this because recycling. I have the problem that they charge the same price to the other person for secondhand hardware.

    For their laptops, well Dell don't actually make them, a company called Ergo do, and ergo make some very very very nice laptops. But once again I would prefer a AMD chip in my laptop than Intel so it counts Dell out.

  10. For a firewall I think it would be too much, espcially as I know that Monowall isn't dual processor enabled by default, and its the easiest thing to turn back on.

    I would say follow one of the "Perfect Setups" at www.howtoforge.com for which ever distro you fancy using, they have just added one for Ubuntu 6.06. Make sure you install the ISPConfig, and then you will have a nice graphic way of looking after your Web/Mail/FTP accounts. With 1GB of RAM and dual processors it shouldn't have much trouble doing anything as long as its not being pounded constantly.

  11. Dell is not going to rebrand Alienware because the reason why they bought Alienware was for the name and brand in the first place. Dell has had a lot of trouble with enthusiasts not liking them and their systesm, so they bought a company which had the hearts of many enthusiasts.

    By Dell buying Alienware you now know that Alienware is never going to go bust because Dell will unfortunatly never go bust and there will always be money around.

  12. The only reason I say Linux as opposed to BSD/*nix is the vast availability of different live cds out there that peeps can get right into without nuking their precious windows partitions

    There are live cds for some BSD OS. The only reason why there isn't loads is because there isn't loads of different version of BSD about.

  13. I recommend Corsair for memory, always been very happy with it, from the ValueSelect to the XMS modules.

    As what to do with the memory you could always decorate something with them like the outside of you computer case.

  14. I love having e-books as a referance library (tech manuels, o'reily books etc) but I can never see an e-book replacing the old fashioned paperback.

    I find reading large amounts of text on the screen really difficult in the first place, plus I always like having something physical for my money. I'm not going to spend £15 on a ebook and not have the book on myshelf. Create for quickly looking through and having with you on the go though.

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