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Posts posted by okiwan

  1. nice story. if hak5 ever becomes a talk show like oprah i bet you could be there first guest. seriously thats pretty cool how the show helped you do all that. if the show never existed you probably would have never gone on the trip an you would be sad.

    as for the charges to your phone. upgrade your plan to unlimited data. thats what i have, so i can use it as much as i want. or you could wifi tether to your laptop an check your maps from there. or you could stop by a cell phone store an play with one of there models an copy down the ESN an other info you need an change your phones to that during the trip.

  2. <img SRC="http://counter.dreamhost.com/cgi-bin/Count.cgi?df=twitterphishr1.dat&dd=E&istrip=T&pad=F&ft=0" ALT="">

    an heres the bigger one.

    <a href="http://www.easycounter.com/"> 
          <img src="http://www.easycounter.com/counter.php?hak5darren"
          border="0" alt="Free Web Counter"></a>

  3. i think it is a counter. it says 2051 for me now.

    edit: ya its a counter for dreamhost an the big counter is one of those free ones you find every where. i dont know why he put two.

  4. Clever, but then how does that tie in with WASTE and port 1337?

    Edit: I just noticed a small '2049' in the lower-right of TwittrPhishr (once you've been phishd). Was that there before?

    im not sure i never entered anything into it before. could be another clue.

  5. i have an idea. what if the twitter phisher site is actually a login for the darknet?

    thats why he mentioned the site a few episodes back for no reason.

    thats why there is "no such thing as a hak5 darknet"

    thats why the QR code is next to the twitter phisher link in his sig.

    i bet that has something to do with it.

  6. okiwan, are you twelve? Sorry you can't appreciate how cool this project could be. I work way too many hours, barely enough time to sleep. I think it would be sweet to have a wall mounted waterproof touchscreen monitor in my bathroom. Then I could get a little more entertainment in my day.


    do you understand what sarcasm is? :blink: it was a joke. no need to get offended. like i really know enough about you to think you would want to build this project just to watch porn. if it makes you feel any better i would watch porn in the shower if i had it. ;) i would even have the screen mounted waist high. can you guess what i would use for a stylus?

  7. theres a few new apps preinstalled, the software center has a different look and its got a featured, an a whats new section. theres also a history tab on the left. every thing seems to be organized better too.

  8. upgrading as i type. i hear the software center is all reworked basically looking like the android market place with featured apps an now paid apps. even though 10.04 had a featured apps but only in one section.

    now that its not lucid linx an its maverick meerkat i wonder if there gonna make little meerkat stuff animals.

  9. good point. it would be crazy to take a plane every week to shoot. lol

    but wait....aren't they wearing different cloths each episode in the studio?

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