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Everything posted by careless223

  1. You have no technolust. Buying an MP3 player is for noobs. How about the DIY mp3 player? This is a bigger store so they might have the internet radio stream. No way to replace this with your own stream?
  2. careless223


    Wow. The sad thing is that this has probably happened.
  3. Damn. I still have a T290i. I wonder if it wil run Linux.......
  4. I see you all and raise you -my thumbs -my soul -and my 7800gt
  5. Would there be any other way to do this? Maybe hardwire something into the PA? This is all hypothetical of course. Breaking the law is illegal. ;)
  6. Yes the store that I am looking at has a wireless network for customers to connect to when they sit there to drink their coffee in the morning. The network uses WEP encryption. Easy to crack. Not a problem. The store has no DJ or any other radio station so it is probably from a PC or if not that just a CD player. Does anyone who works at a store know anything about the systems used?
  7. This idea struck me today after I went shopping. All through the time that I was there was some very irritating music playing over the sound system. I wanted to tune it to my audio stream (courtsey of episode 5) to listen to my own music while I was there instead of Christina Aguilera. Does anyone know if the stores have computer to play their music and ads or if they are just a radio station? Has anyone ever heard of or attempted anything like this before?
  8. You will burn your f*ucking house down if you light thermite inside. Not only will you destroy all evidence on your harddrive but you will destroy all your possesions in the process. A better method would be to remove the platters from the disk case and put them in a vat on muratic acid. This is readily available at any pool supply store.
  9. Ok ille go for a hardware RAID then. Thanks for the help man.
  10. I foudn my problem. The disk drive is a cd drive not a DVD drive. The disk was an original Server 2003 disk but it was on a DVD. I also tried it with Knoppix which was also on a DVD. But It boots from it now. I ripped the DVD to my comp and burned it to a CD. The ISO was only 500 something megs. Why not just list the cd rom drive in the BIOS boot list? I booted from the CD and now it does not find my hard drives because I have not RAIDed them yet but now my question is, Is it better to do a software raid or use the RAID controller to set up a RAID array on Windows Server 2003?
  11. My model is a poweredge 4300. The OS that I am trying to install is Servert 2003. I think read somewhere that I had to have a bootdisk to start the installation. Is that true? Yes the CD drive is an SCSI drive and there is no onboard IDE that I can connect a drive to.
  12. So I got a dell poweredge server a few days ago and it only allows me to boot from the onboard scsi and floppy drive. There is a CD drive but no option to boot from it in the BIOS. So my question is how do I install the OS without booting from a CD. Is there an application that comes on a floppy that can make the machine boot from the CD drive? Because the drives are scsi I cannot just swap them with my current machine and install from there. I also do not have the original CDs that came with the machine and I have no way of getting them.
  13. The Windows 2000 password reset worked. Thanks people.
  14. It is a server. That means SCSI drives. I have SATA(n).
  15. I just got a server from work that has Windows Server 2000 installed. The person who gave it to me could not remember the administrator password and the only way to get it would be from the IT guys and they would never give it to me. It won't let me boot from a CD only from a floppy or from the internal harddrives. I need a way to either overwrite the current password or extract the SAM so I can crack it myself. It has no data on it that I want I just need the server. // careless223
  16. Ah you see but that is the local machine. I need an account on the server so that I can log into any computer on the network with full admin privleges. I already made a little batch file to make the local account. Even if I were to use a boot CD then I would most definentily get caught. I know there is a command from the can be executed from the local admin machine that creates a account on the server. I need to loging to the server to do what I want. I would normally do this with a live CD and my laptop but because the time frame is so short, i need a wuick easy wasy that will look inconspicous.
  17. Get a email bomber. There everywhere and a script kiddie like you could abviously use them without any trouble. Net Tools has a crapload of them built in.
  18. www.presidentalsluts.com The best free porn there is. >.> [/bullshit]
  19. The problem is that I don't have that sort of time. I have maybe a window of 5 minutes to do this. Plus I can't get the pass hashes so brute forcing is not an option. Is there any quick command line command that will make an account on the network?
  20. Ime sorry but getting porn for free can be done easily with *cough*bittorrent*cough. I do not endorse piracy but it is better to get caught downloading porn than getting caught as an amateur script kiddie trying to break into a site. Basically if you don't know anything about security your not going to be able to just "hack" a site. It is not a point and click operation.
  21. If there is an admin account on a local machine, is there any way to create an admin on a Windows 2003 network server from the admin on the local machine. Basically this is the setup. There is a server login and a local machine login. On boot there is the option to boot from the local machine. This option is not available to regular users who have to log into the server. I have an admin account that I created on the local machine but not I need to create one on the network server so that I do not have to make the admin on every computer on the network that I use.
  22. You could use a batch file to make an admin account on a local machine and have acess from there. the code would be @echo off net user Admin /add /expires:never /passwordreq:no net localgroup "Administrators" /add admin just paste it into notepad and name it admin maker.bat If you get in trouble or expelled then thats not my fault. >.>
  23. Well I told them today. I did have soem fun though and installed half-life and doom on some machines that I use. I dropped the admins a text file in tehir floders and ime shure they have seen it by now. I realize now that it is not about that you can do it. Its about learning from poking around and not doing it. To all the n00bs and script kiddies that have posted on this thread I hope that you can learn from what you find.
  24. It was acturally a snafu on the admins side. You can run a dos executable (batch file) on all the machines. So what I did was run that file which made another account on the local machine. From there I logged onto the local machine and tried to disable deepfreeze. Deepfreeze is a program that prevents writing to the disk. We all have our own usernames and passwords that we log on with but there is a seceret student account and a seceret geust account. In addition to our credentials we are also granted a 200 meg partition on the local school server. This we are able to write to. So I fired up process explorer. (Another mistake by the admins. No executable should be able to run without admin privleges.) I killed deepfreeze so I coul dnow write to the disk. I ran a modified version of my batch file which created another account on the local machine. This time the username was gfunk with the password of r93jgns'3b. I made shure it wasent tracable to me. From here I could run cmd and all other applications and install anything. I went onto the main server where all the logon info is stored and copied the SAM file to my USB drive and took it home. I fired up Cain and Able and logged onto Rainbow Crack. I had the admin usernames and passwords within 5 minutes.
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