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Everything posted by blizz

  1. blizz


    there's a place in the config.inc.php of every phpmyadmin dist where you can change the authentication type. there's "http" and "cookie" imho.
  2. I like to have some beers from time to time. Yummmm....
  3. hey guys.. chill! get yourself a beer and enjoy lief klein konijntje multiple times
  4. Thanks for altering the wiki markup!
  5. enter that in your console in the appropriate directory: make sudo make install if you do not have sudo installed/working, just become root via su and enter the following: make install
  6. i can't believe this thread actually has 4 pages already.. lol
  7. Yeah, I'll join the KiloNazis today!
  8. film, please use the quote button located at the upper right corner of every post if you want to cite somebody and reply to that. Much easier to read!
  9. Can you hear the napalm raining down on little children burning their little innocent souls? You're responsible now!
  10. We should stop giving a shit about this... That's exactly what other people's job is.
  11. Here's a recent shot of my linux box.
  12. Same here. In fact i recreate my bookmarks every reformat, they're very few.
  13. blizz


    virtualdub is free imho
  14. However, I managed to capture a screenshot of my bookmarks, too:
  15. Dude, that whole forum will become SO X-rated now.... :-)
  16. [blizz@baraddur:~]$ ssh root@Duelus [root@Duelus:~]$ whatis irony irony: nothing appropriate i knew it!
  17. Whoa, what theme is that? Is it Vista? Is it .. SINGULARITY?!
  18. Yes, PHP is fine for beginners. Read that, page by page: http://www.php.net/manual/en/introduction.php You will most likely have to setup an apache webserver, php and later mysql on your mom's machine (I think that was you, wasn't it? Hehehe..) Have fun, I was a php god once. I ascended into rubyism then *scnr* :-)
  19. blizz

    Flash 9

    You seriously hurt my feelings... More and more I'm being banned from flash sites because they need >= 7. But 7 is the only version for l33tnox :-)
  20. WTF on those naming conventions! In germany we have subjects called: Mathematics Economy English Physical Edu. German Religion/Ethics etc That's about it. You can reach a maximum of 15 points each. Anyway, my average used to be 11.something/15 which is actually really good, but I'm a lazy ass bastard and I don't have any fucking ambition. Well, I don't have to, need no minimum average to go to uni. I want to study Computer Sciences and Physics and it seems like nobody wants to study that here so we have no limitations on how many people may do it. The funny outcome is: 50% quit after the first term. The others will be decimated to even less. Don't know how it's in the UK/USA. Studying is very cheap over here, it used to be completely free of charge (except for the books of course) but now due to poor policy we will have to pay 500 euros per term. Still quite cheap compared to other countries.
  21. Soo, let me explain the whole thing: (Lots of stuff kinda copied from manuals, too!) CXX = g++ CXXFLAGS = -g -W -Wall -Werror -pipe -O2 -march=athlon64 Two compiler specific variables have been assigned here: CXX The C++ compiler we want to use. g++ is the GNU project's C++ compiler. CXXFLAGS these are flags which will be passed to the compiler above. -g generates debugging information which can be used by gdb (maybe also by other debuggers, I don't know). -W -Wall -Werror enables all kinds of errors and warnings during the compile process. -pipe should decrease the time needed for compiling, as pipes should be faster than temp files for communication between the different stages of compilation. -O2 will enable certain speed optimizations. -march=athlon64 will enable all architecture specific features an Athlon 64 architecture is able to understand (SSE2 for example). INCLUDE_PATH = -I/usr/include/GL -I/usr/include/SDL Here we defined the INCLUDE_PATH, so the compiler will know where it can look for headers which have been included in our files. (e.g.: #include <SDL.h>) LIBRARIES = GL GLU SDL boost_signals LIBRARY_PATH = -L/usr/X11R6/lib LDFLAGS = $(LIBRARY_PATH) $(addprefix -l,$(LIBRARIES)) This are some informations for the linker. We basically have a LIBRARY_PATH which is quite similar to the include path - the only difference here is, that g++ will look for libraries in those directories. LIBRARIES is simply a list of words which we need later for LDFLAGS. LDFLAGS finally concatenates the LIBRARY_PATH and it does *something* with LIBRARIES. The addprefix macro will take a list of words (LIBRARIES here) and add prefixes. So GL GLU SDL will be expanded to -lGL -lGLU -lSDL! -l means that the linker should take those libraries into concideration when linking together objects. The resulting binary/library will carry that information and be able to use it. SOURCES = $(call collect,%.cpp) OBJECTS = $(patsubst %.cpp,%.o,$(SOURCES)) DEPS = $(patsubst %.cpp,%.dep,$(SOURCES)) collect = $(foreach n,$(wildcard $(2)*),$(filter $(1),$(n)) $(call collect,$(1),$(n)/)) Yeah, that one's a bitch. First of all, SOURCES will call the collect macro. What does it do? Well, it will search in a certain directory for files with certain extensions. You can define both the root directory of its search AND the files it should find. I'll explain later. For now, imagine that SOURCES is defined as "main.cpp foo.cpp bar.cpp". OBJECTS merely takes SOURCES and replaces the .cpp with .o. So how will OBJECTS look like? Right, "main.o foo.o bar.o". DEPS is the same, except it will be "main.dep foo.dep bar.dep". Soo, how does collect work? First of all, it will search for all files and directories in the current dir (or the one you passed to it as second parameter). Then it will iterate over that list and do something with every element. If the element contains $(1), which is our file extension .cpp, it will add it to the result. Regardless of what it is, call collect on it again. Yesyes, it's recursive! And if our item happens to be a subdirectory, we'll collect the .cpp files it contains. And so on. I'd explain the rest of it later. Or maybe even in the Wiki, because then I (and others too) can improve it and make it more powerful. Ultimate Makefiles will lead to ultimate world domination!
  22. I agree, that is also something I wanted to add. That's what configure usually does. I thought I'd leave out any comments, but yes I originally wanted to explain my Makefile, too, or better explain how make works in general. Let me write that up.
  23. Yay someone answered. Thank you! dicksize++
  24. It's you're stupid, stupid! jk :-) Shit, i haven't been around much in the last few months. Are there always such questions on the forum? And how can we avoid them? ;-) Anyway, to help you: Usually this popup appears if .. gets killed. But it can also be invoked manually or by some script/virus/whatsoever. Anyway, you can stop the shutdown by entering shutdown -a in the windows commandline I think. Please correct me if I'm wrong! I'm a l33tn0x d00d!
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