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Everything posted by stingwray

  1. You might want to put that inside code tags, or rather still put the file up somewhere and link to it.
  2. The difference I have found between the iPod touch and any other pda or smart phone is that the touch is actually very usable and has an excellent user interface. You can actually do useful things on it without getting frustrated and you can work with it for a long time.
  3. I logged on through TechNet and got 4 keys for both 32-bit and 64-bit. Apparantly there is only 5 keys for both going around, which makes sense as I just kept refreshing the page to get more and sometimes they didn't change. If you didn't get a key there is a command to extend the trial by a further 120 days, just have a look at LifeHackers coverage, its all there.
  4. Whether it was running on a Mac server or not has nothing to do with Mac being as bad as the other OSs, its what software and services you run on top of your OS that will get you compromised.
  5. I once got £15 ( about $30 back then, not now :( ) for telling a woman that the reason that her laptop wouldn't write to the writable CD she had put in because it was only a CD/DVD ROM drive. I did try to say I didn't need anything in return but she forced it on me.
  6. Don't think thats going to happen much. From my experience Mac users fit into one of two categories, computer professionals that know computers, or people who know pretty much nothing, and those people will just walk straight back into an Apple store where they aren't going to told false information or be sold something necessary. At least listening to an Mac sales pitch doesn't make me cringe like a PCWorld one, were I end up correcting them.
  7. I love how everyone is so very against "non-user replaceable" laptop batteries. Given that there are now more laptops shipping than desktops, because the price is right and people are enjoying the extra bit of freedom that they receive, I'd be very interested to know how many of them own two batteries for their laptop and actually require them. Now when the battery degrades enough to warrant a change whats the big hassle of quickly popping into the shop where they will do it for you and dispose of the old battery in a nice fashion. I'm also pretty sure that "non-user replaceable" is in the same sense as upgrading the memory and hard-drive is "non-user replaceable", in that you could do it in about 10 minutes maximum. If they battery lasts longer in charge and cycles and the small sacrifice is that I can't change my battery with a couple of clicks and will require removing a couple of screws first then I'm happy. As for the rest of the MacWorld, pretty run of the mill, Apple are obviously trying to become more like other hardware manufactures, having their own press releases which they can give as much warning as they want before and stop people waiting for the Expos and also start shipping their products about a month after announcement. It was nice they way they did it before, but I'm really not that bothered.
  8. The iPhone hacking one was good, but was a little boring in places and no demo, which will always help improve the quality. I just remembered the GSM Hacking one was good, especially during the demo the audience DDoS'd the base stations preventing the demo, at least the presenters saw the funny side as well. Definitely need to take a switch and power extension next year to make getting sockets easier.
  9. The problem with the new mininote is they forgot to keep the higher resolution screen, loosing the one thing that actually made it stand out from the rest. The new mini note looks good, give it a 720p screen and I would buy one straight away.
  10. My friend had problems with Debian not finding a bootloader. I tried Ubuntu 8.04 and the last kernel update caused a lot of problems for me, so I moved to Fedora 10 and that runs well but has a few really annoying small bugs, so I'm going to give Ubuntu 8.10 a try soon. If your upgrading the memory, upgrade the wireless card as well, get a a/b/g/n card, saves having to take it to bits more than once (disassembling it is sodding annoying).
  11. Excellent talk, it was demo'd and works brilliantly, PoC certificate is back dated to prevent any misuse and hopefully will be blacklisted by the browsers soon. Although the collisions in MD5 make the attack predicable, if CAs use random serial numbers and generation times then its unlikely to be seen in the wild until MD5 is further broken down, hopefully giving time for more Certificates to move to SHA.
  12. The talks that I thought were really good and should be watched are: Security Failures in Smart Card Payment Systems Advanced Memory Forensics: The Cold Boot Attacks Why were we so vulnerable to the DNS vulnerability? Scalable Swarm Robotics Squeezing Attack Traces Predictable RNG in the vulnerable Debian OpenSSL package Making the theoretical possible (MD5 is now considered dangerous) These ones really stood out to me for being excellent and enjoyable presentations and having good content. I haven't watched anything from Shmoocon so I can't comment between the two, but I have to say that I loved the 25C3, it was my first proper con, I think I spent ~£300 on a week in Berlin, including travel, entrance, food and partying, etc. everything. I believe the 25C3 was the fist C3 to sell out and it was mentioned that they have never had people sitting in the aisles of the halls before, it was rather busy.
  13. Nice use of the translate method, although not a very full featured program! :P
  14. What areas are you looking in particularly? Because the langauge will be the same between the platforms, but there will be different libraries depending on platform. Linux Cross Referencer is a site I use a lot, but that is for coding parts for the linux kernel, which you may or may not want to be doing. I do recommend The C Programming Language book as being an excellent reference for both new programmers and programmers new to C, especially if coming from a Java or C# background.
  15. What I forgot to say is that is that its in Haskell, its well worth learning to gain some experience in functional programming, which is making bit of a come back, whenever I get half a chance I want to have a look at F#, because of its integration with C# and .net.
  16. Web sites arn't web applications, web applications are web applications and they create dynamic user driver content depending on a set of inputs. CSS and HTML are static, with an extremely limited 'interactiveness' such as mouse over events. CSS has its own syntax yes and is intepreted, however the english language has a syntax and you interpret it by reading it or hearing it, that doesn't make it a programming language. If you read my previous posts on this arguement, you'll understand that I don't think of talented web designers as any less than programmers, I certainly wish that I could do wonderful designs but thats not where I've spent my time. However like the difference betwen walking and running, CSS and HTML are not programming languages and never will be because that is not their job. I'm here for a lot of reasons, if you check my member number you'll see that I've been around for a long time as well, I don't try to put people down, but I tire quickly. I would much rather have interesting and interlectual conversations all the time, rather than reiterating a previously discuessed and documented debate to every single new person that comes along. If you would like to settle this and win the arguement, take the last challenge posted (which I submitted a quick solution to already) to create a Ceaser Shift function, which takes a string and an integer to offset each character by (assuming only cycle through the alphabet) that returns the offset string in only HTML and CSS, consider the arguement yours and probably 1337 as you sound like the person that would like to be called that. As previously mentioned, it is an extremely simple algorithm.
  17. Couple of good definitions that will hopefully help you understand and not make the same mistake again. The second one is directly from wikipedia, the first one being from an american unveristy. This also might help you: List of Programming Languages
  18. import Char ceasershift :: [Char] -> Int -> [Char] ceasershift [] offset = [] ceasershift (ch : chs) offset | not (isAlpha ch) = ceasershift chs offset | isUpper ch = [chr (ord 'A' + (mod (ord ch - ord 'A' + offset) 26))] ++ ceasershift chs offset | isLower ch = [chr (ord 'a' + (mod (ord ch - ord 'a' + offset) 26))] ++ ceasershift chs offset I was trying to get it into a single line using a list comprehension but can't think of handling upper and lower cases in it nicely.
  19. Tesla doesn't have a display output, which is why it doesn't have drivers for being a Display Adapter. Memory limitation is due to system architecture and the ability to only address a certain amount of memory due to the size of the address. "Power" isn't address, if you can address all of the cores then you can use all of the power, addressing cores isn't like addressing memory and is built into the card not the system architecture. So if the system has drivers for the card and a slot to use it, then you can used all of the power.
  20. Registering power? How did you come to that?
  21. You can use it in a gaming system, but it wouldn't be really worth it. Games will hopefully start using CUDA, so that its easy for multi-gpu systems can be used, whether for more rendering or physics. If you can get tesla cards to work with other proper graphics card(s) which have an video output then you could see benefits. However it would be better just to get multiple high end gfx cards.
  22. Don't get me wrong, I have a WD MyBook World Edition 1TB which I picked up pretty cheap, and they are easy to hack, only a few annoyances on the hardware. But the problem with them is they are very VERY SLOW. It streams media very nicely, including HD, but getting stuff on their in the first place is like getting blood from a stone!
  23. Not exactly the best solution but if you use something like VMware then you can select the interface to bridge with. So you could create a VM to go through the proxy and download stuff on and then use the actual OS to run the games on, seeming they will go through the one that works.
  24. Glad to hear that you've come to your senses and are doing it in something your well versed in. Good luck with your project.
  25. I don't think anyones going to bother decrypting it for you seeming its a computationally expensive operation. If you want, you can do it though, just start with a, then b, then c, etc, then aa, ab, ac etc. Don't forget to add numbers, upper case, punctuation etc. And encrypt that and compare the output. Now if you don't know the encryption algorithm, your going to want to do that with everyone you can find and compare them all. Good luck, also don't try that on your blackberry. See you in a while.
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