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Posts posted by stingwray

  1. I was owning people yesterday but I can't find where I can change my tag so I'm not getting any credit for it at the moment :(

    Any help with changing my tag in Doom2?

    Plus it is great fun, especailly when I got my controls set up correctly.

  2. Setup a VPN server at your home, so if you have any sensative stuff that you would like to do you can connect to it and then all your traffic will be encypted and sent to your houses server where it will be forwarded on to the Internet to do whatever you wanted it to do.

    Might not be practial for you to do that though, in which you could look at things like TOR, for safe browsing.

    Getting yourself a good firewall is also a must, but blocking the IP range completely is likely to be impractical because firstly as this is a college they are likely to be using a larger range than a Class C network, and you will likely block all the servers that you will need access to, to gain access to the internet or your work etc.

    If your not using your wireless then turn it off, thats a good method of just making sure that nothing is going on while your not paying attention.

    If your desktop is going to be in your room all the time and using a wired connection to the college lan then you might want to consider getting yourself a cheap router which has an ethernet WAN port as this will over you excellent protection from incoming connection.

    Can't think of anything else at the moment but thats bit of a list.

  3. Personally I just think its that us Brits have so much superior knowledge than the rest of the world that we feel that we should share it with some of you.

    Other than that, it is are plan to turn Hak.5 into a colony of the British Empire of course.

  4. Mint, seen them and the digital to analouge convertors onsale, but was told I;d need a £20 convertor box to make the DVI output ananlouge.

    Your graphics card should detect that it is a analog display connect to it and change accordingly. You 6200 is new enought that it should have this feature.

  5. Well unless they can prove that it was you beyond reasonable doubt then it would be fine. Its a good initial excuse but as you said, you've got to keep your computers clean otherwise it won't be much good.

    All you need is a big read button that you can slam down that wipes the hard drives in your house and your fine. :lol:

    I've always liked using TrueCrypt to encrypt most things, with hidden encyption paritions so that when they come wanting the key I can give it to them and all they will get is all my personal details, some work etc. They will never be able to prove that there is a second encypted parition so everythings save.

  6. I would love to go but can't afford it.

    I've always wondered about taking a hdd apart, removing everything, replacing a CF with adaptor inside of it, and then filling the rest of it up with drugs, then trying to get through customs. We they ask to turn it on, it will and it will work as well.

    Not that I would ever try it anyway.

  7. I have 2 17" CRTs and only one VGA port which is a bugger. Anyone know if the Nvidia 6200 AGP DVI port can output analoug? Or do i need a DVI to VGA convertor?

    You'll need a VGA to DVI convertor simply because the sockets won't match up, otherwise you shouldn't have a problem. The convertors can be got very cheaply from most places as they only adapt the pin layouts of the ports.

  8. If i unstill a free trail and then reinstall it would it hyperthetical give another 30days?

    Most likely no, if you uninstall it the program is likely to leave some registry keys still that say when it was originally installed. So when you install it again it would see these keys and say "hey, this guys trying to pull as fast one on us" and automatically expire.

    You could go through the whole of your registry and try and remore them, or format your computer every 30 days to keep technically using it but both those solutions arn't really worth doing.

  9. I'm fed up with people calling tools "Script Kiddie Tools". There are no script kiddie tools, there are tools that make it easy to perform certain function, like a GUI aids in the administration of a computer, and without it hardly anyone would use computers because using the commandline is the difficult option.

    Script Kiddies are people who use only tools without any knowledge of what they are really doing and how it is done.

    While I like to know what I am doing I have no problem in using a tool to get the job done quickly and easily.

    I thought they explained what the principals of the the ARP Cache Poisioning very well and got me interested in it do find out more. Thats what Hak5 is good at, exposing people to knew ideas and methods.

  10. I have already tried uTorrent with encrypted protocol and it worked at the beginning but it doestn't work any longer (I only get reasonable speeds with extremly seeded files).

    Have you told uTorrent to only accept encrypted connection? If so then I recommend that you turn it using encrypted preferable but still accept normal connection. Other than that I can't suggest anything, I don't see how your ISP would be able to filter your encrypted traffic, its bascially impossible because what it looks like. Have you tried changing the port on the client you use, uTorrent has a feature for randomising the port number it uses, try that.

  11. What features you say you are getting from that are free in nVidias drivers if you have an nVidia, card. it treats the two monitors as one bascially making windows think it is just one monitor, then splits it between the two to build the image. So you have the start bar across the bottom and you can play games with multiple monitors, although for FPS three monitors are better than two.

  12. Very nice set up, puts my server "Wardrobe" to shame with having 4x 500MHz systems with 128MB of RAM and the most storage in one of them is 60BG, then an 800MHz with 512MB of RAM and 40GB and a 200MHz which has got a duff IDE controller.

    Plus a 486 which I plan to refurbish in the summer for a laugh. I want some retro computing.

    I suppose you've got to start somewhere.

  13. I recomend FreeNAS. I'm currently using it on an old box of mine and I must say, it's the easiest server I've ever set up. The software is free and open source, very stable and I had mine working beautifully in five minutes. It's still in development and there are a few features that have yet to be added but if you're not too worried about setting up user accounts and special access (which has yet to be added), this would work great for you.

    FreeNAS is wonderful, but only as a file server. If he wants to do anything else with his server then he won't be able to.

    Most people don't have the luxury of having seperate servers running each service.

  14. agreed but I do like when operating systems are open source, why? becuase its a lot easier for anyone to find a flaw and patch it.

    I feel the same, but its also the same about programs, especially ones like Apache which also need to be secure. Another plus is that it is easier for people to create plug-ins, and other extras for the people to use in the software.

  15. Look. I'm just asking for a way to extend trial or keep them pernamently. I didn't ask for anything else. Just about extending the trial forever.

    Simply put, you have a few options:

    1. Buy the software and use it legally.

    2. Find an alternative which is free.

    3. Pirate the software and become Bubba's Ass Bitch (See Image Below)


  16. 1. How do I set up my old computer as a server in the first place? I need a very cheap and easy way to do this.

    Any computer can be used as a server, the difference between a desktop and server is the software that you run on it. Your most likely going to want to use Linux or BSD, because they are free and there is a whole host of server software that is also open-source and free to make them into a server.

    2. What can I do with my server after it is all set up? Like can I have it downloading torrents and such while I am using my laptop?

    Servers can do lots of things, using it to download torrents is not really a server but if the computer is then sharing the files then it will be a server. You could use a torrent client that has a webgui to control it over the network.

    Other things most servers do is host website, databases, e-mail, the list goes on, you will have to think what you want your server to do.

    3. What do you have your servers doing?

    I have a LAMP server (linux, apache, mysql, php) which also has ftp and e-mail, this is my main server which hosts a number of dynamic websites and databases, serves my e-mail and i can use it as remote storage.

    I also have a game server running at the moment (UT GOTYE), which also covers some downloading needs and file storage).

    Finally I have my network server which runs DHCP, DNS and IDS amongst a few other things. I used to have an IRC server but since formatting that server I haven't set it up again yet.

    4.Will haveing my laptop connected to my server slow my laptop down?

    It depends what you laptop is using it for. I say all your files are on the server then you might find if your network is slow that moving files between the server and laptop slow. Otherwise it depends on what your laptop is connecting to your server for. Say you were running a home-website for you to put notes on, then it wouldn't slow your laptop down at all.

    Any more questions?

  17. Wouldn't it be nice if you could alter a packets destination after it goes through a certain router... in my dreams (well that's as far as my meager knowledge goes)

    Nearly all routers I work with do this, its not that hard, perhaps common household ones won't but then I don't use them.

  18. This isn't what I want. My frined asked me about extending a trial or making the thing pernament. So, I went here... Razz

    Well I suggest you go back to your friend and say that I'm not going to help you break the law.

    Unless of course you've been bragging that you are some 1337 H4X0R and know everything about computers. In which case I would suggest you stop lying.

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