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Posts posted by stingwray

  1. u need an ssh server running on both machines...obviously

    Server running on one of the machines, client used on the other.

    This was all covered in one of the episodes of Hak.5. SSH tunnelling is your safest method as without it, it can be fairly trivial to sniff the passwords.

  2. For DVD backups the data is encrypted and in parity so that if one disc in the set dies then the information is on another at least.

    I have my USB stick encrypted with all my portable applications on that I need like Firefox, Thunderbird. So that I have all my stuff that I need where ever I go.

    Most things that I transfer over the net are encrypted, even if its not particularly sensative but I want to make sure that it is not tampered with.

  3. I think some of you miss the point of what a default gateway is.

    I'm sorry, i'm using this definition of a gateway: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gateway_%28te...mmunications%29

    Don't know which you are using.

    In an enviroment when you have multiple routes to multiple WAN connections, how does the system route your traffic? I've noticed when I've had my laptop connected to my network via ethernet and wifi, and networked to my desktop with firewire (and ICS for some reason i've forgotten) its a bit haphazard about which connection it uses to get to the net.

    Windows changes between them, I haven't seen it stick to one, or found where I can set up prefernces on which connection should be used if it is available. Not sure about Linux, I remember seeing something about selecting wired over all others somewhere.

    Could you not route things to the desired WAN connection via ports alone? Or is sniffing traffic/packet analyis a must?

    Thats simple enough, and one of the options that I was talking about. Others are that you use different IP address, or you could use different interfaces on your router.

  4. If you were to block the ports that your bittorrent was using on one of the WAN connections and then leave it open on the other then it would be forced use the other.

    Or you could use the two network cards and have them plugged into same network and then different routing tables for different IPs. You could still use just one gateway though.

  5. While effectivly having a double speed internet connection wiht load balancing, personaly I would prefer keeping my two connections seperate. I would use one for hosting crap (servers and bittorrent) while using the other for my general Internetness and gaming. The problem of course with this is windows doesn;t support multiple gateways on one connection. So I would probably have to get a second LAN card to simpley beable to use diffrent software with diffrent gateways.

    You can use one gateway, just have it set up that all traffic from your servers goes through one connection and all traffic from your workstations goes through another.

  6. so? that is not how to crash a forum, that is how to crash a private system with very little relative processing capabilities.

    So you've been testing it out on your forum, which has absolutely nobody signed up to it.

    No topics.

    No posts.

    So you have to spam this forum with useless topics and posts.

  7. hehe... its actually funny its been a while since ive seen someone brag about a deface... hehe little he knows, bragging = #1 reason you get caught while your doing something wrong.

    You can't get caught for doing what you didn't do. He didn't do that, so he can't be caught.

  8. is there any way to hook two modems into one hub? just wondering


    We don't use hubs now, we use switches.

    You need your router to be able to send traffic through both, recieve traffic through both, and split and assemble the traffic. Plus you need a very nice ISP that will allow you to do it. And ususlly some very expensive modems.

  9. You shouldn't see any loss in performance with using multiple hardware firewalls, if they are running on decent hardware and are properly configured.

    By decent hardware, I mean reliable and minimum of 300Mhz, 64MB of RAM for most ADSL connections would be fine.

    You could have two WAN connections, and then with some clever stuff you could have twice the speed and if one breaks then you are left with another. Although it would be pretty pointless to just have that just incase one breaks, and you probably wouldn't want to be running two different systems.

  10. Have a good look at your keyboard. Right of the main block of letters, left of your numberpad, and above your cursor keys.

    This is one topic that I thought I would never see on a forum like this. You are really inviting people to flame you.

  11. When you have two keyboards plugged in at the same time, you should be able to select which keyboard your want to do what. Like if you have two sound cards plugged in you can have both of them working and tell windows which one to use for what.

    All you need to do is map the macros onto the keys on the other keyboard. Leaving your normal keyboard as it is. I've know people who are speak more than one language to use more than two keyboards at once, is mainly the people that have a second language that doesn't use the same alphabet, like Japanese.

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