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Posts posted by stingwray

  1. Yeah I know about the old copper wiring, some of it dates to the victorian ages apparently!

    Luckily I live quiet near to my exchange so don't have too many problems, I have quiet a good 2Mb line at the moment and thats fine. Be at Uni next year so I'll get to use there stupidly fast line.

  2. SDSL is very expensive so its not really practical.

    The best hope is for when ADSL2+ is standard, then hopefully we will all be getting 24Mbps down and 1.3Mbps up. Its just the wait is awful.

  3. And the only other problem is that hak.5 home connection up stream needs to be about 750Kbps, which in the UK is very very rare, don't know about over there, it might be fine.

  4. I thought of the P2P idea but the problem with that is people don't have the same up and down speed (usually) so you are going to need three (maybe more) people to download from probably to get the whole content.

    The way my idea works is the hak.5 connection is only connected to the main streaming server which is off is some data-center with a fast connection. Then people connect to that server not the hak.5 home connection.

  5. I haven't had a chance to try any of this as its late here and I need access to more computers but I have had a thought.

    For getting it out to people you need it out put by a server with a fast connection. If you have the server running VideoLan then that can stream a stream it is recieving. So you set it a box on location streaming the video to the server which then streams it to the clients.

    For the box on location, VideoLan is streaming to the server and it is streaming what it is capturing from a device, like a TV card, Video in on a gfx card etc.

    Finally you have the box where everything is being put together (so IRC, video etc.) which is then outputting to the capture device on the other computer.

    The only problem I can see is with being to stream up to the distributing server fast enough. I know here in the UK with normal ADSL it wouldn't be possible.

    Just a thought.

  6. Well if you have the IRC client that was showing the chat block out a certain list of swear words etc and then if it found a line with them in then it didn't display the line then it would take a lot of crap out. People saying things you didn't want to display wouldn't simply not appear. The word list would take some making though to include all the possibilities. I saw an interesting video from the HITB 2005 conference on getting rid of spam e-mails that used spaces between letters in a word etc. The algorithm is available I believe.

    Then you can also stream the people to some trusted people as well. Would limit the possibilities but would make it safer.

  7. Set up an Apache Server at home running PHP and the run PHProxy on it. Then put a dyn-dns on your IP or a normal dns if you are a static IP and bingo you have your own proxy server.

    You could put some htaccess on it and then change your friends for user accounts.

  8. A live show would be difficult and cost a lot of money in bandwidth. Not that I am against another IPTV show because the more the better.

    You should check out Systm at Rev3 as they have done some good shows. I like the one on configuring Asterisk myself, its my next project in the queue.

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