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Posts posted by stingwray

  1. dding a WEP Encryption Key

    Use WPA if you can, WEP can be cracked by a hacker that wants to spend the time doing it, rather than one that doesn't have the time.

    WPA is more secure, although like anything security rated, not perfect or unbreakable.

  2. Is there anything like this that will just run over a network? i dont really want to put it up on the web with apache.

    You simply don't allow the internet to access it. The internet as you know is just one big network, and Ampache will work over the internet if you open your ports up and allow people to connect to it.

    But if you don't then only people on your LAN will be able to connect to it. Unless you put something in place to stop them. Apache is usually login protected anyway so it can stop other members of family from using it if you want.

  3. you know, its just easier to run my own my server, and know that I have the control over storage and everything else.

    It is not that difficult to doset it all up.

    The problem with that is not everybody has a nice fast connection, however it is better than google doing it for you.

  4. no offense, but what's the purpose of creating an invisible folder if it's not to hide something - so why not create a hidden volume Rolling Eyes ?

    You still haven't read the topic. I didn't mean that TrueCrypt wasn't the answer, it is, but it has been mentioned, and explained by me and a few people already.

  5. You don't need to use L7-filter with a proxy. I was simply saying that you could get a proxy to do the job, or use this program.

    * You need to match any protocol that uses unpredictable ports (i.e. P2P filesharing)

    * You believe that significant traffic is being done on non-standard ports (i.e. HTTP on port 1111)

    Thats what it is used for and sound like what you are trying to accomplish. Just remember if the packets are encrypted then you won't be able to traffic shape them or block them.

  6. Even better yet. how about hidden folders within hidden folder within hidden folders

    Err, how about no? Your screwed once someone has found one of them because then they will be looking for the rest.

    O look, i've stumpled across a invisible folder and theres nothing in this one, o wait, lets look for another invisible folder. Wow, thats a coincidence.

  7. It actually stated in one of the hak.5 series that if you want your security proven then just post it on the hak.5 forums... So i was actually doing what it said Confused

    But wait, you not even asking us to test your security, you asking us to hack someone else. I think you should stop bragging on IM, then you wouldn't have a problem with people asking you to hack them.

  8. well we know that most of the p2p program runs now with port 80... so is the traffic shaping generated rules check by ports or analyse the packets to know if it's an http request or something totally else?

    What you want is probably a stateful packet filtering firewall or you could run a proxy server in your lan which would then be the machine that connects to the internet. Block all other IPs from connecting to the internet, then the proxy server would only forward ligitemate packets like http/ftp etc.

    Being a corporate network you might be running a proxy already, and this is what have i have played around with for packet filtering http://l7-filter.sourceforge.net/.

  9. I use VMware ESX, it's very good.

    I've played with some of the more advanced VMware server editions and they are very good. Like moving a virtual machine from one physical machine to another without turning the virtual machine off is very useful.

    They do however cost a lot and for most people the just the plain old Server edition is good enough.

  10. All the VMware stuff I good, however you only really have one choice if you are looking for free, and thats VMware Server. You could use VMware player but then you have to find some machines to run.

  11. Firstly, I wouldn't have said that this was "amateur" as I know plenty of companies that use systems like this.

    For simplicity I would say give Monowall a try (http://www.m0n0.ch/wall/). Its very easy to use and install as well as taking absolutely no time to set up really.

    It supports QoS which is your traffic shaping, has a good firewall, along with a lot of extra features. Its very stable as well so you should have a problem with downtime.

    If you don't want to use a distro that has everything ready for you, then I suggest if you want to look into a traffic shaping/firewall setup that you have a look at OpenBSD and pf. Its relatively easy once you get the hang of OpenBSD.

  12. If they did find the hidden volume and you refused to divulge the key to reveal the data, couldn't they charge you with "obstruction"? Alternatively, couldn't they assume that you were guilty, just as they would if you refused to provide a blood or urine sample in the case of a drink/driving offence?

    They can't find the hidden folder, there is no known method of finding it because its encrypted data inside an already encrypted partition. And when you encrypt something all the space that is left is turned into gibberish, so you can't tell gibberish from gibberish.

    They might be able to guess that you have a hidden folder, but no prove means no conviction. Also they can't assume that you are guilty. Innocent until proven guilty. Remember it is a jury that dicides your fate.

  13. I think if I were to be involved in anything the police would want me for, I would invest in a RAM disk Wink

    You can gain quite a lot of information from RAM now, forensic experts now often take images of the RAM with special machines that they plug it into and it can retrive almost all of the data which was in the RAM at the last point, even if the machine has been turned off.

    But seriously, what is the point of having your data so you can delete it at a moments notice. With Hidden Volumes, they will never ever ever be able to find it and prove that it is there in a court of law. Plus with using a passkey and a passfile (it generates part of the key from a hash of the file you choose) they are never going to break it.

    Say you have a 21 character password which is not unreasonable, you can then supplement it with rediculous numbers of characters from a passfile which only you know which one it is.

    Say that they find you passfile some how, they still can't break the encryption because they still need to find the passkey.

    And all this is in the event that they can actually find your hidden volume.

  14. But it useless in Linux, plus theres no point hiding something in a hurry if its only going to be found and read easily.

    If you have your crypto set up properly then it will be quicker. If you have the item your working on in your crypto folder already which is likely, they if someone comes in then all you have to do is dismount it. The whole partition disappears.

    Then if say it was the police and they demand the passkey for the encrypted file because they know its encrypted (not hard to find out) then you can give them the first one, have something worth encrypting in there, like your Tax Returns, and they will never be able to find the hidden volume with all the juciy stuff in it.

  15. I wouldn't have thought that your Linksys WLAN card would have had an Intel Chip inside. You'll need to search the interenet if you need to find out which chip it is, some of Linksys stuff is Atheros which is good, but wireless with linux is still lacking a bit.

    As for MD5, it is a hash of the data you are attempting to download. So the person producing the software will hash it and get a values which they post along with it.

    When you have completed your download you should hash it in the same way and them compare the two outputs. If they are the same then good for you, burn and use the software. If they are different it could mean a number of things, like there was a problem in downloading the software and some bits are no different, so that program might not work, or someone could have altered the program to add nasty stuff like trojans and spyware.

    MD5 is designed to to drastically change the output even if there is only a very small change in the code so it should be fairly easy to check that they are the same or different.

  16. an you encrypt a usb stick? so when you plug it in and access the drive, you have to enter a password to see the data?

    You can encrypt anything which has storage. It doesn't matter about the media, except for write-once optical discs, which you need to create a encrypted file and then write to the disc. Also if you do this make sure that the encrypted file is formated in Fat32 and not NTFS as windows won't allow you to mount a read-only NTFS partition.

    Bsically you either have a file that contains the encrypted data and you mount that, or you can have actual partitions which don't appear in your OS until you mount them with the program to unencrypt them.

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